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The prefix "cis-" in "cisgender" comes from the Latin word cis, which means "on this side". In contrast, the prefix "trans-" means "on the other side of" or "beyond"
So it kinda sorta does sound like a slur when put in that context, or at the very least, it's drawing lines in the sand. Not very inclusive of a group that uses a spectrum (:rainbow:) as their banner.

That said, other than easily "triggered" people on the internet, I have never, ever heard it used, even by "The Youth".
I was tempted to use cis once, on some super virtue signaling Karen on the social medias.

Something along the lines of what would a cis gendered member of the patriarch know about gay rights?

Thought better of it and moved on with my day.
Call her a **** then never respond again.

I did buy and mail her a Bernie chocolate bar because she’s 300 pounds & “bernie is soo nice he reminds me of my grandpa, I so hope he becomes president!”

I don’t think she got any of the points I was trying to make.
That interviewer had no idea what to do. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

It's because they always put their most polished guys on the billionaire and those fake-ass sack of air type of people can't handle anything beyond professional bullshitting and small-talk pleasantries.

They've undoubtedly got some crusty ass :mr-t: somewhere in their org char who cut his teeth covering the LA riots from the ground 30yr ago who wouldn't even notice f-bombs being thrown around.
Interviewer was expecting Elon to apologize and grovel some for the advertisers to come back. I think Elon should go one step further and ban any of these advertisers and Media matters from his platform permanently.
Well, I think we found the literal version of "fuck you money". :grinpimp:

Go Elon, and I loved watching the interviewers whole world crumble when he realized someone values things in life outside of the almighty dollar.
I think I said this early on, he’s got “fuck you” money”, and, as of now, I’m glad he’s using it this way. My opinion could change very quickly, but for now, I’m entertained!
Imagine if he went full Soros. I’m not ruling it out.
I think I said this early on, he’s got “fuck you” money”, and, as of now, I’m glad he’s using it this way. My opinion could change very quickly, but for now, I’m entertained!
Imagine if he went full Soros. I’m not ruling it out.

I honestly have similar concerns overall. His various companies have been increasingly finding their way into the everyday life, and he personally provides a lot of direction at a few of them. He's always talking about being an eternal optimist (and his actions seem to show that), but what it he gets fed up, takes his ball and goes home? Or worse?

But then again, I believe he should be able to financially make whatever choices he wants (within normal regulations), so I don't know how to reconcile those long term concerns
I honestly have similar concerns overall. His various companies have been increasingly finding their way into the everyday life, and he personally provides a lot of direction at a few of them. He's always talking about being an eternal optimist (and his actions seem to show that), but what it he gets fed up, takes his ball and goes home? Or worse?

But then again, I believe he should be able to financially make whatever choices he wants (within normal regulations), so I don't know how to reconcile those long term concerns

He could be a real life John Galt.
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