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Panzers: I break rocks thread

I appreciate all your posts and have learned a lot from them. I'm impressed when you refer to the "Big Guys do this whatever" and I think your setup is pretty big and sweet! Thanks again for sharing with us!
I appreciate all your posts and have learned a lot from them. I'm impressed when you refer to the "Big Guys do this whatever" and I think your setup is pretty big and sweet! Thanks again for sharing with us!
Lol when i say that it’s they have really deep pockets to make piles and leave them sit until they sell. Me I have to make the piles turn over. Them sitting there doesn’t make payroll or the fuel bill. :eek:
And being stupid!!! Trying to eat a corn cob. :homer:
I'll be that guy...

For science...

Does corn come out a dog same as it goes in?

I can honestly say I have never seen a shit from this bulldog. When he goes out he runs out into the field of tall grass and let’s her fly. He refuses to poop on the lawn :smokin:
Same! Australian Shepherd here, but I truly don’t know where he poops. Sometimes if we are riding and he is chasing along and the urge strikes he will crap on the side of the trail but that is the only time I have seen him do it in the six years he’s been around :smokin:
As a conclusion to my bit above this is what correctly made 3/4” concrete stone looks like. About 1/3 of the stone is between 3/4” and 1/2”, 1/3 between 1/2”-3/8” and 1/3”l between 3/8 and no4.

Today is a lazy day screening sand. It’s a good one man rainy sat afternoon deal. I Was gonna fix the miss in the van until I pulled doghouse off and realize the miss is because of a leaking intake gasket. Fuck thats a take it somewhere to do deal. I’ll just screen for 1.5 hours to pay someone to do it for me.

I need to make about 20,000ton more screened for a paper mill landfill. Good project, one that I get to make some money on.

Had the boys start hauling some waste sand from the washplant to mix in. Can’t haul straight off the washplant pile for fear of it looking different and causing waves with the engineers/dnr. They both meet the specs no problem. Just don’t need a idiot saying we only want the white stuff not the brown stuff. Washplant sand has 5x the production cost as the dry screening does. My loader guy will do the old truck mix when it gets hauled out. :flipoff2:

Msha was in the area last week so I fixed my rub rails on the scale. Took a picture to prove I had them on. Less than 24hrs later they were ripped off. :homer: I can’t fasten them too good cause if I do they tear the scale deck up. :homer:

I need to sink some telephone poles in at each end and toss up a section of guard rail. But before that I’ll just replace the scale. As she is a 1978 mechanical beam scale. She is starting to show her age.
Msha was in the area last week so I fixed my rub rails on the scale. Took a picture to prove I had them on. Less than 24hrs later they were ripped off. :homer: I can’t fasten them too good cause if I do they tear the scale deck up. :homer:
Out of curiosity, how long and wide is your scale and what's it rated for?

I need to sink some telephone poles in at each end and toss up a section of guard rail. But before that I’ll just replace the scale. As she is a 1978 mechanical beam scale. She is starting to show her age.
Time to upgrade to a Rice Lake Survivor SR:


Then you just have to get them to not catch their tires on the rails and shred the tires...

Aaron Z
Out of curiosity, how long and wide is your scale and what's it rated for?

Time to upgrade to a Rice Lake Survivor SR:


Then you just have to get them to not catch their tires on the rails and shred the tires...

Aaron Z
10x 35ish’ says it’s good for 80,000 but I have weighed more on it. Made a flash card for the beam back when we used it. Now it has a load cell in it for a digital display.

Those rice lakes are nice. I have 3 other portable scales none are rice lakes though. I believe they are al Avery weigh Tronix portables.
Does lightning affect your scale much? Seems to knock ours out occasionally. Our more portable crusher was in town, so we split the feed off the overland, have it making 5/8 and seedrock, main plant making plant mix. We were both making roadmix, had the feeder running at 100%, overland handled 1100 tph.


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Does lightning affect your scale much? Seems to knock ours out occasionally. Our more portable crusher was in town, so we split the feed off the overland, have it making 5/8 and seedrock, main plant making plant mix. We were both making roadmix, had the feeder running at 100%, overland handled 1100 tph.
One of them gets whacked once a year or so. Sometimes is worse than that, just depending on the storms I guess.

Pretty cool setup. I wish I had some overland conveyors. When you say seed rock that’s just screened stone crushed to 2-3” minus or so?

1100 ton a hour is awesome. Best our portables can do is around 650-700 making gravel for the wash plant. Even then I need to be careful not to stall stackers and what not.

Some day I’ll get ahead and have big piles of everything in the yard instead of the oh shit we need this today circus that has been the last few week. :homer:
Seed rock, generally 1.5" minus for our wash plant. Really it is just a byproduct, we have a fair amount of naturals in our pit. We have seed rock, 1.5 and 3/4 road mix piled a year or two in advance. It is the plant mix stuff that we start to fall behind on, plus some custom stuff. Finally came up with a plan to fix our pug mill, the rental is already falling apart.
Screening topsoil today baaahhh. I hate this shit but I need to make it to keep everyone happy. People don’t realize the trouble it is to screen this shit . I need to spend most of the summer disking the topsoil so it dries out. Then once it’s dry push it up so it stays dry. Then find a beautiful day to finally screen the shit out .

I usually use my little tracked plant to do this. That thing has been tied up making landfill stone for the past month. So my pile of screened topsoil has been gone for the last few weeks. People are starting to get cranky.

