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Russia / Ukraine thread

So whats the point of taking chernobyl? Is there something stashed there we dont know about. It would be a great place to hide something.

My bets would be:
1. Controlling power to the Ukraine
2. It was "on the way in"
3. Keeping someone from deciding that its better to cause it to slag itself rather than let the Russians take it

Aaron Z
Lets not forget the old classic warm water port motive.

I've been limiting my consumption of mainstream media on this and focusing on as close to primary sources as I can get - twitter pictures and videos mostly, which is pretty eye opening as long as you are smart enough to sort out the fakes (like the air-air Mig29 launching rockets that appear out of nowhere on a house with surprisingly good resolution for no particular reason), video game footage (of a couple AA shootdowns of non-COMblock planes), and stuff from 2014.

The one thing that is clear is that while I really want the Ukraine to be able to resist the Russian Army, we all know they are simply out gunned, and they are just trying to stay alive long enough for somebody or something to intervene. With that being said, they are putting up a good fight. Lots of pictures of obviously Russian Armor destroyed, RU attack helicopters downed, russian casualties, ect.

We talk a lot about NATO not being involved, and the shit show that would be, but if you think about it, look at how well the Ukrainians have resisted so far, and then scale that up to actual NATO numbers. Barring the involvement of Nukes, I think the Russians would end up backing down, or else they'd end up with a lot of destroyed equipment, very quickly.

I also saw that Estonia said they will be supplying Javalins, Medical equipment, and MREs to Ukraine.

I think the international condemnation and willingness to sanction is more powerful than the sanctions themselves - He knew those would happen, and planned as such.

Also, I highly, highly, highly doubt the ghost of Kyiv thing. It sounds like the plot line to the Ace-Combat Series of games. But boy wouldn't it be cool if I was wrong.

My GF doesn't want to hear about Russia at all, so I'm getting all of my geopolitical thoughts out here.
Perfect base of operations right along the way.

Nobody would (in theory) strike it for fear of making half of Europe glow in the dark so to speak.
Oh - The other thought I had was about the Russian Casualties. Ukrainian Propaganda is claiming around 1000 Russian casualties. While I'm sure they are embellishing, I bet it's not too far off that/way more than that by the time they actually enter Kyiv and find an AK74 and molotov cocktail around every corner. For scale, we lost 2401 in Afghanistan and 4431 in Iraq over 20 years. This isn't going to be popular in Russia.
If its the one my coworker was talking about, she gave him a bunch of sunflower seeds and told him to put them in his pockets so when he gets buried there will be sunflowers growing on his grave.

Aaron Z
that's fucking savage.

Oh - The other thought I had was about the Russian Casualties. Ukrainian Propaganda is claiming around 1000 Russian casualties. While I'm sure they are embellishing, I bet it's not too far off that/way more than that by the time they actually enter Kyiv and find an AK74 and molotov cocktail around every corner. For scale, we lost 2401 in Afghanistan and 4431 in Iraq over 20 years. This isn't going to be popular in Russia.
The Ukrainians may very well lose the physical battle....but I believe they will inevitably win the emotional war (for whatever good that does).

Nothing is more dangerous than a person defending their beloved home, with no visible way out.
So whats the point of taking chernobyl? Is there something stashed there we dont know about. It would be a great place to hide something.

It is the shortest land route to Kyiv, best way to move troops/equipment into Kyiv via land.

My bets would be:
1. Controlling power to the Ukraine
2. It was "on the way in"
3. Keeping someone from deciding that its better to cause it to slag itself rather than let the Russians take it

Aaron Z
There are no operating reactors in Chernobyl, so no gain there. Last one went offline around 2000.
Since Russia is kinda busy right now, the entire west should immediately move toward Moskow and take the entire fuking country from that idiot. The USA buys a LOT of oil from Russia.

