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Musk and Twitter

I was being sarcastic, which I realize is out of character for me. :flipoff2:
4chan is what you get with zero moderation. A for profit platform has to have at least a small amount of moderation just to keep the overt racist stuff and death threats to a minimum. As long as its implemented across the board it should be acceptable. The 1 sided moderation is where the problems start.
4chan is a perfect example. You don't have to go there and read it. You can ignore anything you want and decide for yourself what to read and not to read and what to believe and not to believe. I would lean towards unrestricted speech to over restricted speech.
4chan is a perfect example. You don't have to go there and read it. You can ignore anything you want and decide for yourself what to read and not to read and what to believe and not to believe. I would lean towards unrestricted speech to over restricted speech.
yeah, but the purpose of twitter is to make money.
and that means you have to get people signed up so you can suck that sweet sweet data out of their lives to sell.
you know most people aren't doing 4chan shit.
4chan is a perfect example. You don't have to go there and read it. You can ignore anything you want and decide for yourself what to read and not to read and what to believe and not to believe.
Buhbuhbutt . . . then I would have to be responsible for my own knowledge and feelers.
Aren't my feels constitutionally protected from mean tweets, or something?

I would lean towards unrestricted speech to over restricted speech.
That^ :beer:

What the "87 pronouns brigade" fears is that the speech of others will be unrestricted.
Do you have any idea how hard it will be to sell Socialism in balanced arguments? :laughing:
Dear God, man - people might have to choose between more than one point of view :eek:
4chan is a perfect example. You don't have to go there and read it. You can ignore anything you want and decide for yourself what to read and not to read and what to believe and not to believe. I would lean towards unrestricted speech to over restricted speech.
I'm fine with minimal moderation, problem is getting people to apply it evenly and without bias. Like any form of power, even moderation on the internet goes to people's heads quick.

Just look at why Ted was banned here. Over nothing more than a butthurt mod being a faggot about being told to fuck off and this place is far and away better than most sites about not over modding or being overly restrictive.
I'm fine with minimal moderation, problem is getting people to apply it evenly and without bias. Like any form of power, even moderation on the internet goes to people's heads quick.

Just look at why Ted was banned here. Over nothing more than a butthurt mod being a faggot about being told to fuck off and this place is far and away better than most sites about not over modding or being overly restrictive.

4chan is a perfect example. You don't have to go there and read it. You can ignore anything you want and decide for yourself what to read and not to read and what to believe and not to believe. I would lean towards unrestricted speech to over restricted speech.
Right, but Musk wants people to go to Twitter. He wants the advertising dollars. It's the same reason you can't post nudes here. I think this place is pretty good when it comes to free speech, but there are still some limits.
Right, but Musk wants people to go to Twitter. He wants the advertising dollars. It's the same reason you can't post nudes here. I think this place is pretty good when it comes to free speech, but there are still some limits.
yes there would have to be limits as he is going for a wider audience. 4chan is 4chan because it's not pushed out into the public. The public seeks them out. I like the statement that he put out and I am cautiously optimistic about what twitter could become. I might even get a twitter account.
I took the Series 7 in 2017; for individuals it is still $1m. You may be thinking of 501-c-3's and Trusts, both of which need $5m to invest in Reg D investment opportunities.

Accredited Investor definition per Federal Register :: Request Access

That last one is one I've never gotten an answer for. It wasn't on the Series 7, it wasn't in any of the training material. "holding in good standing one or more professional certifications"; which certifications? Do the Series 7/63/65/66 count? Is there a special "Accredited Investor" certification? If either of these are true, then you don't need $1 (or make $200k/year) you simply need to be smart enough to pass the exam. Given the laws were written to keep mom & pop (who don't know what they're doing) from buying weather control technology stock (hence the "Blue Sky" laws), and not someone who is actually educated enough to know what they are doing.

