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Prepare for the "second wave" hoax. Fauci advocating federal mask mandate.

[486 said:
;n195164]been looking for a pair of shade 5 torch glasses
you know the cheapass "safety glasses" style that goes over top of your glasses?
Apparently the industry standard name is "visitor glasses"
anyways, turns out everyone shifted production to clear ones and forgot that some people actually use eye protection for protecting their eyes
every LWS I go to is out of stock, plenty of fucking "cool guy" looking ones though :mad3:

Huh, guess that's why I'm having trouble finding laser rated safety glasses too.
If people really knew what it was I'd get a legit nuke suit to wear to town. :laughing:

We are going to my parents place after we have Thanksgiving breakfast with the girlfriends family. Fuck everyone, we'll all live or we will all die but one thing is for sure, we will go about our lives as best as we can.

My family still has grandma on lockdown. Turkey day is unclear at this point. Grandma could care less about the china flu. I am close to starting a shitshow over this bullshit.
My family still has grandma on lockdown. Turkey day is unclear at this point. Grandma could care less about the china flu. I am close to starting a shitshow over this bullshit.

I've had it, my oldest brother had it twice, or maybe once and a test came back with a false positive or negative depending on the time line and now our brother between us just caught it last week. Meh, we'll have a nice holiday.

Start the shit show and be "that guy". Mom made the comment when I was over there the other day that our family is a bunch of non caring jerks about the mask mandates and she wouldn't have it any other way.
N95 masks are still hard to find because of all of the mouthbreathers out there. I'm way more afraid of an osha fine than I am of the sniffles

Few months ago had to send some P100 filters down to someone on here down in CA, they couldn't get any and I've got an ancient box of expired ones I bought for next to nothing years ago.
Yes and yes. Probably even quarantining from my family. I have a 4 month old at home and the last thing I need right now is for him to get some super dooper flu/cold. It's crappy enough when they get a regular cold/flu. Also I'm not a dick, so if I might be contagious and spreading disease around, I'll avoid dragging that crap to work/the store/etc. I'd do the same thing if I had the flu or a cold, because I have sick days I can take and no one likes to be sick.

You realize that when it comes to your little 4 month old, this is NOT a super doober flu, but a very weak flu he has a 99.999999999999% chance to bounce off?
Additionally, do you realize that the REGULAR flu is more than 1,000 times more likely to kill your kid?

Please tell me you know this.
I’m 99.9% sure I’m currently positive. I spent 5-6 hours sitting next to someone in a car that started having symptoms the next day and tested positive three days later. I started with symptoms a little less than two days after the car ride. I’m on day 4 and so far it feels like a mild cold or seasonal allergies. One day I had a headache, and I’m extremely tired every day.

There is no advantage in testing, so I am not going to test. I’ll wait till 10 days past when symptoms started to go back to work, and in the meantime am staying home and staying isolated from the rest of my family. If I need to go to my office I go in after hours. The rest of my office staff know this and are ok with it, and actually all but one are ok with me coming in during normal office hours but I’m not going to do that. They know that I can’t just completely shut it off for two weeks because I’m the boss and we are in the critical kickoff stage on a couple large projects.

My 12 yo daughter has already has been exposed to a known positive multiple times and has never gotten sick. Her exposures by everything we’ve been told should have made her positive each time. That being said, even though I’m isolating from her, if I test then the department of health contacts the school and she automatically has to do online classes for two weeks whether my test comes back negative or positive even if she doesn’t show symptoms. And that’s with our district requiring masks 100% of the time. It’s fucking ridiculous.

My wife and three of my kids have tested within the last 2-3 months. Each time the dr told them that they need to quarantine regardless of the results because they don’t trust the tests. Just one more reason not to bother.

Ability to pull $100k out of 401K for reinvestment seems like a good reason?

As of Oct. 13, Sweden’s per capita death rate is 58.4 per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University data, 12th highest in the world (not including tiny Andorra and San Marino)

in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which pointed out that, of the countries the researchers investigated, Sweden and the U.S. essentially make up a category of two: they are the only countries with high overall mortality rates that failed to rapidly reduce those numbers as the pandemic progressed.

Average daily cases rose 173% nationwide from Sept. 2-8 to Sept. 30-Oct. 6 and in Stockholm that number increased 405% for the same period. Though some have argued that rising case numbers can be attributed to increased testing, a recent study of Stockholm’s wastewater published Oct. 5 by the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) argues otherwise. An increased concentration of the virus in wastewater, the KTH researchers write, shows a rise of the virus in the population of the greater Stockholm area (where a large proportion of the country’s population live) in a way that is entirely independent of testing. Yet even with this rise in cases, the government is easing the few restrictions it had in place.

