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Prepare for the "second wave" hoax. Fauci advocating federal mask mandate.

The second wave has hit VT, gov Scott shut down all in person visits to restaraunts etc, no family gatherings for the holidays, no deer camp, skiing is going to be strange with not a lot of out of staters as there will be no changing facilities or rentals available. I believe the locals are being punished because all of the selfish out of staters who flocked to their second homes for Columbus day weekend. There has been a significant uptick in cases. It's going to be a long winter.
. I believe the locals are being punished because all of the selfish out of staters who flocked to their second homes for Columbus day weekend. .

the locals are being punished, but placing it on "selfish out of staters" are certainly not the ones doing the punishing.

try not to misplace your anger :)
Idiot's don't get it , corporations don't pay fucking taxes , it's simply passed on to the end user/consumer . :rolleyes:

STFU with your class warfare you simpletons .:flipoff2:

Yup. Just like tarrifs that evreyone shot their wad over and applauded.
The second wave has hit VT, gov Scott shut down all in person visits to restaraunts etc, no family gatherings for the holidays, no deer camp, skiing is going to be strange with not a lot of out of staters as there will be no changing facilities or rentals available. I believe the locals are being punished because all of the selfish out of staters who flocked to their second homes for Columbus day weekend. There has been a significant uptick in cases. It's going to be a long winter.

Lots of nonsense in your post. It's silly to blame "out of staters" as the culprit of more shut downs. It's the "leaders" that are shutting shit down. No one else to blame but them.

Btw, MI is about to shut down again, with fines this time around. Nobody but first responders allowed out, unless you are going to Dr office or to the grocery store.
Not sure what they're going to consider essential this time around. I'm building 2 hfa buildings, and hope they allow us to work on those again...
Thankfull polls show America heading into the correct direction.

"As has long been the case, American values differ from those of Western Europeans in many important ways. Most notably, Americans are more individualistic and are less supportive of a strong safety net than are the publics of Britain, France, Germany and Spain. Americans are also considerably more religious than Western Europeans, and are more socially conservative with respect to homosexuality.
Americans are somewhat more inclined than Western Europeans to say that it is sometimes necessary to use military force to maintain order in the world. Moreover, Americans more often than their Western European allies believe that obtaining UN approval before their country uses military force would make it too difficult to deal with an international threat. And Americans are less inclined than the Western Europeans, with the exception of the French, to help other nations.

These differences between Americans and Western Europeans echo findings from previous surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center. However, the current polling shows the American public is coming closer to Europeans in not seeing their culture as superior to that of other nations. Today, only about half of Americans believe their culture is superior to others, compared with six-in-ten in 2002. And the polling finds younger Americans less apt than their elders to hold American exceptionalist attitudes."


The globalism and view of the entire world that the young people have enjoyed (mostly due to the internet) is finally educating old America. Good stuff.
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Mother fucker gives us one days notice. Fucking stupid.

Still having 2 family thanksgivings. 1 at the girlfriends place with her family and another at my parents with the rest of the family. Fuck Mein Fuhrer inslee.
NM goes back to March level shut down, no inside eating, beauty parlors closed, stay home except for essential travel mom and I went to eat at the resteraunt yesterday, will be calling tomarrrow since I have a dentist appoinment on Thursday finally now they maybe closed again. We have reservations to go to my neice's for Thanksgiving I have been trying to get a hold of the motel and no one is answering the phone nor their Email. Then my neice sent me a picture from Queen Lujan's facebook showing her having fun with friends and family labor day weekend and nobody is wearing masks and no social distancing! Bitch :mad3:
Plus they cahnged the way they are reporting you no longer can go to the web site and see how many actual cases and deths for your county you just get a precentage of population. I don't normally pay much attention to local politics but the next governors race I will be working to get this **** out of power
And Americans are less inclined than the Western Europeans, with the exception of the French, to help other nations.
WTF Pendejo; you better go check your facts anytime there is a crises in the world who are the first ones to put boots on the ground, it sure ain't your beloved western europe. In fact at one time the United States military was involved in so many humanitarian missions they were calling themselves "Meals on Wheels".
You are one smug bastard knowing that your beloved Germany is i no danger from other world powers because the American military will defend your whiney bitch asses.

