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Prepare for the "second wave" hoax. Fauci advocating federal mask mandate.

Anarchist technically as Libertarians have went SJW. Not dumbass "ANTIFA anarchist".


hey i'm not giving up on libertarians that easily :laughing:

hell, most anarchist and atheists are most likely to be communists as well, fuck those asshats :flipoff2:
hey i'm not giving up on libertarians that easily :laughing:

hell, most anarchist and atheists are most likely to be communists as well, fuck those asshats :flipoff2:
I should have said Libertarian party, not libertarians.

Definitely not a communist!:flipoff2:I realized communism is dumb and will never work in like the 4th grade when I learned about it. Realistically an ancap society will never work as well because most people are way too stupid, nor have the will, to make decisions themselves. I recognize I'm a ideological extremist, but it reduces stress with current events and it's a fun mental excercise.
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When it comes to my 4 month old, it's most likely the same as the flu, but more contagious- so easier for me to accidentally catch and bring home. There have been mild cases in babies and there have been serious cases in babies, so it's not really "fact" that the rona is going to be more mild than the regular flu (something I'd also rather our kid deal with when he's a bit older):

https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases... by,issues with respiratory virus infections.


Basically it comes down to why roll the dice if I don't have to?

You didn't answer my question.

Do you or do you not realize that the REGULAR flu is much much much more likely to kill your kid than Corona?

Yes or no.
My last reply was a polite way of telling you that you're wrong, it isn't.

Have you even looked at how many kids were killed by the regular flu in the last 3 years?

Answer: 500. You pretend those kids did not die? Or do you pretend that 130 kids have died from Corona? One or the other.
Have you even looked at how many kids were killed by the regular flu in the last 3 years?

Answer: 500. You pretend those kids did not die? Or do you pretend that 130 kids have died from Corona? One or the other.

You're stating numbers without backing them up and frankly I don't give a shit enough about your argument to go on the data scavenger hunt to find where you cherry picked the numbers that work best for you. Sorry/not sorry.
Open your eyes.

18-19 season: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html
"0-4 years old - Deaths estimate = 266"

You're not supposed to give a shit about "my argument", I don't give a shit about "my argument". You're supposed to give a shit enough about your kid to want to know the truth.
The regular flu is deadly, so you should be extra careful with your kid when it comes to the regular flu. If you lie to yourself and think it's weak and not deadly, you may not be as careful with the regular flu and your kid as you should be.
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