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Just got a message from Ashke.

Tell me. What branch of service were you in?
Which one do you think? I joined because the recruiter told me the dress blues would be panty droppers.:flipoff2:

The recruiter failed to mention that there wouldn't be any panties I wanted to drop where I was going. I'm sure that was just a slight oversight on his part, right?:lmao:
My wife graduates nursing school in about 2 weeks, and she'll be coming out permanently with our son so it'll be a lot better, then.
See if she can get on as a nurse at a VA or Navy hospital. Being married to you might get her preference or they'll just feel sorry for her being married to a Marine.:flipoff2:
I have a couple cousins in SoCal in nursing, one works in Oceanside I think. When your wife gets out there and if she is striking out, highly unlikely, in the job market let me know so I can put her in touch with my cousins.
See if she can get on as a nurse at a VA or Navy hospital. Being married to you might get her preference or they'll just feel sorry for her being married to a Marine.:flipoff2:
I have a couple cousins in SoCal in nursing, one works in Oceanside I think. When your wife gets out there and if she is striking out, highly unlikely, in the job market let me know so I can put her in touch with my cousins.
She can get on at the Navy hospital aboard Pendleton and maybe a VA without having to go through Californias nursing exam stuff. But she's going to take a break for a while so that can just relax with our kid at home and not have to deal with school and additional BS.
It's tough. Claiming I'm a father when I've only really had the privilege of being with my son for about 4 months out of his first year of life. I see him grow through photographs and videos/face time and it's a tough pill to swallow. I wasn't there for his birth, either, and my wife was almost 3 months pregnant when I left to boot camp. I miss my kid, I love my kid, but sometimes I feel like I don't have the right to say I'm his dad when for the majority of his life so far, I haven't been there.
Knock that shit off, you're providing for him and his mom. Make the most of the time you do have with him. Then long term, find a way to be home more because it's important, but you're caring for him by being away for work, that's you, doing it for him
Glad to see you doing well. Put up a for sale add in the classified section with pics and price for the jeep.
I was stationed at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Oahu from 1999 to 2006. I do not miss their rules. I also remember Mike getting yelled at for walking across the drill field. Apparently you aren’t supposed to cut through the grass. I remember someone yelling “Get off the Commandants grass!!!” from out of nowhere.
I used to get run off base there for bodysurfing the Commandants waves back in the 70's lol
WOW, a little bird told me there has been some mad shit talking about me for a while here and there. I have only seen a small amount of what was said about me by a few of you. I am just going to set the record straight with all of it right here and not hop thread to thread.

First: Ashke, you are an ungrateful piece of shit. Don't speak my name around these parts? Who died and made you king Jughead? I will tell you what you little bitch, I got $300 with your name on it fuck face. Come get it big man. I had nothing to gain from trying to help you. The fact is you cost me more then you were even worth. But I never expected to get a "return" from you. I honestly just wanted to help a young kid out that was down on his luck. Try to give back something to the world and make it a better place. And what did I get for that "no good deed goes unpunished", you talking shit like you did everything perfect and I am a "total ass" just to start.

I think you might have actually forgotten what really transpired between us. Twisting it in your head about how you were the victim, like everything else in your life, so you told me up to that point. Everything was not your fault, nothing you ever did caused any problems. Your life sucked, blah, blah, blah. Truth was your life did suck, what you got wrong and couldn't accept was that it was your poor choices and decisions that kept you in that hole. All I did was tell you the truth. I tried to teach you some basic things in how to build, repair, work with your hands some, and tell you the truth regardless of if you wanted to hear it or not, and that you should STFU more.

You said you wanted to learn and get a hand up. But as it turned out you wanted to play victim, get a handout, and not even try to follow directions or put in any effort. Your mouth was writing checks your ass couldn't cash. Every inch of rope I gave you to pull yourself out, you just tied it around your neck. It became pretty clear early on you had no intention of taking anything seriously and putting in any effort. You knew everything and were always right. Nothing anyone tried to tell you or show you was correct. You would argue about what color the sun was as you gazed at it saying it was black. I am not sure your mouth ever closed when you slept.