WTF Pendejo; you better go check your facts anytime there is a crises in the world who are the first ones to put boots on the ground, it sure ain't your beloved western europe. In fact at one time the United States military was involved in so many humanitarian missions they were calling themselves "Meals on Wheels".
You are one smug bastard knowing that your beloved Germany is i no danger from other world powers because the American military will defend your whiney bitch asses.

You do understand that the Pew Research Center is .... In Washington?

I mean before you get all emotional and xenophobic.
You are the old school the American study is talking about. The "we are better" egocentric, out of date world view.

You do understand that the Pew Research Center is .... In Washington?

I mean before you get all emotional and xenophobic.
You are the old school the American study is talking about. The "we are better" egocentric, out of date world view.


no, we really are better.

why does europe not get involved militarily? because of the USA.

why does europe throw a shit fit about the trump approach to military in europe? because then they will have to pay/train their own defense. without the shield of the USA, there WILL be greater violence in europe.
You do understand that the Pew Research Center is .... In Washington?

I mean before you get all emotional and xenophobic.
You are the old school the American study is talking about. The "we are better" egocentric, out of date world view.


seemed a perfectly reasonable response to "americans don't help anyone"
when in fact america is one of the most generous nations on the planet.


what you germans doing all the way down there in 22nd?

and then if you look it up as a percentage of GDP, we're more than double the next country.

so GTFO out here with the whole "Americans are selfish assholes that don't help anyone ever"
that shit isn't facts.
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You do understand that the Pew Research Center is .... In Washington?

I mean before you get all emotional and xenophobic.
You are the old school the American study is talking about. The "we are better" egocentric, out of date world view.


Pendejo; you do realise that the Pew Research Center is a left of center organisation and in Washington makes it even more suspect?
Yes we are better because we took the best from the European countries, people came here to get out from under your aristocracy, where just because of your birth you were judged to be better than others, here at least you were judged by who you were not who the master thief who started your family name was. Unfortunatly post WW2 we imported a bunch of leftest Professors and now we are going headed back if not hereditary, political aristocracy, there was a joke that went around that between the Clintons and the Bushes there could be one or the other as president 30 some odd years running the country. Look at New York state it is run by the Cuomos Califonia was the Browns, but now the Pelosies are moving in.
The view is only out of date because of the political class that decided we had to have a "New World Order" of course with them at the top. That is why they had to destroy Donald Trump he believes in America and wants the best for us
Yeah I'm older, but that doesn't make me wrong, what makes your European egocentric world view better, the age of your country, or how high you can stick your noses up in the air while your hand is out for American tax payer money to support your worker socialist paradise?
Lots of nonsense in your post. It's silly to blame "out of staters" as the culprit of more shut downs. It's the "leaders" that are shutting shit down. No one else to blame but them.

Btw, MI is about to shut down again, with fines this time around. Nobody but first responders allowed out, unless you are going to Dr office or to the grocery store.
Not sure what they're going to consider essential this time around. I'm building 2 hfa buildings, and hope they allow us to work on those again...

Well VT is one big tourist trap so there's that. So I can blame the flatlanders. (insert middle finger emoji here)

Our furor will be shutting us back down again... at least it's not as bad as March, but still bullshit no matter how you roll it.
Since we have a large family, and some of them feel the need to be idiots and do retarded shit in a pandemic like go to restaurants as soon as the now 2 week long shutdown is (possibly) over in two more weeks, the wife and I, as well as her brother (who is the ceo of one of the largest German companies), have decided to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas today.

The shit show is awesome to watch. People are so dumb is actually funny, not sad. All these emotions!!!

"Nobody can tell me not to see my grandchildren!!!"
"I alone decide if I go to a restaurant!"
"Your breaking traditions, you selfish people!!!"

Say old people with a bunch of preexisting conditions - even a flu could be very dangerous for them

Yea... And if you die alone, you can't do anything anymore ya idiots...

