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Russia / Ukraine thread

We need to support Ukraine because if we don't it is open season on changing borders by conquest.
as opposed to changing borders via?

Most of the civilized worlds borders have been stable since WWII.
Because of force.

Show of force grows or collapse borders. Today. 1950.1850.1750.1650. 2000bc.

We should've kept the ME when we invaded.
Google Funkers530 you lazy fuck. They also just released an App for your phone.
It's the domino affect. Not directly, but indirectly. After some needed research I've discovered Ukraine is going to affect us quite a bit. Boils down to more money going to Russia. I would list the many things and feel smart by doing so, but instead here's a good read. Appears to me we will see a 5% hit on basically everything if we don't send another 5% to Russia.

Which is, of course, the logic that’s had us in nearly-constant war since what, ‘91? It’s nonsense. Our government can’t handle the responsibility. Since we’ve veered ever closer to 1984, we need to be constantly aware of what perpetual war does to our OWN freedoms.
List me off a few effects a Russian invasion of Ukraine effects me or mines today, tomorrow or 5 years from now.
watch the price of oil go up. People will cut spending which will put a down turn in the economy. There will be ripples throughout the world over this shit. It has nothing to do with us but it has everything to do with us .

He would never do this under trumps watch. Trump would have had reapers circling waiting for the first tank to cross the boarder.
Our gifted Javelins really taking a toll on Russian armor, and a Russian zu-23-2 that the Ukrainians have successfully captured.
ETA: You do understand there are German U-Boats sunk off our coast right? Like as in swimming distance from American soil. There is one that used to stick out of the water in Willoughby Spit and another that got caught in the chain nets at NOB? If you stand on what used to be pier 12, renamed to pier 23 now I think, and point out at your 2:00, there is the remains of a German Sub down there.
was there?

excerpt: "HRNM Curator Joe Judge cleared up the mystery for readers of the Bay Journal in 2010 when he identified the shallow hull as the remains of the torpedo boat USS Stringham, which was decommissioned in 1913 and sold to a private company a decade later. But when you consider what the torpedo boat actually looked like, it is not difficult to imagine why she would have been mistaken for a submarine for all these years."
We get boots on the ground to deliver an ass whoopin in defense of an an action taken against us.

but here is the twist.... THEN WE GET THE HELL OUT!! That is the point that continuously gets lost. We put boots on the ground and decide we are going to build a better nation and stay there for fucking ever.
Forget that shit. Obama and Biden have been working on this with Putin for a long time. If we send any troops to die it will be a slow feed of death to show he did something, nothing else.
Now, I'm adventurous and all. But I sure as fuck won't be walking up to any part of a missile sticking in the ground that doesn't have a huge hole around it.
Is it just my lack of war experience showing or is there a lot of un-exoploded ordinance or possibly unarmed ordinance?
Oh well youve convinced me, Winston Churchill. Lets fire up the draft machine and send ever able bodied US male to the border of Ukraine!!


oh but wait ukraine was invented out of thin air in the 1930's by the Bolsheviks. So what boundary do we use? Is supporting the Bolsheviks supporting communism? Or is fighting russia fighting communism? Im so confused,
The fact that you shot yourself in the ass and blamed it on your buddy dry humping you is not lost on me. Ironically, I believe it was a communist block pistol that you ass shot yourself with. Perhaps a piece of shit Makarov? Cuz the commie guns makes muh happy.

But I digress, you are historically immature and rarely add to any serious conversations and I am not about to waste my time providing you with a world history and economics lesson. In fact, troll all you want and I am not going to respond to your infantile statements anymore because frankly, there is just no value in them. You never served in the military but you have all kinds of input about what our military should or should not be used for. Much like a politician. So enjoy your trolling and stick your head in the sand about Ukraine. Your opinion is noted.
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I think the media hype on this is nothing more than to anger Americans and to validate Biden going in and protecting his families cash cow and the corrupt officials helping them
This is almost word for word exactly what my german buddy over that just said to me. Hes currently in Georiga with his wife helping folks get out of ukraine.
was there?

excerpt: "HRNM Curator Joe Judge cleared up the mystery for readers of the Bay Journal in 2010 when he identified the shallow hull as the remains of the torpedo boat USS Stringham, which was decommissioned in 1913 and sold to a private company a decade later. But when you consider what the torpedo boat actually looked like, it is not difficult to imagine why she would have been mistaken for a submarine for all these years."
Wrong place for the NOB one. I dove what was left of it and it still stirred a very big pot and I dove for the Navy. Never even heard about the HRBT wreck and I have dove the tunnels several times. Very anxiety induced dive with all the traffic running over you and those freighters going into NIT are not too far from scraping bottom. If you had an emergency surface there is a 50/50 chance you are going to be fucked either way.

Also an intact Uboat sitting off the coast of Nags Head. The VA coast is scattered with torpedoed ships including the USS York. which was loaded with jeeps, tanks and munitions. I have the brass letters off the island and a bunch of shells of various sizes. Somewhere there are pictures of us sitting in the jeeps like we were taking an underwater drive.
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