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Musk and Twitter

So what's the consensus? Will he allow Trump back? Will Trump even leave his echo chamber if he is allowed back?
if trump does come back i will have to check on his posts from time to time to see what train wreck of a mean tweet he is saying i need good laughs too... hahaha
So what's the consensus? Will he allow Trump back? Will Trump even leave his echo chamber if he is allowed back?

I think he should just for the entertainment. But I don't think he will... At least not until things settle down.

Hoping Babylon Bee will be back... and a bunch of Dr.'s who were kicked off for COVID violations.
I think he should just for the entertainment. But I don't think he will... At least not until things settle down.

Hoping Babylon Bee will be back... and a bunch of Dr.'s who were kicked off for COVID violations.
He should at least post congratulating Musk on his acquisition. Then leave a link back to Truth Social. :laughing:
Why bother allowing Orange Man back? Every journalist scans Truth social and just reposts everything Trumpy posts directly on Twitter anyway.

But yes, unban everybody.

Ultimate irony would be Musk firing 69% of the useless fucks at 4:20 pm today.

Quickest way to max profits is to clear out half the workforce. Once he establishes his own regime, is there any reason for most Twitter workers to even be US based. I suspect we see a lot of that work contracted to the Indian subcontinent at pennies on the dollar. Close down 95% of Twitter ops in the US. He has already made token efforts to reach out to advertisers.

What I expect to hear from the MSM
  • TWTR now a matter of immense national security, and needs Congress to oversee every single change to new owner makes
  • some non-successful efforts to build a left wing echo chamber
  • Musk supports Putin and hates Ukraine
  • token "I am immediately cancelling my account" by most left wing media, not understanding that literally their only platform of note is TWTR
  • continued stories portraying Musk in a bad light, racist, intolerant, hates his own son (now daughter) and on and on.

The irony is the whole ESG movement is encouraging more and more minorities take (totally undeserved) positions of authority in major companies. Now they have a white African American in power of one of the most powerful social media companies ever, and they are crying foul.

We live in interesting times

Twitter, the company, will be valued in excess of $200 Billion before 2027, and those who have invested now with wonder boy, will see a 3 or 4x return on their investment in less than 5 years - you heard it here first (I have been privvy to some of the financial details, I have a close friend that has invested in every single Musk company since prePayPal days.

Dorsey will never enter the Twitter building again. And after today, neither will a large part of the blood suckers that have worked there.
Twitter, the company, will be valued in excess of $200 Billion before 2027, and those who have invested now with wonder boy, will see a 3 or 4x return on their investment in less than 5 years - you heard it here first (I have been privvy to some of the financial details, I have a close friend that has invested in every single Musk company since prePayPal days..

I thought he took it private. How do you invest in it.
now to start digging thru the code by IT that are loyal to Musk.. see where things were fucky
That has to be quite a challenge. Programmers experienced in automotive stuff trying to pick apart code for social website. I wish those guys luck and lots of Mtn Dew Code Red.
Trump is back.

Elon also fired that Vijaya Gadde chick who was the one who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop on Twitter.

She is the Indian chick in this pic glaring at Musk....a little bit before he gave her the axe.

Twitter HQ right now:

I wonder if we'll ever know what was REALLY done when it comes to censorship and data manipulation.
Yeah; the investors approved the sale/price/buyout.:confused:🤔

private investors:homer:
So IF you are really wealthy, you get invited to "invest" your money in more risky adventures. Companies that are not publicly traded. Companies that do not exist yet, companies that may not yet have made their first dollar, or first product.

Used to be a cash net worth of $1M would see you qualify as an "accredited investor" and if you knew the right folks, you could get an invite to put some of your money into "an exciting new venture". 95% of these lose money, but some make money, and very very few go public, and that is the huge payoff. These are never open to the man in the street. Closest you might get as a peon would be an early entry into a crowdfunding that offers shares eventually - anything offered to the public though is under a lot more scrutiny than private placements with investors.

And Obama tightened laws around this, so now I believe an accredited investor needs to be worth around $5M free and clear. The companies seeking investment are required to do due diligence on their investors before accepting the money. Not all of them do (and how I ended up in some of these offerings, did not have the net cash worth, but managed to finagle some numbers and bingo they took my money). Typical minimum investments are in the $100K range, but can be $250 or $500K.

