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Russia / Ukraine thread

Since this whole Russian military build up started, I've had this image constantly in my head:

But if only we are able to afford peace in our time, surely he will be satisfied soon

1.5 million germans stormed the polish border at once.... really. Took like 3 or 6 days.

Germany invited russia to invade and they drug their feet then went in about a week later with 800,000 troops.

Lots of ethnic and political cleansing. There deal was to divide poland. Germany did not want to fight a 2 front war.

my post...

your head.

I'm familiar with what WW2 was, mostly 2nd hand from my older family members and wife's older family members - including the ones imprisoned on a labor "farm".
Who cares anything about Trump right now in regards to Russia and whats happening in Ukraine? Other than Trump was the only President of the last 4 that Putin didnt try to invade another country.
Putin's played the propaganda game extremely well, making himself the "peace keeper" and securing the independence of the oppressed russians in the region, never mind that everything he's done is blatantly contrary to international law. Then the "tards" lap it up as if it's honey. :shaking:
But I outed myself as anti-trump, so I guess my opinion is now more worthless.
Now you're the victim of yourself...damn. The last 10 years or so a large portion of our society just wants to be a victim of something, it's weird but when they spend all their time demonizing the succesful I guess it makes sense.
Your opinion is great to hear and consider. Leave your "InB4 trumptards jump through their ass to defend that one." At the door If you want an actual conversation.
Who cares anything about Trump right now in regards to Russia and whats happening in Ukraine? Other than Trump was the only President of the last 4 that Putin didnt try to invade another country.
Well clearly all this is trumps fault since he enabled Putin for 4 years, and if he were still in office it would be 100x worse. :flipoff2:
And people wondered why Putin annexed the Crimea. :shaking: Read ..................................................large naval base.

If we go to war with Russia and lose, what are the odds that Putin sets up a Trump puppet government here?
So I got a little cranky last night. Anyway....

Who said a while back that Putin would wait until the Olympics were done to start the shit show? Cause in retrospect, good call there.

Ukrainian president is calling up reserves, but still talking softly. I was listening to a DW report this morning and one Russian Policy expert was asked if sanctions will have any effect and he basically said No, they "priced that in".
So I got a little cranky last night. Anyway....

Who said a while back that Putin would wait until the Olympics were done to start the shit show? Cause in retrospect, good call there.

Ukrainian president is calling up reserves, but still talking softly. I was listening to a DW report this morning and one Russian Policy expert was asked if sanctions will have any effect and he basically said No, they "priced that in".
On that note, does anyone know who the largest trading partners of Germany were prior to WW II ?
Answer: 70% was with England, France, and the Netherlands, yet they still attacked.

Economics aren't always the biggest concern.
Economics aren't always the biggest concern.

In that case it was one of the biggest. Hitler's "economic miracle" of the 30s was based on massive deficit spending. Their economy was going to implode, so their only choice was to start gobbling up neighboring countries and looting them.
So I got a little cranky last night. Anyway....

Who said a while back that Putin would wait until the Olympics were done to start the shit show? Cause in retrospect, good call there.

Ukrainian president is calling up reserves, but still talking softly. I was listening to a DW report this morning and one Russian Policy expert was asked if sanctions will have any effect and he basically said No, they "priced that in".

On that note, does anyone know who the largest trading partners of Germany were prior to WW II ?
Answer: 70% was with England, France, and the Netherlands, yet they still attacked.

Economics aren't always the biggest concern.
Nothing gets in the way of a malevolent dictator….We know that from the past….. correct?????
Also, They are the most dangerous on their decline!!!!! I just hope one of his less crazy military leaders will off him sooner than later!!!!
In that case it was one of the biggest. Hitler's "economic miracle" of the 30s was based on massive deficit spending. Their economy was going to implode, so their only choice was to start gobbling up neighboring countries and looting them.
Do you know what that deficit spending was on/for?

War and plunder.

They were always planning war and plunder.
On that note, does anyone know who the largest trading partners of Germany were prior to WW II ?
Answer: 70% was with England, France, and the Netherlands, yet they still attacked.

Economics aren't always the biggest concern.
Up front; you are correct.

However; when Germany invaded Western Europe, they simply took their resources; the same resources they were trading pre-war.
That included women who were NAZI-approved for breeding the Ayran race. :eek:

A YUGE part of the Hitler/Wehrmacht's calculus with the invasion of the Soviet Union was taking the Caucasus oil fields.
Hitler was calculating on/relying on/counting on the military operation to succeed in order to take the said oil fields.

He/they had to invade first, though.

Hitler's secondary focus on the Soviet Union (after annihilating them) was taking advantage of their nature resources in order to maintain/expand their war there, as well as in Western Europe.
Up front; you are correct.

However; when Germany invaded Western Europe, they simply took their resources; the same resources they were trading pre-war.
That included women who were NAZI-approved for breeding the Ayran race. :eek:

A YUGE part of the Hitler/Wehrmacht's calculus with the invasion of the Soviet Union was taking the Caucasus oil fields.
Hitler was calculating on/relying on/counting on the military operation to succeed in order to take the said oil fields.

He/they had to invade first, though.

Hitler's secondary focus on the Soviet Union (after annihilating them) was taking advantage of their nature resources in order to maintain/expand their war there, as well as in Western Europe.
All true, but he, and I believe Putin, didn't and haven't taken into account is the eventual cost of keeping the "conquered" land pacified.
Putin's playing a game of chess and way too many people think the game is checkers. No wonder they have zero fucking idea about WTF's going on.

This whole chess/checkers analogy everyone uses is fucking lame, sick of hearing it, it makes you sound like a simpleton and unable to come up with a stronger argument.
All true, but he, and I believe Putin, didn't and haven't taken into account is the eventual cost of keeping the "conquered" land pacified.
Yeah; that's an interesting point.

How's Crimea doing since 2014; with it's Russian occupation?
Are they happy?

Side note:
From what I've read/studied; Hitler wanted to exterminate EVERY Soviet/communist citizen just like he attempted with the Jews and 'undesirables'!:eek:
He sure tried during the initial invasion, Operation Barbarossa, with specific squads that came in behind the invasion force.
Yeah; that's an interesting point.

How's Crimea doing since 2014; with it's Russian occupation?
Are they happy?

Side note:
From what I've read/studied; Hitler wanted to exterminate EVERY Soviet/communist citizen just like he attempted with the Jews and 'undesirables'!:eek:
He sure tried during the initial invasion, Operation Barbarossa, with specific squads that came in behind the invasion force.
Yup, he looked at the "slavs" as an inferior mongoloid race that needed to be exterminated. He also despised communism.
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