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Russia / Ukraine thread

Putin is playing Canasta and Biden is trying to get through Go Fish and losing.
Putin is proficient with a Tig and is building a buggy with a tube bender and infinite sticks of DOM. Biden is trying to put together an little red wagon with an erector set thats lost 90% of its pieces.
Putin is building a nuclear sub from scratch and Biden is making bubbles in the bathtub all by himself.
If you go into the situation trying to nation-build and be best friends, it is very hard and expensive. If you simply blow away or disappear anyone who is a problem, the whole thing gets much easier.
Even then it's hard, ask the Commies about Finland and the Nazi's about Europe. And they didn't care about being woke and avoiding the term genocide.
Right now we're importing around 16 million barrels a month from Russia.

The Biden administration will suspend new federal oil and gas leasing following a court ruling.
Background: At the beginning of his term, President Biden reverted to Obama-era methods for oil and gas leasing by which it calculates the social cost of climate change.
On February 11, Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana blocked the administration’s method of calculating the social costs associated with greenhouse gases.
Judge Cain blocked federal agencies from considering findings from the White House Interagency Working Group, which had been tasked with devising new metrics based on the Obama-era calculations. It also bars the administration from considering the global impacts of greenhouse gas emissions, one of the major distinctions that made the Obama estimates far higher than the Trump administration’s.
Cain issued the ruling in response to a lawsuit from 10 GOP-led states, agreeing that “the balance of the injuries” from considering those costs “weighs substantially in favor” of those states, saying it “directly causes harm” to their economies. (per The Hill)
What Happened: On Saturday, the Justice Department asked the court to stay the injunction, arguing that its appeal of the decision will succeed.

“From President Nixon on, every President has imposed some internal Executive Branch requirement for federal agencies to assess the costs and benefits of major government actions,” the filing states. “The injunction further calls into question the authority of the past three Administrations to provide standardized guidance to agencies on appropriate methods of estimating the social cost of greenhouse-gas emissions.”
What Comes Next: In the meantime, “work surrounding public-facing rules, grants, leases, permits and other projects has been delayed or stopped altogether so that agencies can assess whether and how they can proceed,” the filing stated
Can you actually blame Putin? He sees the west as a bunch of retarded pussies right now. He wants to bring back the old USSR.

I didn't think he was going to do it. I guess I underestimated how weak he actually sees us as.

I think China will make a move for Taiwan now.
They don’t have the naval capability to try and take Taiwan right now. Give it 10 years once their type 075 ships are ready and it might happen.
So I'm hearing within the next couple hours it's going to happen...there's a NOTAM from Russia out for a big area of the border and they ain't talking anymore.

Following here is probably best bet for vetted up to date info:
Twitter says it’s on. Gunfire/explosions happening in Mariupol. The RQ4B drone in the area that has its transponder on his leaving station earlier than it normally would based on the past couple days.
I just don't get what's going on. The USA says Russia is going to invade, Ukraine says, "nah, no big deal". A week ago, we announce Putin has made up his mind. Now, Russia is invading?

How do we know what Russia is going to do, but Ukraine doesn't?
I just don't get what's going on. The USA says Russia is going to invade, Ukraine says, "nah, no big deal". A week ago, we announce Putin has made up his mind. Now, Russia is invading?

How do we know what Russia is going to do, but Ukraine doesn't?
Well our failed government is a bunch of liars that can't be trusted at all first off. Second if I was the president of a country, the absolute last thing I would want in the USA launching a proxy war in my territory. Usually that means I get overthrown, sodomized with a machete by CIA agents in the streets and my already dump country getting somehow ruined even more while the USA ultimately loses the war to some street gangs 20yrs later.

That's my take watching this happen multiple times in my short 39yrs on this earth.
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