Ukraine is doing really good, making money, advancing in tech and IT... Putin is a jealous little fuck that can't run his country anywhere but into the ground.
i too have that same view, sink or swim, bottom line russia has their hands in way too much and in alot of ways hold the upper hand. sucks to admit. we need their oil, last i heard like 7-10 percent of what we use we import from them, especially now since we shot down the idea of the keystone pipe, genius move there. :mad3:

sorry random thoughts and i get a bit fired up over this BS because what the hell did anyone think would happen if russia move an army to the border with ukraine. :shocked:

Pretty sure we could generate our own oil if we wanted. Or from Canada. If unwilling to do that then yeah it's pretty much, take what you want just don't hurt me too badly attitude.

Maybe Europe should get off their green asses and drill their own gas as well.
hopefully these load in order:

Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:
I had that question, is there literally no gas to be had in Germany from a geological abnormality, or they just don't want to drill because dirty, just outsource it a few hundred miles away and it's suddenly clean.
Pretty sure we could generate our own oil if we wanted. Or from Canada. If unwilling to do that then yeah it's pretty much, take what you want just don't hurt me too badly attitude.

Maybe Europe should get off their green asses and drill their own gas as well.
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Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:
Or softening defense around them and allowing access to the facility so they can be taken.
Pretty sure we could generate our own oil if we wanted. Or from Canada. If unwilling to do that then yeah it's pretty much, take what you want just don't hurt me too badly attitude.

Maybe Europe should get off their green asses and drill their own gas as well.
Maybe we should put the progressive politicians out of a job and get another Trump like POTUS in. That was the biggest shift I can remember of us being energy independent and a net exporter of oil vs net purchaser. We are perfectly capable of being energy independent. Its just the progressive cucks that feel somehow we need to be harder on ourself in order for it to appear more fair to the rest of the world. Fuck ever progressive out there with a rusty Buick, fuck them straight to Hell
I had that question, is there literally no gas to be had in Germany from a geological abnormality, or they just don't want to drill because dirty, just outsource it a few hundred miles away and it's suddenly clean.

50% is Russian.
Germanies big mistake was taking the nuklear plants offline.
50% is Russian.
Germanies big mistake was taking the nuklear plants offline.
I don't understand the dislike for newer gen nuclear, other than the amount of fucking retarded gov't bullshit mandated to implement it. I get we need safety, and a company might cut corners if not watched. The amount of hoops is financially and operationally stifling the greenest of production methods. Yes, btw, I'd love a non 1950's nuke plant in my backyard (10ish miles away so I can't always hear it and see the lights etc)
Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:
It is mostly true. UNC started it with making it transferable to dogs I believe. Notice how the Covid-19 vaccine was available for dogs at most any tractor supply/feed store long before it was even developed for humans. The DARPA EMAIL and then all for Gates & Fauchi connections directly to Wuhan. And all the Chinese scientists that have worked at all these bio facilities labs. Obama right before he left office made Gain of Function legal again.

It is all part of the progressive agenda. If anyone thinks its about just one country they are fools. Its the same reason why Canadas Aldolf Hitler flew to Klaus in germany when he was supposedly exposed to covid when thebtruckers first stated. Its world wide people. Wake up, otherwise there is zero reason for the BLM Floyd protests to be in Europe without them being promoted by the elites.

This is still NAZI shit. We never finished them off after WW2 and now we are looking at potentially WW3 with similar scenarios.
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I had that question, is there literally no gas to be had in Germany from a geological abnormality, or they just don't want to drill because dirty, just outsource it a few hundred miles away and it's suddenly clean.
They had the same issue in WW2, reason they went to north Africa. They also turned coal into diesel due to lack of oil.
Since Russia is kinda busy right now, the entire west should immediately move toward Moskow and take the entire fuking country from that idiot. The USA buys a LOT of oil from Russia.

Ukraine is doing really good, making money, advancing in tech and IT... Putin is a jealous little fuck that can't run his country anywhere but into the ground.

