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It's this episode.

I don’t remember that one I will watch. Here are his comments on your last comment.
I would like everybody to know, what I know about Dave and all of his various projects. Dave, is just a father trying to provide for his kids and give them best life that he can. He has a day job that provides the basics and everything else is gravy. I think he’s doing a great job.
Watch this. Tell me what you think. I tell Fred and Dave what the people think. I don’t think it has any of the stuff you complain about.

I did watch it, and I did resub after watching.

I don't go to YouTube to watch TV show edits. MT is FULL of crappy car shows with nothing of value already.
Agree with the former hosts just being themselves instead of trying to recreate MT. I generally like VGG, but disliked his first season of his MT show. I unsub'd from MT last year, might turn on for a month or two in the winter and catch up. I gave up on Finnegan's show because I feel like it lacks soul.

I have 0 love for a Mustang II, but have enjoyed those episodes. I laugh when he's pointing at shit on screen and you see the sharpie notes. I'm impressed by his road trip legs. He's constantly putting up 1500 trips.
He does 1500 mile trips in shit piles. I think he even drove the v10 to the East Coast and back, even though he has a very nice Dually and trailer.

He tried to drive home from JV after he grenaded his 9 inch in fwd. I think he has more fun broken down then when the vehicle runs.
Watching the latest Roadworthy Rescues, '37 Chebby. I never knew that crank open/closed wing windows were a thing and now I need to have one. That is just too damn awesome. :grinpimp:

Watching more actual motortrend shows, they seem to lost their luster. I am not sure what changed or who changed it, but you watch roadkill these days and they just don't seem like even they are enjoying anymore.

For sure, roadkill has jumped the shark. It's time to retire that one or find some brand new hosts and get back to the show's premise. (That and it seems pretty obvious that frieburger and Finnegan don't really care for each other anymore)
I think Frieburger is burnt out on the whole deal. I was surprised when they announced the podcast. I figured hee was close to retiring. The only time I see him enjoying himself is when he's doing something with Dulcich. They have a hood chemistry together and it looks like they are having fun. After seeing Finnagin circling the toilet bowl with Finnagans garage, it's becoming obvious why he's gone thru so many people and his shows suck.
yeah, Roadkill died 2-3 seasons ago IMO. sucks, but its just not worth watching anymore

I barely watch any of the content now. I let the free subscription die and usually skip the suggestions when they pop up on Youtube
They haven’t for years.

I think Frieburger is burnt out on the whole deal. I was surprised when they announced the podcast. I figured hee was close to retiring. The only time I see him enjoying himself is when he's doing something with Dulcich. They have a hood chemistry together and it looks like they are having fun. After seeing Finnagin circling the toilet bowl with Finnagans garage, it's becoming obvious why he's gone thru so many people and his shows suck.

What's the gossip there?

I have been on a free subscription for a while since they cancelled one of the magazines I used to be subscribed to, but otherwise there is no way I'd pay for it. The only show that I still get excited for is Engine Masters, but they haven't done anything super interesting in a while, and the scripted fluff is getting a bit excessive.
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Am I the only one who hasn't watched anything since it went behind a paywall?

Roadkill lost its appeal before the paywall once it started getting money and sponsors thrown at it. When it was two guys and a camera man it had low budget charm to it thats been gone for quite awhile. The OG General Mayhem will forever be peak Roadkill for me.
Just last week I finally went ahead and cancelled MT and got Peacock to watch Supercross.

The only show that I still get excited for is Engine Masters, but they haven't done anything super interesting in a while,
Yeah, and their heinous release schedule leaves me wanting more too often to consistently log in and check what's new.

The OG General Mayhem will forever be peak Roadkill for me.
Yeah, back when the cars were interesting pet projects that the guys actually gave a fuck about, and we would occasionally see the cars more than once... sigh
After seeing Finnagin circling the toilet bowl with Finnagans garage, it's becoming obvious why he's gone thru so many people and his shows suck.
I barely watch his shit, so care to fill me in? I enjoyed some of the random episodes about superjets here and there, and kinda follow along with some blasphemi shit, although that's mostly just watching him break really expensive shit over and over and never getting a good explanation as to why
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