At least they wear masks. Some grudgingly. If there were someone in the family that would say "no masks", I'd instantly and completely break with them.

This just for perspective.

:confused: I didn't know that we made you start celebrating our holiday after we kicked your ass in WW2. As an American I demand you don't cancel your forced celebration of a holiday that has fuck all to do with your country! Deep fry that turkey bitch!:lmao:
A little lesson in German, which is all I can muster in light of the sheer stupidity on this board concerning Covid.

(My) Mein Führer
(The) Der Führer
(Our) Unser Führer
Pendejo; you do realise that the Pew Research Center is a left of center organisation and in Washington makes it even more suspect?
Yes we are better because we took the best from the European countries, people came here to get out from under your aristocracy, where just because of your birth you were judged to be better than others, here at least you were judged by who you were not who the master thief who started your family name was. Unfortunatly post WW2 we imported a bunch of leftest Professors and now we are going headed back if not hereditary, political aristocracy, there was a joke that went around that between the Clintons and the Bushes there could be one or the other as president 30 some odd years running the country. Look at New York state it is run by the Cuomos Califonia was the Browns, but now the Pelosies are moving in.
The view is only out of date because of the political class that decided we had to have a "New World Order" of course with them at the top. That is why they had to destroy Donald Trump he believes in America and wants the best for us
Yeah I'm older, but that doesn't make me wrong, what makes your European egocentric world view better, the age of your country, or how high you can stick your noses up in the air while your hand is out for American tax payer money to support your worker socialist paradise?

That was quite a while ago.
It made the USA the best country on earth.
Sent people to the moon.
Had a great middle class, where a gentleman that worked hard could support a family and buy house and go on a vacation a year.

Today ... Is a different America. The middle class needs side gigs to survive, both parents must work (on average), many only have a job in the gig economy (that is not a good job, and it has no future), the average American dies with 62K of debt. Yes where more jobs created under Trump. But what type? Really shitty gig jobs.
You deny people the basics that make up quality of life and freedom.

- Kids can't even move out. It's impossible in your "grat and yuge" economy: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...at-depression/

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/09/shut...-paycheck.html

- Can't pay basic bills in case of an emergency: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/23/mill...-hardship.html

- 50% have really shitty jobs without a future: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum...low-wage-jobs/

That’s a polite euphemism for: they’re glorified servants, drivers, cleaners, clerks, and so forth.

But can you have a modern, vibrant democracy made up of modern-day servants, menial workers, people who seem to be trapped in a new kind of debt servitude and serfdom?

As a result, America’s become a poor country. It’s not really a rich one, anymore, for the vast, vast majority of people. Americans are effectively poor people living in an impoverished country.

The average American now dies in $62,000 of debt. That’s a catastrophic number to an economist like me. It foretells not just economic ruin — but how economic ruin leads to political collapse and social implosion and cultural suicide. Why?

What can people that die in mass debt not do? They can’t afford to invest in society, in each other. They can barely keep the lights on and feed their families. They can barely fend for themselves. How can they support anyone else? Economists would say, formally, that “poverty shrinks the tax base.” What that means in plain English is that Americans are so broke they can’t afford to pay for things like healthcare, retirement, good education, childcare, and so forth, for all.

A society that’s grown as poor as America can’t afford to have many — if any — public goods. And yet public goods are what make a society a modern, functioning democracy, like Europe or Canada, with their expansive, generous social contracts.



There must be a better way.
That was quite a while ago.
It made the USA the best country on earth.
Sent people to the moon.
Had a great middle class, where a gentleman that worked hard could support a family and buy house and go on a vacation a year.

Today ... Is a different America. The middle class needs side gigs to survive, both parents must work (on average), many only have a job in the gig economy (that is not a good job, and it has no future), the average American dies with 62K of debt. Yes where more jobs created under Trump. But what type? Really shitty gig jobs.
You deny people the basics that make up quality of life and freedom.