The report also compares Sweden to Finland for March through the end of May and wrongly concludes that the ”closing of schools had no measurable effect on the number of cases of COVID-19 among children.” As testing among children in Sweden was almost non-existent at that time compared to Finland, these data were misrepresented; a better way to look at it would be to consider the fact that Sweden had seven times as many children per capita treated in the ICU during that time period.

good for them.

and just like that, we see yet again that highly invasive mandates versus recommendations has a negligible impact on the virus transmission? weird.

just weird.

almost like the mandates and lockdowns are bullshit :flipoff2: EveryBusinessIsEssential
good for them.

and just like that, we see yet again that highly invasive mandates versus recommendations has a negligible impact on the virus transmission? weird.

just weird.

almost like the mandates and lockdowns are bullshit :flipoff2: EveryBusinessIsEssential

Michigan has the same population, more deaths reported from it and way more lockdown bullshit.
edit. But we need to save lives.:shaking:
Michigan has the same population, more deaths reported from it and way more lockdown bullshit.
edit. But we need to save lives.:shaking:

more lockdown, more involvement and, predictably, more fraud, abuse and neglect.

but surely, if we just had MORE involvement it would be better!

if we had joe biden in 2016, nobody would have died from chinese flu in 2020 - joebiden
good for them.

and just like that, we see yet again that highly invasive mandates versus recommendations has a negligible impact on the virus transmission? weird.

just weird.

almost like the mandates and lockdowns are bullshit :flipoff2: EveryBusinessIsEssential

I hope biden's first order is a national mask mandate. and if the state refuses to mandata federal funds are with-held from them.
I hope biden's first order is a national mask mandate. and if the state refuses to mandata federal funds are with-held from them.

he doesn't have authority to enact a national mask mandate, he's already admitted as much. the only thing he can do is tie federal stimulus funds to state mask mandates.

if he does that, it means we will see a bunch of $1 fines or other de-nutted mask laws.

i.e. it's all fucking stupid
he doesn't have authority to enact a national mask mandate, he's already admitted as much. the only thing he can do is tie federal stimulus funds to state mask mandates.

if he does that, it means we will see a bunch of $1 fines or other de-nutted mask laws.

i.e. it's all fucking stupid

i concur its fucking stupid he can't do a mandate. but he can certainly make it difficult for the states who dont comply.
i concur its fucking stupid he can't do a mandate. but he can certainly make it difficult for the states who dont comply.

So you hope that Biden does fucking stupid shit? Did I get that correct? Thats like getting on a plane and hoping the pilot has a bad day. Please tell me you dont vote and haven’t reproduced? God damn you’re a fucking dipshit of the highest order. :flipoff2:
i concur its fucking stupid he can't do a mandate. but he can certainly make it difficult for the states who dont comply.

stupid that he based much of his campaigning on a lie? "i would enact a national mask mandate" quietly went away :laughing:

ah, punitive measures over bullshit unenforceable mandates, surely that will result in the greatest fairness of the system coming out
i concur its fucking stupid he can't do a mandate. but he can certainly make it difficult for the states who dont comply.

That's great, we need more states to tell the feds to go fuck themselves just like they did with weed and some gun laws. Hopefully Bidens dipshittery will lead to a peacefull breakup of the USA. It's too divided, let the coasts and some midwestern cities be totalitarian hellscapes and let the other states do what they want.
That's great, we need more states to tell the feds to go fuck themselves just like they did with weed and some gun laws. Hopefully Bidens dipshittery will lead to a peacefull breakup of the USA. It's too divided, let the coasts and some midwestern cities be totalitarian hellscapes and let the other states do what they want.

enjoy your economy in rural new america. im sure it will be YUGE.
World meter has Sweden ranked at # 32 in deaths and #38 in total cases . . . . . . 10 deaths yesterday and none on Thursday. There is no fucking way Sweden is at the top of any list. Per capita death ranking is behind the USA, Spain, France, Italy, England, Mexico, Belgium, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and on and so forth.

- giz

A screen shot pic from the Worldmeter Page wont show the Bork Borks as they are off the bottom of the page in any ranking.

So you're going to have to take my word for it.


608 deaths per million people. 1,000,000/608 :idea:

One more thing Fag - Ikea is BOOMING !!!
it's a comical ironing that the big city democratic peoples at once denounce evil corporate globalism, and instantly decry any potential loss of tax revenue or raw degradation of capital.

But I thought it was the republicans and libertarians that were the globalism decrying isolationists?
But I thought it was the republicans and libertarians that were the globalism decrying isolationists?

guess you thought wrong :confused: "fair trade" is about as isolationist as you can get for a global leader, and that has long been the cry of the unions and big government democrats.

Hell, it is one of the founding reasons that trump is a 90's democrat and not a republican. Free trade is a hallmark of small government libertarianism, the repulican stance is whatever way the wind blows.

The democrats want fair trade new world order UN/NATO oversight submission.

The communists/socialists want fair trade forced everybody lives in a mud hut and starvation puts the global population into a "sustainable level"

The libertarians want free trade with at or near zero fines and fees, but with a cultural preference for supporting local economies.
it's a comical ironing that the big city democratic peoples at once denounce evil corporate globalism, and instantly decry any potential loss of tax revenue or raw degradation of capital.

You do realize the city states would globally source their needs. your american manufacturing would instantly need to compete on the international market where now domestic production is essentially hassle free to get to its main consumer base, the cities.
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