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Musk and Twitter

From the Bee

Elon To Replace 3,200 Twitter Employees With One Hardworking Immigrant Named Amar
TECH·Oct 27, 2022 · BabylonBee.com

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Only hours after officially taking over Twitter, Elon Musk has taken action on firing underperforming employees. After reviewing the metrics on individual employee productivity, Musk abruptly fired 3,200 Twitter team members and replaced them with Amar.
"Amar is a hardworking immigrant from India who can easily do the work of 3,200 Silicon Valley millennials," said Musk. "Once we filtered out all the breaks for meditation, wine-on-tap, matcha sipping, shuffleboard, and corn-hole, we discovered that these employees could all be replaced with Amar, who will outperform all 3,200 of these employees by at least 9%."
Amar's resume includes a steady stream of success at several call centers in Mumbai, and since his start date on Monday, he has already outworked 2,973 of the employees in weekly productivity. Sources say he works 18 hours per day, sleeps at the office, and takes baths in the bathroom sink, all of which he says are much better working conditions than where he came from.
At publishing time, Twitter employees had announced they all found jobs working for the DNC in Washington, D.C.

A ton of twitter folks are from India.
For some of these people, I truly believe no amount of money sufficiently replaces the sheer exhilaration they get knowing just how much of the public mind they control. And the thought of no longer being in that control is what upsets them, not the loss of a high salary job.

Not much different from a typical politician I suppose...
the articles I read said that the management was given very generous severance packages..
For some of these people, I truly believe no amount of money sufficiently replaces the sheer exhilaration they get knowing just how much of the public mind they control. And the thought of no longer being in that control is what upsets them, not the loss of a high salary job.

Not much different from a typical politician I suppose...
I think it is more than just exhilaration. I suspect many saw themselves as the protectors of society, weeding out what they deemed the bad influences, helping build the shining city on the hill. Now being let go by a guy who just doesnt understand how important their service was to all of us.
So what's the consensus? Will he allow Trump back? Will Trump even leave his echo chamber if he is allowed back?
Let him back in, Let him repost his Truth posts a day after he puts them on his website
I think it is more than just exhilaration. I suspect many saw themselves as the protectors of society, weeding out what they deemed the bad influences, helping build the shining city on the hill. Now being let go by a guy who just doesnt understand how important their service was to all of us.
Quoting this shit for truth.
Silly-Con Valley is a cult.
The Boon cycle is ending.

A rude awakening is beginning for the employees that are used to be catered to by their employers. Capital is no longer cheap to almost free, the company’s that want to survive will begin to lean down as the cost of business rises.
The Boon cycle is ending.

A rude awakening is beginning for the employees that are used to be catered to by their employers. Capital is no longer cheap to almost free, the company’s that want to survive will begin to lean down as the cost of business rises.
My brother in Utah is saying a migration has started in Lehi called Silicon Slopes.

Content moderation, so less than a day before free speech goes out the window.
4chan is what you get with zero moderation. A for profit platform has to have at least a small amount of moderation just to keep the overt racist stuff and death threats to a minimum. As long as its implemented across the board it should be acceptable. The 1 sided moderation is where the problems start.
From Twitter

Tesla engineers inside twitter today to get the code and dig into the system for Elon. Twitter employees were locked out of the code at Noon
That is F'n AWESOME!

although they have probably been cleaning up after themselves. I'm relly hoping one nerd who knew hoe everything worked shows them EVERYTHING that was going on.
That is F'n AWESOME!

although they have probably been cleaning up after themselves. I'm relly hoping one nerd who knew hoe everything worked shows them EVERYTHING that was going on.
I wonder how many recently hired Twitter engineers has Tesla or SpaceX on their resume?
The Boon cycle is ending.

A rude awakening is beginning for the employees that are used to be catered to by their employers. Capital is no longer cheap to almost free, the company’s that want to survive will begin to lean down as the cost of business rises.
I can see a 90's style tech bubble pop. que old guy voice when the web started anybody that could write code for it could write their own ticket ** It's gonna be the same here. The twitter engineers that were actually doing the work will land on their feet. The ones with made up jobs and "fact checkers" will have a rude awakening.
4chan is what you get with zero moderation. A for profit platform has to have at least a small amount of moderation just to keep the overt racist stuff and death threats to a minimum. As long as its implemented across the board it should be acceptable. The 1 sided moderation is where the problems start.
You say that like I haven't been on 4chan for nearly 20 years. :grinpimp:
Used to be a cash net worth of $1M would see you qualify as an "accredited investor" and if you knew the right folks, you could get an invite to put some of your money into "an exciting new venture". 95% of these lose money, but some make money, and very very few go public, and that is the huge payoff. These are never open to the man in the street. Closest you might get as a peon would be an early entry into a crowdfunding that offers shares eventually - anything offered to the public though is under a lot more scrutiny than private placements with investors.
I took the Series 7 in 2017; for individuals it is still $1m. You may be thinking of 501-c-3's and Trusts, both of which need $5m to invest in Reg D investment opportunities.

Accredited Investor definition per Federal Register :: Request Access
Any natural person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person's spouse or spousal equivalent, exceeds $1,000,000;
Any natural person who had an individual income in excess of $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with that person's spouse or spousal equivalent in excess of $300,000 in each of those years and has a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level in the current year;
Any natural person holding in good standing one or more professional certifications or designations or credentials from an accredited educational institution that the Commission has designated as qualifying an individual for accredited investor status.

That last one is one I've never gotten an answer for. It wasn't on the Series 7, it wasn't in any of the training material. "holding in good standing one or more professional certifications"; which certifications? Do the Series 7/63/65/66 count? Is there a special "Accredited Investor" certification? If either of these are true, then you don't need $1 (or make $200k/year) you simply need to be smart enough to pass the exam. Given the laws were written to keep mom & pop (who don't know what they're doing) from buying weather control technology stock (hence the "Blue Sky" laws), and not someone who is actually educated enough to know what they are doing.

Personally, I think they should drop all of the monetary requirements and require an exam specifically for Reg D investments. Someone who wins the lottery today has no more knowledge than the mom & pop farmers buying into weather control companies did in the early 1900's, yet they are now "accredited investors" and will lose their ass if they choose to invest in these newly available (to them) "investment opportunities". And most of them do because they get conned by an "Investment Advisor" that tells them this is how rich people invest.
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