- Kids can't even move out. It's impossible in your "grat and yuge" economy: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...at-depression/

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/09/shut...-paycheck.html

- Can't pay basic bills in case of an emergency: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/23/mill...-hardship.html

- 50% have really shitty jobs without a future: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum...low-wage-jobs/

That’s a polite euphemism for: they’re glorified servants, drivers, cleaners, clerks, and so forth.

But can you have a modern, vibrant democracy made up of modern-day servants, menial workers, people who seem to be trapped in a new kind of debt servitude and serfdom?

As a result, America’s become a poor country. It’s not really a rich one, anymore, for the vast, vast majority of people. Americans are effectively poor people living in an impoverished country.

The average American now dies in $62,000 of debt. That’s a catastrophic number to an economist like me. It foretells not just economic ruin — but how economic ruin leads to political collapse and social implosion and cultural suicide. Why?

What can people that die in mass debt not do? They can’t afford to invest in society, in each other. They can barely keep the lights on and feed their families. They can barely fend for themselves. How can they support anyone else? Economists would say, formally, that “poverty shrinks the tax base.” What that means in plain English is that Americans are so broke they can’t afford to pay for things like healthcare, retirement, good education, childcare, and so forth, for all.

A society that’s grown as poor as America can’t afford to have many — if any — public goods. And yet public goods are what make a society a modern, functioning democracy, like Europe or Canada, with their expansive, generous social contracts.



There must be a better way.

yea this sums it up pretty well:
I call this period of US history "The Worst Generation": Americans march to protest free elections; by selfishly refusing merely to wear masks, they overburden caregivers and the most vulnerable. Contrast to Greatest Generation: selflessly sacrificed everything for democracy.

germany had bad times. so shall america. hope we pull through.
That was quite a while ago.
It made the USA the best country on earth.
Sent people to the moon.
Had a great middle class, where a gentleman that worked hard could support a family and buy house and go on a vacation a year.

Today ... Is a different America. The middle class needs side gigs to survive, both parents must work (on average), many only have a job in the gig economy (that is not a good job, and it has no future), the average American dies with 62K of debt. Yes where more jobs created under Trump. But what type? Really shitty gig jobs.
You deny people the basics that make up quality of life and freedom.

- Kids can't even move out. It's impossible in your "grat and yuge" economy: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...at-depression/

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/09/shut...-paycheck.html

- Can't pay basic bills in case of an emergency: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/23/mill...-hardship.html

- 50% have really shitty jobs without a future: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum...low-wage-jobs/

That’s a polite euphemism for: they’re glorified servants, drivers, cleaners, clerks, and so forth.

But can you have a modern, vibrant democracy made up of modern-day servants, menial workers, people who seem to be trapped in a new kind of debt servitude and serfdom?

As a result, America’s become a poor country. It’s not really a rich one, anymore, for the vast, vast majority of people. Americans are effectively poor people living in an impoverished country.

The average American now dies in $62,000 of debt. That’s a catastrophic number to an economist like me. It foretells not just economic ruin — but how economic ruin leads to political collapse and social implosion and cultural suicide. Why?

What can people that die in mass debt not do? They can’t afford to invest in society, in each other. They can barely keep the lights on and feed their families. They can barely fend for themselves. How can they support anyone else? Economists would say, formally, that “poverty shrinks the tax base.” What that means in plain English is that Americans are so broke they can’t afford to pay for things like healthcare, retirement, good education, childcare, and so forth, for all.

A society that’s grown as poor as America can’t afford to have many — if any — public goods. And yet public goods are what make a society a modern, functioning democracy, like Europe or Canada, with their expansive, generous social contracts.



There must be a better way.

i'm not sure if i will take more time in the future to lay out why you are an idiot, but holy fuck, you consider yourself an economist and the best you can come up with is "must be a better way" :confused:

everybody should die debt free? That is an absurd measure and goal. your statement that "having debt means you cannot invest in yourself or others" is outright bullshit. $62K of debt against a home worth $100k is not a derogatory notion. yes, i understand that Germany has about the largest percent of renters in europe and that you don't believe in ownership of anything, but you are just fucking retarded in how you are viewing things.

hell, you will probably be the same person that supports massive inheritance tax increase :lmao:
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