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Russia / Ukraine thread

Of course it was trumps fault... lol

Fiona Hill says that Trump emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine by treating the country like a 'playground'​

She is/was THEE most useless/zero-substantive 'witness' during Trump's impeachment hearing.
She provided absolutely zero-information testimony relative to said hearing. :homer:

And here she is doing it again! :lmao:
Can you actually blame Putin? He sees the west as a bunch of retarded pussies right now. He wants to bring back the old USSR.

I didn't think he was going to do it. I guess I underestimated how weak he actually sees us as.

I think China will make a move for Taiwan now.
Careful now, your reputation will suffer with you agreeing with me like that.
From Twatter, and a reminder:

Any discussion of Russia's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics is not honest if it doesn't mention:

-US-sponsored 2014 coup

-how Ukraine violated the 2015 Minsk II agreement by refusing to give Donetsk and Luhansk autonomy

-brutal Ukrainian attacks on Donbas
But, was Putin waiting for Biden's term to react?
But, was Putin waiting for Biden's term to react?

if putin hacked anything like teh Dems say, then he knew they fixed the election back in the fall of 2020. he didnt even need to hack anything to know it was going to happen. hell, he probably provided operatives to help with it and healthy financing in the form of cash payouts for ballots.

Putin absolutely wanted Biden in there so he could do this and anything he wanted. Look what Biden did, took us from energy independence to buying foreign crude in about 4 months time.
if putin hacked anything like teh Dems say, then he knew they fixed the election back in the fall of 2020. he didnt even need to hack anything to know it was going to happen. hell, he probably provided operatives to help with it and healthy financing in the form of cash payouts for ballots.

Putin absolutely wanted Biden in there so he could do this and anything he wanted. Look what Biden did, took us from energy independence to buying foreign crude in about 4 months time.
I don't know man, don't forget about the time Obama told Russia to "cut it out" I am not sure he wanted any more of that.
Its going to be a bloodbath if Ukraine resists. The areas in question are historically coal mines and steel production. They are a majority of Russians there and have voted to seperate sucessfully and it was turned down by ukraine.

The UK and Poland signed a security deal with Ukraine... i hope they know what they are doing.

Germany and Russia had a non-agression pact and both invaded Poland starting ww2.... poland had security pacts with France and the UK pulling them into war... there were no such pacts against Russia. Russia was finally invaded by germany and also realized, germanys desire to take a large piece of russia in a plan translated to "Living Space"

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Personally i feel Ukraine should just walk away from it, not sure Russia is wrong here. I think we are fed BS. For bs on the other side check out pravda and or to a lesser degree rt dotcom

I feel we have been on the wrong side of history a few times just to do the opposite of the Russians.
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What was the buildup to WW2 like?
1.5 million germans stormed the polish border at once.... really. Took like 3 or 6 days.

Germany invited russia to invade and they drug their feet then went in about a week later with 800,000 troops.

Lots of ethnic and political cleansing. There deal was to divide poland. Germany did not want to fight a 2 front war.
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1.5 million germans stormed the polish border at once.... really. Took like 3 or 6 days.

Germany invited russia to invade and they drug their feet then went in about a week later with 800,000 troops.

Lots of ethnic and political cleansing. There deal was to divide poland. Germany did not want to fight a 2 front war.
Actually, it took Germany 35 days. Inviting the USSR to take eastern Poland was a huge lie on Germany's part to placate the USSR until Germany could conquer western Europe.
Personally i feel Ukraine should just walk away from it, not sure Russia is wrong here. I think we are fed BS. For bs on the other side check out pravda and or to a lesser degree rt dotcom

I feel we have been on the wrong side of history a few times just to do the opposite of the Russians.
Biggest issue that I Caan see is Russia and the serperatust are claiming significantly more territory than they currently control
Thanks for the clarification. weeks.... days.... in any event it was over before it began.
Biggest issue that I Caan see is Russia and the serperatust are claiming significantly more territory than they currently
Did you read that on CNN?... Pravda says the opposite. All BS.

