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[486 said:
Never tried to imply that.

Fuckin' a, all this shit and what turns me into a needy wreck is the thought of waking up in the morning being held by someone I actually care about

I wasn't directing it at you, was for the people who can't believe some people just have normal sex.

I know you've probably heard it all, but have you tried online dating? It sounds dumb, but you really have nothing to loose but a bit of time. My buddy was pretty down for a while after breaking up with a serious girlfriend. He resisted the online shit for a while, but when he finally caved, he ended up meeting a few girls and going on real dates. He is still dating one of them over a year later. Not saying he met his sole mate, but at least he's not alone, and has probably learned more about what qualities he wants or doesn't want in a partner.

I think late 20s is a tough age to be single, all your buddies are getting married, having kids and or getting more serious about their career.
[486 said:
Never tried to imply that.

Fuckin' a, all this shit and what turns me into a needy wreck is the thought of waking up in the morning being held by someone I actually care about

Again, I think Overbear could be of great help here.
I wasn't directing it at you, was for the people who can't believe some people just have normal sex.

I know you've probably heard it all, but have you tried online dating? It sounds dumb, but you really have nothing to loose but a bit of time. My buddy was pretty down for a while after breaking up with a serious girlfriend. He resisted the online shit for a while, but when he finally caved, he ended up meeting a few girls and going on real dates. He is still dating one of them over a year later. Not saying he met his sole mate, but at least he's not alone, and has probably learned more about what qualities he wants or doesn't want in a partner.

I think late 20s is a tough age to be single, all your buddies are getting married, having kids and or getting more serious about their career.

there's nothing wrong with "normal" sex.

but resigning yourself to the same sex for the rest of your life is a fucking drag.
try some shit.
you might like it.
Dating in your late 20s is tough? Try being 42 when everyone has kids, houses and their own lives and give it a go. :laughing:

much truth.
there's nothing wrong with "normal" sex.

but resigning yourself to the same sex for the rest of your life is a fucking drag.
try some shit.
you might like it.

Tried plenty, it's fun on occasion.

I don't think I could ever do the choking or sounding though :laughing:

Side note, the friends that I have who are a few years younger say that every younger girl they've been with (early 20s) wants to be choked every time. Seems odd to me, but whatever.
Tried plenty, it's fun on occasion.

I don't think I could ever do the choking or sounding though :laughing:

Side note, the friends that I have who are a few years younger say that every younger girl they've been with (early 20s) wants to be choked every time. Seems odd to me, but whatever.

I was relieved to learn the girlfriend doesn't like being choked. I never could get into that.
Tried plenty, it's fun on occasion.

I don't think I could ever do the choking or sounding though :laughing:

Side note, the friends that I have who are a few years younger say that every younger girl they've been with (early 20s) wants to be choked every time. Seems odd to me, but whatever.

Had a hot little Hawaiian girl that would want me to choke her till she passed out so she could wake up to having sex. She was fun and was down for whatever I could dream up hammered drunk.
What about a dog.... not to complete you, but if you live alone, might be a good companion????

yup, you're from WA
did you also know mr. hands?
talked to someone else that knew the guy he killed
I know you've probably heard it all, but have you tried online dating?
wallowing in loneliness is just so much easier :homer:
[486 said:

yup, you're from WA
did you also know mr. hands?
talked to someone else that knew the guy he killed

wallowing in loneliness is just so much easier :homer:

You should do it just based on that you could come and post your m4m dating stories here alone :flipoff2:​​​​​​

Starting to feel like we are more diverse than we realise. We got a cripple, a Mexican or 2, a black dude, and now a fag, what are we missing? :flipoff2:
I was relieved to learn the girlfriend doesn't like being choked. I never could get into that.

Decreases blood and oxygen flow to your brain. Get the timing right and its pretty great. Just dont go all David carradine
Decreases blood and oxygen flow to your brain. Get the timing right and its pretty great. Just dont go all David carradine

I get the science behind it but it's still not something I'm into. My ex wife was into it, my last girl kinda was, she liked pressure on her upper sternum not directly on her trachea.

Myself, I've never been into it.
I get the science behind it but it's still not something I'm into. My ex wife was into it, my last girl kinda was, she liked pressure on her upper sternum not directly on her trachea.

Myself, I've never been into it.

I feel the same way about spanking. I don't want it done to me and it's a boner killer if a girl asks for it. I'm into some fucked up shit, but spanking is fucking weird
I feel the same way about spanking. I don't want it done to me and it's a boner killer if a girl asks for it. I'm into some fucked up shit, but spanking is fucking weird

I'm good with spanking. A little light spanking is ok for me and I'll smack er ass as hard as she wants it no problem at all. :laughing:

My ex wife basically never bruised but one time she was way into it and I kept smacking her ass harder and harder. She ended up with a handprint bruise on her ass for a week. :evil:

The girlfriend just found out she's into sensuality, she's never had it before so she's way into it. I keep finding new places that trip her trigger to tickle and barely touch. It's like an orgasm treasure hunt.
Thanks for making me feel normal, guys. Btw, where's ANGRYBLACK and why isn't he in this convo? I've done some kinky shit, but there's no way in hell anything is going in my ass or peehole.
[486 said:
nah, not into that scene
Ain't got the body for it, and besides the whole womens' clothing industry depresses me something fierce. Something about people spending their whole lives fixated on appearance rather than substance. You know that by default womens pants don't come with useful sized pockets? That kind of shit just sends me down a rabbit hole of 'no wonder so many of them are helpless, they've been trained their whole lives to be'
I understand I'm a 27 year old loner too. :laughing:

Doesnt seem like any of the girls around here can cook and want kids. Libtard brainwashing told them to hate that. Makes me sick.
I understand I'm a 27 year old loner too. :laughing:
Doesnt seem like any of the girls around here can cook and want kids. Libtard brainwashing told them to hate that. Makes me sick.
modern women pretty much make me somewhat thankful to be an aberrant

at least I got to go through highschool groping the fuck outta everyone I wanted to and it'd just get laughed off as a joke
it kind of was a joke after a while, but still, try that with women and you're in jail
was a great time doing the TA spot for auto shop, showing the other people in class how to use the cutting torch and welder with the cliche "showing some chick how to shoot" stance :lmao:
Unless hes hung like an overgrown clydesdale it's going to be like floating a toothpick down the Grand Canyon. Wheres the fun in that?

Ask your wife, she's probably well aware of how that analogy works.
Unless hes hung like an overgrown clydesdale it's going to be like floating a toothpick down the Grand Canyon. Wheres the fun in that?

actually I tighten back up pretty quick, probably won't in 10 years though. That's gonna be a downer, probably just stick with the smaller ones at that point.
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