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Russia / Ukraine thread

Oh what a coincidence, Taiwan just reported Chinese warplanes in their ADZ.
This is almost word for word exactly what my german buddy over that just said to me. Hes currently in Georiga with his wife helping folks get out of ukraine.
Zelensky is apparently in Germany telling his army to be brave and fight to the death. Likely ousted by the cabal running the country.

Putin is telling their Army that they swore an oath to the people of their country, not those currently in charge. Lay down your arms and walk away from military installations.

Again, Putin keeps repeating “special military operation"…. Not “declared war” as the media wants you to believe.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Zelensky has encouraged, maybe worked a deal with Putin to come in and clean out the cabal and the corrupt government. The cabal hates Putin & Trump for wanting them out and exposed. No surprise Hillary & Biden have been twisting Americans thoughts to hate Putin…. He’s the one in the right removing the hostels that took over the neighbors country ….. just my 1000’ view
...What do you want us to do legally? Do we have a signed mutual defense treaty that binds us to military action?

I agree, it's fucked that Russia is just moving in on it's neighbor. That doesn't mean that we have to take action.
I kind of agree with this statement. It doesn't always have to be us doing the legwork but we are a member of NATO as well. Once Russia is in and rooted, it will be impossible to get them out. It just kills me that the trillions in American tax money that has gone to NATO which was created to prevent this very particular thing from happening is so useless. As previously stated, Russia should have met hell when they tried to cross that border and if you think he is going to stop with Ukraine, you are crazy.
Oh well youve convinced me, Winston Churchill. Lets fire up the draft machine and send ever able bodied US male to the border of Ukraine!!

Have you seen this age group?
Take a walk by a high school and realllly look
you can call them lots of things, but fighters are not one of them
Kinda scared seeing this, especially being dead center in the draft age range.

But sure is interesting seeing 2 information age militaries fighting. Seems to be going the way such a conflict was predicted to go.

Today is Ukraine
Next week, Poland
Next month Serbia
Then Croatia
Then alaska& HI...
Then California! And avocados and nuts!
Then Mexico.
Next thing you know, they're on your doorstep!

This message was brought to you by our sponsors, Raytheon. We thank you.

Hey Russia, you don't get to be a country no more, on account of you keep on attacking THE WORLD.
Ah, so the Biden administration is actually paying Putin to invade to essentially eliminate anyone that will turn on Biden during any potential investigation that happens after the mid-term elections, and the bombs are to help ensure any evidence of any Biden family wrongdoing is destroyed.

Neat. :tinfoil:
Once Russia is in and rooted, it will be impossible to get them out.
If Greece takes over Italy, Poland over Belgium, Russia over Ukraine, USA over Cuba, jordan over Qatar, who gives a fuck?

Is America the world police? Why the fuck should we be? How has that worked out? Vietnam, Korea, ME. Please tell me what it's resolved.

if they go in, have a war by the rules, don't go all genocide, don't go chemical weapons, Ukraine surrenders, Russia +1, why do I care? Peace restored under Russian flag, clean up begins. Why. Should. I. Care?

I get it though, pro-war. War for freedom! War against war! :shaking:

It just kills me that the trillions in American tax money that has gone to NATO (((stop here. Anything after here is idiotic))) which was created to prevent this very particular thing from happening is so useless.

Curious, I think you're a past/ present member of armed services, right? Are you the type that asks for 5% military discount, everywhere, 24/7?
Ah, so the Biden administration is actually paying Putin to invade to essentially eliminate anyone that will turn on Biden during any potential investigation that happens after the mid-term elections, and the bombs are to help ensure any evidence of any Biden family wrongdoing is destroyed.

Neat. :tinfoil:
If you’re referring to my speculation…. I think it’s the other way around. Biden doesn’t want the corrupt cabal ousted, that would kill the worlds money laundering hot spot.
Curious, I think you're a past/ present member of armed services, right? Are you the type that asks for 5% military discount, everywhere, 24/7?
Wow. And you don't think it is deserved?

:flipoff:You hit a nerve here and it's typically 10% if not more. 5% mainly just at hotels...

It's worthless mouthy fuks like you I prefer to just send on out into the front. In FRONT of the front lines.
Wow. And you don't think it is deserved?

:flipoff:You hit a nerve here and it's typically 10% if not more. 5% mainly just at hotels...

It's worthless mouthy fuks like you I prefer to just send on out into the front. In FRONT of the front lines.
Going to quote this for posterity.

With your 10% savings, you'd think you could afford a skull:stirthepot:
Chamberlain would be proud!

We need to support Ukraine because if we don't it is open season on changing borders by conquest. Most of the civilized worlds borders have been stable since WWII. China and others are watching to see the worlds reaction and doing the math on whether sanctions alone can hurt them enough to care.

There is no way to appease Putin. He will take what he thinks he can get away with. I'm sure he has plans for Georgia, Moldova, Belarus and so on... Any country that was part of Russia at any part of history should be prepare and entrench now.

Saw a graph that said Finland gets 100% of their NGas from Russia. What the hell were they thinking?
Thank you for injecting logic and facts into the thread. Too many people here have their head in the sand like the majority did in the U.S. in the 1930's and early 1940's.

Today is Ukraine
Next week, Poland
Next month Serbia
Then Croatia
Then alaska& HI...
Then California! And avocados and nuts!
Then Mexico.
Next thing you know, they're on your doorstep!

This message was brought to you by our sponsors, Raytheon. We thank you.
Are you saying it's the Domino effect???

That has been our justification for sacrificing TENS of thousands of American lives for 60 years and it's always been bullshit.

(I recognize this was sarcasm, but people believe this & think this way)
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Wow. And you don't think it is deserved?

:flipoff:You hit a nerve here and it's typically 10% if not more. 5% mainly just at hotels...

It's worthless mouthy fuks like you I prefer to just send on out into the front. In FRONT of the front lines.
It is hysterical. What hits a nerve is me MENTIONING YOUR DISCOUNT.

I said zero more then mention it.

That's fucking funny.

The last part, tells me we have the wrong people in positions of power. Which, if you want, could be circled back to the first point.

And is the exact reason we shouldn't be fighting wars all the time.

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