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Prepare for the "second wave" hoax. Fauci advocating federal mask mandate.

Lemme check the temp here...

so if you have some symptoms, but you aren’t very ill... like you could still go to work, store, school, ect.. are you getting a test? And If positive are you quarantining?

well since the tests are not accurate and I know people being forced to quarantine by employers even with a negative test because they were around someone who tests positive.... we are far past reasonable here.
Office is offering free tests. Nope. Wife, dogs, and I have basically perfected hermitting at this point, so whatever.
Lemme check the temp here...

so if you have some symptoms, but you aren’t very ill... like you could still go to work, store, school, ect.. are you getting a test? And If positive are you quarantining?

I’m 99.9% sure I’m currently positive. I spent 5-6 hours sitting next to someone in a car that started having symptoms the next day and tested positive three days later. I started with symptoms a little less than two days after the car ride. I’m on day 4 and so far it feels like a mild cold or seasonal allergies. One day I had a headache, and I’m extremely tired every day.

There is no advantage in testing, so I am not going to test. I’ll wait till 10 days past when symptoms started to go back to work, and in the meantime am staying home and staying isolated from the rest of my family. If I need to go to my office I go in after hours. The rest of my office staff know this and are ok with it, and actually all but one are ok with me coming in during normal office hours but I’m not going to do that. They know that I can’t just completely shut it off for two weeks because I’m the boss and we are in the critical kickoff stage on a couple large projects.

My 12 yo daughter has already has been exposed to a known positive multiple times and has never gotten sick. Her exposures by everything we’ve been told should have made her positive each time. That being said, even though I’m isolating from her, if I test then the department of health contacts the school and she automatically has to do online classes for two weeks whether my test comes back negative or positive even if she doesn’t show symptoms. And that’s with our district requiring masks 100% of the time. It’s fucking ridiculous.

My wife and three of my kids have tested within the last 2-3 months. Each time the dr told them that they need to quarantine regardless of the results because they don’t trust the tests. Just one more reason not to bother.
This virus bullshit is the biggest hoax in the history of the world.

#2 behind god by whatever name you want to call them anyway.

Positive tests mean fuck all, how many people are actually dying? THAT'S the important number.
Nothing about covid culture makes sense! Why do people have to quarantine if they come in contact with it, but medical personnel doesn't have to stay isolated 24/7? Does the scary flu know what profession people are now?
If you are sick, you can spread it.
-turns into-
If you aren't sick, you can still spread it. Because even if you get tested to show you are not sick, you still might be sick, and still might spread it, and then after you spread it, it might do this magic jump again and again until it finally reaches someone over the age of 80, and then there is a chance they might get it(or not, because social distance and masks and hands washed), even if they do finally get, it may have a 5% chance to kill them.

That's like a "what if this, and then that, and then that, and then that, then....finally....it might be 5%!!!"

Shut down business. Kill people(because no regular schedules where cancer WOULD be detected early). Delete childhoods. "Exist" rather than "live"?
One of local independent testing places is on my way to work, they dont start testing till 7am. Last two weeks ive passed at 430am on way to work and there is always 8-10 cars already in line, today at 6 am there was easy 100+ in line. Cant tell me all those have symptoms?
and we have had two guys at work who were exposed by family, they tested postive and had to take off work, they went and got tested every fucking day for almost 2 weeks till got a negative test to come back.
now tell me that each days test isnt getting counted as a new one?
One of local independent testing places is on my way to work, they dont start testing till 7am. Last two weeks ive passed at 430am on way to work and there is always 8-10 cars already in line, today at 6 am there was easy 100+ in line. Cant tell me all those have symptoms?
and we have had two guys at work who were exposed by family, they tested postive and had to take off work, they went and got tested every fucking day for almost 2 weeks till got a negative test to come back.
now tell me that each days test isnt getting counted as a new one?

