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Post yer sex toys, 35% ofc


ugh, that guy again?
May 19, 2020
Member Number
pine city MN
couldn't figure out how to toss this one in the mask thread as a fuckin' link so what the hell may as well make a thread

I know some of you got a toy box, post that shit up. Shame only holds power if you don't own it.

From memory,
fetishzone kadahr, large
the rest are BD
medium/5, large/8 david
old large/5 chance with a tube (new sizing scheme XL)
new large/5 chance
large/3 fenrir
med/5, large/5 razor
large/5, xl/5 rex
and a browning HP for scale

Neither of the XL actually get used, just too damn big for the opening in my pelvis.
the cumtube is always a mistake while the suction cup never is a mistake

[486 said:
;n192411]couldn't figure out how to toss this one in the mask thread as a fuckin' link so what the hell may as well make a thread

I know some of you got a toy box, post that shit up. Shame only holds power if you don't own it.

From memory,
fetishzone kadahr, large
the rest are BD
medium/5, large/8 david
old large/5 chance with a tube (new sizing scheme XL)
new large/5 chance
large/3 fenrir
med/5, large/5 razor
large/5, xl/5 rex
and a browning HP for scale

Neither of the XL actually get used, just too damn big for the opening in my pelvis.
the cumtube is always a mistake while the suction cup never is a mistake

Somebody left themselves logged on while drinking with another irate member:laughing:
Somebody left themselves logged on while drinking with another irate member:laughing:

If it was anyone but the op, I'd agree with you. :laughing:

I'm honestly not sure what OP has going, gay or maybe just likes things inserted in him? Or maybe a women? :confused: no judgement, just unsure :laughing:
If it was anyone but the op, I'd agree with you. :laughing:
rofl I got a reputation to uphold
prolly 8 of them picked up cheap back when they actually ran half off sales fairly regularly

ETA: call it bi, with enough of a male pref to just say gay
or just faggot, faggot works well
[486 said:
;n192411]couldn't figure out how to toss this one in the mask thread as a fuckin' link so what the hell may as well make a thread

I know some of you got a toy box, post that shit up. Shame only holds power if you don't own it.

From memory,
fetishzone kadahr, large
the rest are BD
medium/5, large/8 david
old large/5 chance with a tube (new sizing scheme XL)
new large/5 chance
large/3 fenrir
med/5, large/5 razor
large/5, xl/5 rex
and a browning HP for scale

Neither of the XL actually get used, just too damn big for the opening in my pelvis.
the cumtube is always a mistake while the suction cup never is a mistake

I thought you were a dude.
[486 said:
rofl I got a reputation to uphold
prolly 8 of them picked up cheap back when they actually ran half off sales fairly regularly

ETA: call it bi, with enough of a male pref to just say gay
or just faggot, faggot works well

Interesting, I thought you had hinted at it a few time but wasn't sure. Especially with the level of sarcasm on here (even now, I'm not 100% sure if you're serious :flipoff2:​​​​​​)

Props for just being you and being honest, like Phil Robertson got chastised for saying, but in lesser words, I don't understand it, but I don't have any hate for it either.
[486 said:
I thought I was pretty open about taking it in the ass on here and on pirate

Never would have guessed it. But I dont really care either. You do you, I'll do my wife and the only toys we need are already attached to us.
Meh, currently just have some sounds, a gag or two and some cbt stuff. Most of the girls I've met out here are boring.
Next thing your going to tell us your jimmy numbers
I know damn well I'm a garbage mechanic with more hammers and torch than pride
Yeah, who'd of thought a heavily conservative leaning off road website wouldnt have a lot of members into ass play with toys?:flipoff2:
everyone should know if they can get off on having their prostate poked at, it's only an inch in there after all
[486 said:

From memory,
fetishzone kadahr, large
the rest are BD
medium/5, large/8 david
old large/5 chance with a tube (new sizing scheme XL)
new large/5 chance
large/3 fenrir
med/5, large/5 razor
large/5, xl/5 rex
and a browning HP for scale

This reads like a list of t-shirt sizes for a men's softball team
Meh, currently just have some sounds, a gag or two and some cbt stuff. Most of the girls I've met out here are boring.

I've had nothing but a bad time playing with sounding, even real small like 1/8" just feels sorta okay, looks real hot, but soon as I cum it's FUCKING FIRE out my dick
managed to get a UTI once too, the expression on the doctor's face was hilarious.
This reads like a list of t-shirt sizes for a men's softball team

size, firmness, model name
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