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Just got a message from Ashke.

Bassntruck, I understand what you went through with the Ashke that existed in that time 7 years ago or whatever it was. Fortunately he seems to have pulled his shit together and grown up since.

It was pretty obvious to everyone that watched your videos that you were putting him down and basically making a reality show out of his life for your own amusement and YouTube clicks. It was not a good look, as the kids say these days.

Most of us had completely forgot about it until you started this thread. I would consider HGTD so we can forget about it again.
Moarqueque BassnTruck
Let it the fuck go. Kid, you were an ungrateful SOB. Seems maybe you got your shit together, time will tell. Good for you. Remember, being a piece of .gov property doesn't make you better than anyone. Don't pull the foxhole, fighting for freedom, etc BS, you'll lose the little respect you have.

BassN, keep on keepin on man. You are a stand up guy in my eyes for helping him out. Don't let his BS from the past get under your skin.

Because this is intellectually stimulating? Because this particular turn of events brings about concepts and ideas that are fascinating?
Because the conversation at hand right now is pithy? (look it up)
Yeah! and on tuesdays we get to ask dumb questions! Oh and sometimes tech
Bass, I remember what you tried to do and respect you for taking some random ass shitbird under your wing. No need to dig up old shit.

And Ashke, no need to show off a fleet of shitboxes as a sign of wealth/success. That's the 'poors' <oooo shiny objects> mentality.

Fawk :shaking:
Bass, I remember what you tried to do and respect you for taking some random ass shitbird under your wing. No need to dig up old shit.

And Ashke, no need to show off a fleet of shitboxes as a sign of wealth/success. That's the 'poors' <oooo shiny objects> mentality.

Fawk :shaking:
Someone asked to see the fleet of shitboxes
Someone asked to see the fleet of shitboxes
I understand to see, but in a rant of flaunting of that as a flag of success in life (" Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, ...") could have been left off and been that much more profound. Kinda nods back to the childish mentality he had when BnT first met him. Dunno, maybe if it came after the wife/house/family thing. It just read cringey to me.
I understand to see, but in a rant of flaunting of that as a flag of success in life (" Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, ...") could have been left off and been that much more profound. Kinda nods back to the childish mentality he had when BnT first met him. Dunno, maybe if it came after the wife/house/family thing. It just read cringey to me.
It is a bit cringy but I think it is fairly normal when you go from having less than nothing to having something.
FFS it's a fleet of owned shitboxes, not a fucking leased V6 Challenger.

I can't quite put my finger on it (nor have I tried) but there's something real fucked up about this crab bucket mentality wherein people aren't supposed to be proud of intermediate steps on the way to wealth and/or status. And it always seems to be people who's life paths are on a much less impressive arc but starting from a higher level peddling it. While there is a social utility to modesty I think a lot of this just serves to keep people down.

Dude went from a no skills no worth ethic fuck up with deadbeat parents to doing alright and he should be proud of that. That is far, far, more rungs of ladder climbing than most on IBB have achieved.
I have excellent accountability these days. If you actually read the thread, you would know. Or else I'd have that DD214 which says that I don't have good accountability. The only ungrateful one here is you,

Easy on the attitude there- not getting kicked out of the pussified, pronouns in your email signature, modern day armed services isn’t exactly a major accomplishment for anybody to celebrate…

In other news, I will be picking up E4, Corporal, NCO, very soon,

What we have here are as followes:
1974 Scout II, 345v8 t19 4 speed
'06 Suzuki DR650SE and '06 Yamaha V-Star Classic 1100
1996 Mitsubishi Montero LS, 3.0 auto
1994 Suburban 2500 4x4 6.5
2024 Little Tikes Cozy Coupe

a wife & kid, 2 motorcycles and 3 gas guzzler shit boxes on $30k/ yr plus a housing allowance doesn’t seem to be a model of fiscal responsibility. Be careful about living beyond your means.
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FFS it's a fleet of owned shitboxes, not a fucking leased V6 Challenger.

I can't quite put my finger on it (nor have I tried) but there's something real fucked up about this crab bucket mentality wherein people aren't supposed to be proud of intermediate steps on the way to wealth and/or status. And it always seems to be people who are at least middle aged and who's life paths are mostly set peddling it.