Personally, I think they should drop all of the monetary requirements and require an exam specifically for Reg D investments. Someone who wins the lottery today has no more knowledge than the mom & pop farmers buying into weather control companies did in the early 1900's, yet they are now "accredited investors" and will lose their ass if they choose to invest in these newly available (to them) "investment opportunities". And most of them do because they get conned by an "Investment Advisor" that tells them this is how rich people invest.
Finally someone with real knowledge shows up
To be honest I had zero clue when I did stuff as an accredited investor. Sure. Could read most of the fin reports but let’s be honest they are projecting numbers at best. These ain’t companies about to be listed and all SEC legal. Many (most?) are thinly disguised scams.
I might sign up. What me worry ?

Comment made a ways back about Twit sucking data off of subscribers. Meh. Thought Twit was/is built on ad revenue ?

If you move twit and was around you get twat so there is that.
I might sign up. What me worry ?

Comment made a ways back about Twit sucking data off of subscribers. Meh. Thought Twit was/is built on ad revenue ?

If you move twit and was around you get twat so there is that.
If nothing else, porn generally isn't censored on Twitter. Beats instagram if you just wanna scroll through a sea of tits on occasion. :laughing:
Sorta of OT but :lmao: why is Facebook taking such a beating ? Down 70-80% in net value >>>>.>

I see all kinds of noise on the WSJ about investors and advertisers worried about adds pulled if Trump posts on Twit.
Trump is back.

Elon also fired that Vijaya Gadde chick who was the one who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop on Twitter.

She is the Indian chick in this pic glaring at Musk....a little bit before he gave her the axe.

A guy I used to work with said ahead of his first management job he fantasized about creative ways to fire people, like asking a group "raise your hand if you work here", then saying, "no Bob, you don't work here anymore". :laughing: But of course he realized it's a shitty part of the job, now Musk must be having fun with it, and it sounds like all the sack-ees deserved it.
A guy I used to work with said ahead of his first management job he fantasized about creative ways to fire people, like asking a group "raise your hand if you work here", then saying, "no Bob, you don't work here anymore". :laughing: But of course he realized it's a shitty part of the job, now Musk must be having fun with it, and it sounds like all the sack-ees deserved it.
Firing is shitty to have to do if the people you're letting go aren't pieces of shit.

It sounds like the folks he's letting go were directly suppressing free speech, muddying the accountability at Twatter and possibly looking to fuck Elon over, so - fuck yeah, make it a party :grinpimp:
Many (most?) are thinly disguised scams.
New money is an easy target for Reg D scams.

70% of people who win the lottery declare bankruptcy within 3-5 years after winning. And the larger the jackpot the more likely they are to go bankrupt. A big reason for that is now that they are "accredited investors" they are eligible to participate in private investments even though they have no clue what they are doing. They don't get good investment advice and they don't consult an attorney before getting into certain "investments".

A common one (was even part of one of the TV show Shameless's seasons) is real estate development. Buy in for $100k per "share", the "company" is to buy land, build a commercial building and then reap endless streams of cash by leasing the building back out. But things don't go well, hidden costs, delays, etc... and each shareholder has to put in additional funds or forfeit the shares. In the end $100k per share becomes 250, 500, even $1m. Those lucky lottery winners that bought into it keep dumping money into it until it either actually pays off (if they can afford to stay in it) or (most often) the company goes broke and "sells" the entire investment for fractions of pennies on the dollar.

Same scam works in other industries as well. Bottom line is you better know what you're getting into. Reg D stuff isn't like buying common stock.

Meanwhile there are legitimate Reg D stuff that pays off and pays off BIG. One of the investment companies my wife does business with does something with gas pipelines/infrastructure/equipment. Because it's in the energy sector, there are favorable tax advantages as well. But you gotta be an accredited investor to even talk to them.
4chan is what you get with zero moderation. A for profit platform has to have at least a small amount of moderation just to keep the overt racist stuff and death threats to a minimum. As long as its implemented across the board it should be acceptable. The 1 sided moderation is where the problems start.
You haven't been banned from the worst korea of the chins?
you're no fun at all
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