So I was gonna make some over the weekend but it was shitty and wet sat and sun. So this afternoon I swapped some screens on my big plant and will pound some out. Never used it for topsoil before . Holy crap she murders. Getting about 200yds a hour through a 5/8” screen. Not a bad hours worth of work. It’s only going that good because of my diligence piling the shit up.

Sad thing is I’ll only make 3-4 hours worth. Anything more and the shit will green up before I sell it and then I’ll get the “This ain’t screened topsoil bs :mad3:“.

I am lucky as the fields on the gravel pits have 10-12” of some of the best topsoil in the area. Nice sandy loam. Everyone likes it because it looks like topsoil yet once it get rained on once or twice. The stuff from 10 miles north of me looks like pure buckshot after a rain. Then people whine but in all reality it grows grass just fine.

It seems like most of my business the way it looks outweighs the way it performs :homer:.


The rest of the boys are making a another day or two of landfill stone. Fuckers hauled 13,000 ton last week and killed my pile more than I would have like to have seen. Its been a awesome month. Gonna do over %20 of my yearly sales this month. Which is good because I have a 75k fuel bill on the desk and a equally as big of one from the blasters :homer:.

Been so busy today didn’t even get out to watch the blasters shoot my other quarry. I helped put out stemming this morning and said good luck have fun dont Call me if you fuck the neighbors house up. :lmao:
Been so busy today didn’t even get out to watch the blasters shoot my other quarry. I helped put out stemming this morning and said good luck have fun dont Call me if you fuck the neighbors house up. :lmao:
Grab a bucket of fertilizer for the garden before they go and make all of it nasty and oily.

BTW, if you're supplying the fuel-oil for them, engine oil and fuel 50/50 works just the same according to some mining guy on here, which one it was I forget...
Grab a bucket of fertilizer for the garden before they go and make all of it nasty and oily.

BTW, if you're supplying the fuel-oil for them, engine oil and fuel 50/50 works just the same according to some mining guy on here, which one it was I forget...
The stuff they use is some kind of special shit. It looks like tapioca pudding. It actually expands like expanding foam to fill all the voids of the hole. They place hole plugs at 4-6’ down to give the mixture a cap to push against to help fill the hole tight. They got this shit down to a science now a days.

The truck mixes everything internally so you don’t even get to see what is what. The good stuff just comes out the hose.
Grab a bucket of fertilizer for the garden before they go and make all of it nasty and oily.

BTW, if you're supplying the fuel-oil for them, engine oil and fuel 50/50 works just the same according to some mining guy on here, which one it was I forget...

The blasters have an automatic mixer truck to fill the holes. Pull up, fill, shove in cap, and stem. Also blasting is the cheapest form of rock breaking there is and not getting it right can screw an entire bench. No sense trying to save $100 there.
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What is "baseball diamond" mix and what can I call it that doesnt sound so expensive. I want to order 150-200 tons. Also what kind of place am I looking to call?
Find your self a guy with a wash plant. Ask for the lawn base (silty sand) that they dig out of the wash ponds. The stuff closest to the discharge pipe of the screws is what you want.

I call this stuff lawn base, arena sand , and athletic dirt. Each has its own price but all come off the same pile.
There was someone here that was talking about it, maybe jr4x?

All of the blasting they do in the oil field is with shaped charges to punch holes in casing (unless you are doing some John Wayne stuff).

If I remember I'll ask my blaster or old school mining engineering acquaintances if they have ever messed around with alternative anfo mixes.
So, what are the price differences based on label?
$3/yd $6/yd $7/yd It all depends how much complaining/pain in the ass it’s going to be to sell it/ after the sale.

If we dig too deep when cleaning it out we may have to run it through a additional screen to make sure there are no rocks for the arena and athletic dirt.

Also found that if you don’t charge enough for the ball diamond/arena sand people don’t want it because it must not be any good. :homer:
$3/yd $6/yd $7/yd It all depends how much complaining/pain in the ass it’s going to be to sell it/ after the sale.

If we dig too deep when cleaning it out we may have to run it through a additional screen to make sure there are no rocks for the arena and athletic dirt.

Also found that if you don’t charge enough for the ball diamond/arena sand people don’t want it because it must not be any good. :homer:
My civil guy get $67 a yard for his baseball mix. to get the fancy "pac bell park mix" is 120 a yard.
My civil guy get $67 a yard for his baseball mix. to get the fancy "pac bell park mix" is 120 a yard.
Yeah it’s stupid what they spend on that shit. The fancy stuff gets wax mixed in so it sheds the water. My stuff gets used on the local bar and church diamonds.

Thing is he almost has to get that much for it because you don’t sell much of it. Hard to make a living selling 50-100 loads a year. Me idgaf if I sell it or not. It’s a waste product so if I sell it good deal if not I’ll just pile it up for someday.
Yeah it’s stupid what they spend on that shit. The fancy stuff gets wax mixed in so it sheds the water. My stuff gets used on the local bar and church diamonds.

Thing is he almost has to get that much for it because you don’t sell much of it. Hard to make a living selling 50-100 loads a year. Me idgaf if I sell it or not. It’s a waste product so if I sell it good deal if not I’ll just pile it up for someday.
ye just did 4 baseball/softball fields with him, probably the most he's sent out in years. He had one of his dumps deliver a load to my new firestation by mistake so I've been taking buckets of it home to use as a landscape boarder :laughing:.
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