I don't believe any of it. Biden took discussion off the table, doesn't look like he want's a diplomatic resolution anyway.

Not worth ww3 for the Basket of Deplorables that are going to have to fight it. They drafted 18-45 yo for ww2 for 10 million troops if i remember right.... SanDiegocj?
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Did you read that on CNN?... Pravda says the opposite. All BS.

I don't believe any of it.

Not worth ww3.
Nope, al Jazeera and Russians public address the other day, they recognized the "original" borders, so that will be a point of contention possibly for Ukraine

What does Pravda say?

Edit as for not ww3, we are openly adamant that thus will only result in strong letters unless/until it involves a nato country directly
Nope, al Jazeera and Russians public address the other day, they recognized the "original" borders, so that will be a point of contention possibly for Ukraine

What does Pravda say?

Edit as for not ww3, we are openly adamant that thus will only result in strong letters unless/until it involves a nato country directly
I agree with Provience - I read that Putin states that the states borders should be as defined when they declared independence in 2014 or whenever, which the Ukrainian military is occupying half of - I read that on RT.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the various bias of the sources I read, and "The West/NATO" is far from blameless here, but this is aggression on the Russian side. Reading Putins tangent from his security council meeting the other day, he has an agenda that is counter to pretty much any notion of sovereignty and international law. Just because its cool and nuanced to play devil's advocate on US intentions, doesn't mean we are Always the bad guy...

Also, Can we talk for a minute about how Trump is calling Putin's moves genius and how he is making Peace over there and is doing great things? InB4 trumptards jump through their ass to defend that one.

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I agree with Provience - I read that Putin states that the states borders should be as defined when they declared independence in 2014 or whenever, which the Ukrainian military is occupying half of - I read that on RT.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the various bias of the sources I read, and "The West/NATO" is far from blameless here, but this is aggression on the Russian side. Reading Putins tangent from his security council meeting the other day, he has an agenda that is counter to pretty much any notion of sovereignty and international law. Just because its cool and nuanced to play devil's advocate on US intentions, doesn't mean we are Always the bad guy...

Also, Can we talk for a minute about how Trump is calling Putin's moves genius and how he is making Peace over there and is doing great things? InB4 trumptards jump through their ass to defend that one.


The same clip caught my attention. Trump said a little more than that, I am not sure he was saying Putin is doing a great thing. Great move, not great thing.

“Trump, who has cozied up to Putin in the past, continued: "Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened. But here's a guy that says, you know, 'I'm gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,' he used the word 'independent,' 'and we're gonna go out and we're gonna go in and we're gonna help keep peace.' You gotta say that's pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn't have one for that. No, it's very sad."“

The same clip caught my attention. Trump said a little more than that, I am not sure he was saying Putin is doing a great thing. Great move, not great thing.

“Trump, who has cozied up to Putin in the past, continued: "Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened. But here's a guy that says, you know, 'I'm gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,' he used the word 'independent,' 'and we're gonna go out and we're gonna go in and we're gonna help keep peace.' You gotta say that's pretty savvy. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn't have one for that. No, it's very sad."“

See, now you are a "trumptard" Putin is clearly stupid unlike our Grandmaster chess player Biden as recognized by the people fucked in the head enough to prefer him in office over Trump.
For the record: I don't want Biden or Trump in office.

Did you actually read the article though? No real liberal spin - explains how bad the Russian propaganda is lately in terms of misinformation.

Vice tends to be very liberal biased, however they put a lot of effort into publishing things other news outlets won't. Typically when it comes to crisis reporting, I find them to be one of the best sources. But again, know the bias of your sources. I read Fox, Vice, and RT on occasion. I can't read CNN because its just so bad in every sense. I also find watching DW, the French one I can't remember the name of, and some Australian stuff. If you read lots of different angles, and you you have a rough idea of what their angle is, I feel like you can get a pretty good sense of what's real and what isn't.

But I outed myself as anti-trump, so I guess my opinion is now more worthless.
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