They might not all have symptoms but they probably have been exposed to somebody who popped positive. (with or without symptoms)
had my test this morning for pre screening for a procedure. My wife was screened three weeks ago at the same place and came back positive. She had no symptoms. She got a retest at her doctors office came back negative, had both kids tested, negative. No one we were in contact with has tested positive. I'm giving myself an 80% chance of a positive just because. I notice Elon Musk posted yesterday that he had 4 test in one day, two came back negative, two came back positive. I'd like to see box the test come in, most likely made in China. The numbers from this point on are completely irrelevant
Lemme check the temp here...

so if you have some symptoms, but you aren’t very ill... like you could still go to work, store, school, ect.. are you getting a test? And If positive are you quarantining?

Yes and yes. Probably even quarantining from my family. I have a 4 month old at home and the last thing I need right now is for him to get some super dooper flu/cold. It's crappy enough when they get a regular cold/flu. Also I'm not a dick, so if I might be contagious and spreading disease around, I'll avoid dragging that crap to work/the store/etc. I'd do the same thing if I had the flu or a cold, because I have sick days I can take and no one likes to be sick.
I had to travel a few months back.

when I got home, I fucking stayed home for two weeks. Didn't go see anyone.
Sweden only experiencing a slight uptick in cases, deaths and hospital admissions...just saying. :laughing::flipoff2:

Maybe Swedes wash their damn hands and cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze. I see people in our public building just raw-dogging a sneeze in a crowded hallway (spray and all), and only 1 or 2 out of the 20 nearby people waiting around even bother to move. Americans are retards.
Maybe Swedes wash their damn hands and cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze. I see people in our public building just raw-dogging a sneeze in a crowded hallway (spray and all), and only 1 or 2 out of the 20 nearby people waiting around even bother to move. Americans are retards.

I rarely visit the wal mart. Only when I need oil because for some reason the exact same gallon jug is $10 cheaper than at the parts store.

it reminded me why I don't go to wal mart.

the absolute stupidity.
I go in through the automotive door. There's no one.
Guy there tells me I can't come in that door, it's associates only.
Yeah, but I'm already in the building and the oil is 10 feet over there. You've got a register at the gun counter 10 feet on the other side, and there's literally just me and you here bud.
nope, you have to use the front door.

So I had to drive around front and be exposed/expose myself to the entire store.

that's the kind of shit that will piss you off.
I rarely visit the wal mart. Only when I need oil because for some reason the exact same gallon jug is $10 cheaper than at the parts store.

it reminded me why I don't go to wal mart.

the absolute stupidity.
I go in through the automotive door. There's no one.
Guy there tells me I can't come in that door, it's associates only.
Yeah, but I'm already in the building and the oil is 10 feet over there. You've got a register at the gun counter 10 feet on the other side, and there's literally just me and you here bud.
nope, you have to use the front door.

So I had to drive around front and be exposed/expose myself to the entire store.

that's the kind of shit that will piss you off.

Dude was probably living the life back there not having anyone come through that door, avoiding all the 'rona and stupidity, and he didn't want you to break his streak.
Maybe Swedes wash their damn hands and cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze. I see people in our public building just raw-dogging a sneeze in a crowded hallway (spray and all), and only 1 or 2 out of the 20 nearby people waiting around even bother to move. Americans are retards.

I spoke too soon they're experience a large uptick in cases and hospital admissions now.

Sneezing in your mask is the new shottong your pants! :flipoff2:
I rarely visit the wal mart. Only when I need oil because for some reason the exact same gallon jug is $10 cheaper than at the parts store.

it reminded me why I don't go to wal mart.

the absolute stupidity.
I go in through the automotive door. There's no one.
Guy there tells me I can't come in that door, it's associates only.
Yeah, but I'm already in the building and the oil is 10 feet over there. You've got a register at the gun counter 10 feet on the other side, and there's literally just me and you here bud.
nope, you have to use the front door.

So I had to drive around front and be exposed/expose myself to the entire store.

that's the kind of shit that will piss you off.

I would have kept walking or just left.
Definitely not drive to the front and use that door.
I keep a mask in my pocket, I'll pull it out as I get to the door and nobody says shit.