Yes, let's invade another sovereign nation, y'know, since that always works out well for the invader. Ref. Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine.:homer::lmao:

50% is Russian.
Germanies big mistake was taking the nuklear plants offline.

Finally. After however many years between the old site and here, you post something sensical. Will wonders never cease?
Since Russia is kinda busy right now, the entire west should immediately move toward Moskow and take the entire fuking country from that idiot. The USA buys a LOT of oil from Russia.

Welcome to the club of buying resources from people that hate you. You probably want all those nukes back now dont ya.

I don't understand the dislike for newer gen nuclear, other than the amount of fucking retarded gov't bullshit mandated to implement it. I get we need safety, and a company might cut corners if not watched. The amount of hoops is financially and operationally stifling the greenest of production methods.

Its takes 2 or 3 times as long to build a nuke plant and costs 10x as much. As long as ng stays cheap it doesn't pencil out unless gov puts an incentive on it. The new nuke stuff is terrific technology the gov should be pushing that instead of wind farms and solar.
I don't understand the dislike for newer gen nuclear, other than the amount of fucking retarded gov't bullshit mandated to implement it. I get we need safety, and a company might cut corners if not watched. The amount of hoops is financially and operationally stifling the greenest of production methods. Yes, btw, I'd love a non 1950's nuke plant in my backyard (10ish miles away so I can't always hear it and see the lights etc)
Fear and propaganda. You say nuclear power, Chernobyl is the first thing anyone remembers. That's been played up to death by anyone who opposes nuclear energy. Whether that's leftists pushing pipe dream green energy or big coal. Then there's the fear mongering of nuclear waste and how to dispose of it. It's played up as an environmental disaster waiting to happen when in reality there's very little waste by-product from nuclear energy production and what little there is is safely, and easily disposed of.

Like anything else in this country, the obvious solution to a problem is the last thing we'll resort to.
The Ukrainians may very well lose the physical battle....but I believe they will inevitably win the emotional war (for whatever good that does).
Nothing is more dangerous than a person defending their beloved home, with no visible way out.
Exactly, I suspect that Russian soldiers aren't personally committed and the Ukrainians are all in.

Aaron Z
Don't worry, Brandon will fix it all....

So interesting watching a true professional at their craft. When you write fantasy for a living like Mr. King...the words flow so easily
Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:
I cannot help but believe it to be true. If this is ww3, why in the holy hell would putin not take out the lines of cars with evacuating citizens in them. Make a point, win the war, end the war. Even better yet, drop a bomb. No, this is something else. Look at this hand and dont pay attention to what is happening over there in the other hand.

If it were about the donetsk region, putin would just take it back. Mightily. Instead he is jumping around all over the country, leaving most of the msn's clueless about a "strategy".
There are no operating reactors in Chernobyl, so no gain there. Last one went offline around 2000.
Ah, I thought they still had one running.

It is mostly true. UNC started it with making it transferable to dogs I believe. Notice how the Covid-19 vaccine was available for dogs at most any tractor supply/feed store long before it was even developed for humans.
IIRC, that was a generic Coronavirus vaccine and was not specific to COVID-19, no idea if it worked against it or not.

Aaron Z
I also saw that Estonia said they will be supplying Javalins, Medical equipment, and MREs to Ukraine.
I believe they have a stockpile of javelins that we and others have sent over the past few years...... think charlie wilson and operation cyclone
Ah, I thought they still had one running.

IIRC, that was a generic Coronavirus vaccine and was not specific to COVID-19, no idea if it worked against it or not.

Aaron Z
My understanding is it came out at the same time as the gain of function research was done to make it transmutable to dogs. All from the UNC. IIRC
Hopefully that's easier to read. But holy shit. If this is true. A: that's pretty fucked up and B: what kind of shit storm did he just release by blowing them up and spreading whatever was in them all over. :eek:
Hence my comment that I hoped they used thermobaric weapons. Prolonged explosion and much hotter and covers a larger area.
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