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Panzers: I break rocks thread

Here to go Panzer just bought this morning
Jesus I wish I could get that around here. I get 10.50 for the same stone :homer: Too much competition in my area ;(.
It’s was 12 a ton 10 years ago. In the winter I can get crushed concrete for the cost of trucking.
Panz how much does the anfo cost? YT blocked at work so will have to watch at home.
rural area 40 mins east of KC, 3/4" clean around here is $18 a ton, 1.25" crusher run is about $14 a ton. that is at the quarry. hauling is extra of course
Panz how much does the anfo cost? YT blocked at work so will have to watch at home.
Anfo is about $.45 a pound booster is $5 each and the fancy electric caps are $20 each. Each hole needs a booster and cap. A few rows got a booster top and bottom and 2 caps.

There were 228 holes.
Next time you blast can you put a manikin in the middle of the blast zone with Pirate4x4 or vertical scope Tshirt on and them record the blast? Extra points for an evil laugh before the button is pushed.
Seriously. ThePanzerFuhrer is missing out on his youtube goldmine. Already spending the monies on the boom. Sell the boom.

Put a snowmobile on it.
Put a VW on it.
Put a stickered up mannequin on it.
Put a dog house one it.

Blow shit up.

Seriously. ThePanzerFuhrer is missing out on his youtube goldmine. Already spending the monies on the boom. Sell the boom.

Put a snowmobile on it.
Put a VW on it.
Put a stickered up mannequin on it.
Put a dog house one it.

Blow shit up.

Start youtube channel
For a fee I will dress up a manikin as your Ex.
you can zoom meeting into the blast pit and do the countdown.
blow shit up

Or for extra money...

I will put your ex...

Under a bulldozer and run them over
Throw them into a rock crusher
draw and quarter them with heavy equipment

Seriously. ThePanzerFuhrer is missing out on his youtube goldmine. Already spending the monies on the boom. Sell the boom.

Put a snowmobile on it.
Put a VW on it.
Put a stickered up mannequin on it.
Put a dog house one it.

Blow shit up.

It would be a really grey area. Doing shit like that at a mine for msha to see would be kinda scary. Everything would have to be done 100% by the book. Not sure that would make for good content. This would apply to msha the dnr the epa the county rules ect.

Next to the skill set to get good video and then afterwards edit it into something enjoyable to watch. All the successful YouTuber’s have excellent editors. That is what really makes the channel. The ability to get good video and put it together to tell the story in a entertaining way.

I have thought about this a few times. I’m not sure I would be good at this . Then I look at one of my halfassed YouTube videos I made for you guys and it has over 41,000 views lol.
It would be a really grey area. Doing shit like that at a mine for msha to see would be kinda scary. Everything would have to be done 100% by the book. Not sure that would make for good content. This would apply to msha the dnr the epa the county rules ect.

Next to the skill set to get good video and then afterwards edit it into something enjoyable to watch. All the successful YouTuber’s have excellent editors. That is what really makes the channel. The ability to get good video and put it together to tell the story in a entertaining way.

I have thought about this a few times. I’m not sure I would be good at this . Then I look at one of my halfassed YouTube videos I made for you guys and it has over 41,000 views lol.
blowing shit up kind of sells itself.
It would be a really grey area. Doing shit like that at a mine for msha to see would be kinda scary. Everything would have to be done 100% by the book. Not sure that would make for good content. This would apply to msha the dnr the epa the county rules ect.

Get ahold of the guys in AK that launch the cars off the cliff. They have to have at least a small handle on some of the US laws I would think.

How many people you got on payroll already??

What's adding a video editor into that number?? Probably well worth it.
How many people you got on payroll already??

What's adding a video editor into that number?? Probably well worth it.
8 or so on the payroll. A few part timers. Could use another crew of 3 guys.

Lol probably easier to hire one of those people than a guy that actually wants to feed the crusher

Got to spend 2 hrs on the surestrike today. Sucker rows through the boulders pretty good. Needs to be on A heavier hoe. She moves really slow and you can only work off the front.

This is how high tech operation I run. Switch to run the hammer is black taped to the joystick :homer::lmao:. Need to find a joystick with a toggle built in it this winter. Until then it’s the use what works program. :lmao:

You can definitely tell it’s comming to the end of the season. The little shit is starting to break with more frequency. Annoying but winter is comming and we cannot let the foot off the gas.
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Anfo is about $.45 a pound booster is $5 each and the fancy electric caps are $20 each. Each hole needs a booster and cap. A few rows got a booster top and bottom and 2 caps.

There were 228 holes.
Just curious how long it typically takes you, after a blast, to determine your approximate return from the $60k worth of explosions?

This thread is awesome man!
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