I have one in my truck, but I only shop at stores that don't enforce the mask policy. I hate shopping anyway.

My wife on the other hand loves shopping wandering around stores looking for what she needs.
Number of cases without info on population and deaths is disingenuous.


As of Oct. 13, Sweden’s per capita death rate is 58.4 per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University data, 12th highest in the world (not including tiny Andorra and San Marino)

in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which pointed out that, of the countries the researchers investigated, Sweden and the U.S. essentially make up a category of two: they are the only countries with high overall mortality rates that failed to rapidly reduce those numbers as the pandemic progressed.

Average daily cases rose 173% nationwide from Sept. 2-8 to Sept. 30-Oct. 6 and in Stockholm that number increased 405% for the same period. Though some have argued that rising case numbers can be attributed to increased testing, a recent study of Stockholm’s wastewater published Oct. 5 by the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) argues otherwise. An increased concentration of the virus in wastewater, the KTH researchers write, shows a rise of the virus in the population of the greater Stockholm area (where a large proportion of the country’s population live) in a way that is entirely independent of testing. Yet even with this rise in cases, the government is easing the few restrictions it had in place.

The report also compares Sweden to Finland for March through the end of May and wrongly concludes that the ”closing of schools had no measurable effect on the number of cases of COVID-19 among children.” As testing among children in Sweden was almost non-existent at that time compared to Finland, these data were misrepresented; a better way to look at it would be to consider the fact that Sweden had seven times as many children per capita treated in the ICU during that time period.

As of Oct. 13, Sweden’s per capita death rate is 58.4 per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University data, 12th highest in the world (not including tiny Andorra and San Marino)

in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which pointed out that, of the countries the researchers investigated, Sweden and the U.S. essentially make up a category of two: they are the only countries with high overall mortality rates that failed to rapidly reduce those numbers as the pandemic progressed.

Average daily cases rose 173% nationwide from Sept. 2-8 to Sept. 30-Oct. 6 and in Stockholm that number increased 405% for the same period. Though some have argued that rising case numbers can be attributed to increased testing, a recent study of Stockholm’s wastewater published Oct. 5 by the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) argues otherwise. An increased concentration of the virus in wastewater, the KTH researchers write, shows a rise of the virus in the population of the greater Stockholm area (where a large proportion of the country’s population live) in a way that is entirely independent of testing. Yet even with this rise in cases, the government is easing the few restrictions it had in place.

The report also compares Sweden to Finland for March through the end of May and wrongly concludes that the ”closing of schools had no measurable effect on the number of cases of COVID-19 among children.” As testing among children in Sweden was almost non-existent at that time compared to Finland, these data were misrepresented; a better way to look at it would be to consider the fact that Sweden had seven times as many children per capita treated in the ICU during that time period.

6,000 reported dead in a country of 10million is not particularly frightening.

I live in Michigan. We have 10 million people and 8,000 reported dead from the china flu.

Not scary at all.
6,000 reported dead in a country of 10million is not particularly frightening.

I live in Michigan. We have 10 million people and 8,000 reported dead from the china flu.

Not scary at all.

Facts don't support the fear monger narrative.
Hide in your basement. Cancel Thanksgiving. Wear a mask. Be afraid.

I should bring a scba and level A suit home and wear it around town to fuck with people. :rolleyes:

If people really knew what it was I'd get a legit nuke suit to wear to town. :laughing:

We are going to my parents place after we have Thanksgiving breakfast with the girlfriends family. Fuck everyone, we'll all live or we will all die but one thing is for sure, we will go about our lives as best as we can.
been looking for a pair of shade 5 torch glasses
you know the cheapass "safety glasses" style that goes over top of your glasses?
Apparently the industry standard name is "visitor glasses"
anyways, turns out everyone shifted production to clear ones and forgot that some people actually use eye protection for protecting their eyes
every LWS I go to is out of stock, plenty of fucking "cool guy" looking ones though :mad3:
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