Dude went from a no skills no worth ethic fuck up with deadbeat parents to doing alright and he should be proud of that. That is far, far, more rungs of ladder climbing than most on IBB have achieved.
Dont get me wrong, I am not shitting on his accomplishments. Hell, I talk with him just about every day. But curbing that old habit and getting off of the 'fun depreciating toys' mentality and stepping into the 'what are my future investment, long-term goals' mentality is my point.
Easy on the attitude there- not getting kicked out of the pussified, pronouns in your email signature, modern day armed services isn’t exactly a major accomplishment for anybody…


a kid, 2 motorcycles and 3 gas guzzler shit boxes on $30k/ yr doesn’t seem to be a model of responsibility. Be careful about living beyond your means.
THIS...right here, is my point.
I can't quite put my finger on it (nor have I tried) but there's something real fucked up about this crab bucket mentality wherein people aren't supposed to be proud of intermediate steps on the way to wea

Dude went from a no skills no worth ethic fuck up with deadbeat parents to doing alright and he should be proud of that. That is far, far, more rungs of ladder climbing than most on IBB have achieved.
yep, we all start from different places. You have to measure the delta. My ceiling and yours may be totally different.
Now that his head is ever so slightly less far up his ass there's no Toyotas. :laughing::flipoff2:
I had another 4runner with the 5 speed last year, but unfortunately someone ran a red light into it with no insurance and my shit got totaled. Luckily I had uninsured motorist coverage, but. I wasn't able to get another 4runner.
Purple rig, holy shit.
You and the girl be careful on those bikes now.
How is the Montero and Suburban holding up, repair cost wise?
My wife doesn't ride. Both bikes together were cheap.

We did the Scout ourselves. Purple color to honor my mom. It didn't turn out as dark as we wanted, but I still think it's awesome.

The Montero is so awesome. My wife drives that one. It gets 20 mpg. I haven't had to do anything to it except an oil change since I got it last year. Coldest ac ive ever felt in my life. Such a capable and comfortable rig. Total sleeper, the Montero. Made me open my eyes for real about the XJs and reconsider what I thought about them being so great. I paid less for the Montero than my wifes xj and it's bigger, way more comfortable, way more capable.

The Suburban is awesome, too. I sold the Wrangler for it. I've been longing for a 6.5 Suburban. It needs ac reapied, rhe manifold hose leak, but it has a whole laundry list of upgrades done to improve some of the GM faults and we've had no problems with it. We use it for long trips such as going to Fresno, and it's going to pull the Scout/motorcycles when we PCS. Not sure yet about the Montero.
Easy on the attitude there- not getting kicked out of the pussified, pronouns in your email signature, modern day armed services isn’t exactly a major accomplishment for anybody to celebrate…


a kid, 2 motorcycles and 3 gas guzzler shit boxes on $30k/ yr plus a housing allowance doesn’t seem to be a model of responsibility. Be careful about living beyond your means.
Only one gas guzzler shit box. The diesel gets me 19/20, and the Montero gets 20, too. I ride the motorcycle, and the dr650 gets 40 mpgs. That ain't nothing to shake a stick at. We do alright. I only drive the Scout about once a week now.
Easy on the attitude there- not getting kicked out of the pussified, pronouns in your email signature, modern day armed services isn’t exactly a major accomplishment for anybody to celebrate…


a kid, 2 motorcycles and 3 gas guzzler shit boxes on $30k/ yr plus a housing allowance doesn’t seem to be a model of responsibility. Be careful about living beyond your means.
As long as the shitboxes aren’t financed I consider it financially responsible.
Only one gas guzzler shit box. The diesel gets me 19/20, and the Montero gets 20, too. I ride the motorcycle, and the dr650 gets 40 mpgs. That ain't nothing to shake a stick at. We do alright. I only drive the Scout about once a week now.
In ca with gas at almost $5/gal and diesel over $5 that’s still a pricey fuel bill relative to all vehicles in the market. And registering and insuring that fleet as well as an ‘almost 30 yr old’, is most definitely not financially responsible given your salary.
In ca with gas at almost $5/gal and diesel over $5 that’s still a pricey fuel bill relative to all vehicles in the market. And registering and insuring that fleet as well as an ‘almost 30 yr old’, is most definitely not financially responsible given your salary.

So what would you recommend?
As long as the shitboxes aren’t financed I consider it financially responsible.
It may be less irresponsible than a v6 charger financed at 17% bhph, but Licensing insuring and maintaining that many shitboxes on poverty line household income is not fiscally responsible by any stretch of the imagination.
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In ca with gas at almost $5/gal and diesel over $5 that’s still a pricey fuel bill relative to all vehicles in the market. And registering and insuring that fleet as well as an ‘almost 30 yr old’, is most definitely not financially responsible given your salary.
Yeah, not really. I pay 150 something to insure the Scout, Burb, Montero, and the XJ back in PA but that's on storage mode not being driven for when my wife goes back and visits so she has something to drive.

I paid 180 or so for a year of insurance for the two bikes. Registration is also cheap, from West Virginia. Not much to worry about there, either.
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