These are similar but not the same as the large investment houses that offer positions to clients before companies go public.

Then you get Elon level of Private Offerings or Private Placements. Dude is smart enough not to use his own considerable money - or that money is tied up in shares and not liquid.

Elon has a core of acolytes, not just his Muskers or fan boi's. These are folks whose net worth starts with B. The dude I know, we grew up within 5 miles of each other, and I consult for his racing business to make sure he is not getting ripped off by the teams he contracts. Dude loves racing, but is naive to how the business works, and the pirahnas in the paddock, and I am the guy that keeps his contracted teams from ripping him off

He has known Elon since South Africa days (in fact invested in Elon's Dad's mining operations) and was one of the first guys to give Elon money for business ventures. That lead to PayPal and a huge payoff, which lead to Tesla pre-public offering, and an even larger payoff. Same guy is heavy into SpaceX too. He called me early this year asking way too many questions about Twitter, he knows I use FinTwit and wanted to know more about what Twitter was, and how it worked, and how it made money. About two months later he told me why he was asking, and that he had promised Elon a tranche of money - knowing my mate, this probably means several Billion $$$. My buddy owns a worldwide electrical connector company, and his partner is Swiss with even more billions. They have investment companies between them not related to the main source of income, and are always looking for places where the returns will beat the market in general. So they give Musk money, and in 5-8 years he gives it back often 3 x or 5 x the original value, or way more if the company lists on the market in the mean time.

The Billionaire lady in our town was another early Tesla investor. Inherited most of her wealth, but has a variety of business ventures, and she parks several billion at a time with Musk.

Heck, the guy makes you a fortune on a relatively small investment, he comes knocking with a new idea, and asks for money? Most cannot transfer the funds quickly enough. The rich get richer.

That was what amused me with TWTR, and folks saying Elon was going to have to sell all his TSLA shares to make the deal happen. My mate tried to give him more money 6 weeks ago, and I guess the deal was almost fully funded then. Once they reach a threshold of funding, the investment banks (on behlaf of their super wealthy clients) are eager to put up the rest of the money.

We will never see all the documents related to the deal going private, but I would wager there are guys like Thiel and Ellison putting up money to make this happen.

In 5 years time when the business has been cleaned up and thriving, they will either take it public again, or sell it to a fund. And heck if they lose the whole thing, they get to write those investments off as against tax as losses, and likely still break even.

One example of private placement to qualified investors.

Worked for a guy who was a pilot for a major airline. Late 40's. Through friends met some of the Crocs founders. After much discussion and though, invested $250K with them. It made sense, they were doing OK with sales and production but were stuck with growth issues due to lack of capital. Within 5 years Crocs went public, and the day they IPO'd he was worth $15M. Wow!! Sold half his shares as soon as lockup expired. Took early retirement. He does admit to losing about $500K in various other investment offers before hitting it big with Crocs.

Me, I have lost on so many "cannot miss" investments, but still feel confident that one of them eventually will hit for the lotto win. Or Not.
From the Bee

Elon To Replace 3,200 Twitter Employees With One Hardworking Immigrant Named Amar
TECH·Oct 27, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Only hours after officially taking over Twitter, Elon Musk has taken action on firing underperforming employees. After reviewing the metrics on individual employee productivity, Musk abruptly fired 3,200 Twitter team members and replaced them with Amar.
"Amar is a hardworking immigrant from India who can easily do the work of 3,200 Silicon Valley millennials," said Musk. "Once we filtered out all the breaks for meditation, wine-on-tap, matcha sipping, shuffleboard, and corn-hole, we discovered that these employees could all be replaced with Amar, who will outperform all 3,200 of these employees by at least 9%."
Amar's resume includes a steady stream of success at several call centers in Mumbai, and since his start date on Monday, he has already outworked 2,973 of the employees in weekly productivity. Sources say he works 18 hours per day, sleeps at the office, and takes baths in the bathroom sink, all of which he says are much better working conditions than where he came from.
At publishing time, Twitter employees had announced they all found jobs working for the DNC in Washington, D.C.
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