Maybe I should have listened to my wife and never told you to come out and try to help you. You clearly were not worth at the time. We will never know what shithole you would have would up dead in had I not though. And I am not sure you truly realize that at this point. I will say you have no idea what a hard life really is. I do not wish that on anyone. You really don't know anything about me. The things I have seen and been through. I know there are people out there that have had it worse than I have.

You keep my name and my family out of your mouth until you can show some respect and appreciation for what was given to you. And not just from me, many donated to try and help you.

And Mr.plym49.2, Pretending to help him? Really, what did you do exactly? You knew what motives I had? Bitch please, you don't know shit so shut your mouth.

Yes, I did make some videos. It was requested by the people who donated to try to help him to follow along. I didn't have an issue with it and neither did he. I had no idea he was going to turn into such a dumpster fire. You say I humiliated him? No pal, he did that all on his own. And that was just the stuff I showed you. You didn't see the other 99% of the time where he was the same or worse. I was being quite nice in showing what he was truly like. And to kickstart my YT channel? Really, I already had a number of subs on a very old channel. I can honestly say I don't think I got a single sub or dollar from his videos, it was just all of you watching that dumpster fire. But it is easy to talk shit when you just sit there at your keyboard not helping anyone big man.

Don't speak that name round these parts, friend.

He may be an Ivy league guy, but I'm a god damn Marine. OORAH.

I went through my posts and wiped my name from super easy google searches. In fact, I even went to the original post that I made back in 2017 on pirate and edited it to wipe my name, which incidentally, made me aware of BassnTrucks' wifes' post on her blog about me, and how much she thought i wasn't worth tthe dirt I stood on, the air I breathed, and that she wished her husband would just let me suffer, alone. Pretty sobering read, and I cringe so hard over those days.

Pretended that he was going to help the kid work on his XJ in return for some help around the house. Video'd it b/c BNT was a'gonna make hisself a YT start.

But BNT humiliated the kid and that's what the vids focused on. BNT was a sleazy slimeball; wnder if he still is.

I don't think you know what lazy would be if it stayed in bed and slept all day right in your own house.

Bassntruck is a total ass.

I didn't hook up with some skag, keyboard warrior. I've been with my woman for 4 years.

You have taken one moment and jerked it till it can't be jerked anymore. The horse is dead. Let it go.

Just like my POS dad, right? Molesting little kids?

you left out the part where BNT made videos and posted them to YouTube intentionally focused on humiliating the kid. He was basically using the kid to kickstart his YouTube channel, using the pretext of helping Ashke opportunistically.
WOW, a little bird told me there has been some mad shit talking about me for a while here and there. I have only seen a small amount of what was said about me by a few of you. I am just going to set the record straight with all of it right here and not hop thread to thread.

First: Ashke, you are an ungrateful piece of shit. Don't speak my name around these parts? Who died and made you king Jughead? I will tell you what you little bitch, I got $300 with your name on it fuck face. Come get it big man. I had nothing to gain from trying to help you. The fact is you cost me more then you were even worth. But I never expected to get a "return" from you. I honestly just wanted to help a young kid out that was down on his luck. Try to give back something to the world and make it a better place. And what did I get for that "no good deed goes unpunished", you talking shit like you did everything perfect and I am a "total ass" just to start.

I think you might have actually forgotten what really transpired between us. Twisting it in your head about how you were the victim, like everything else in your life, so you told me up to that point. Everything was not your fault, nothing you ever did caused any problems. Your life sucked, blah, blah, blah. Truth was your life did suck, what you got wrong and couldn't accept was that it was your poor choices and decisions that kept you in that hole. All I did was tell you the truth. I tried to teach you some basic things in how to build, repair, work with your hands some, and tell you the truth regardless of if you wanted to hear it or not, and that you should STFU more.

You said you wanted to learn and get a hand up. But as it turned out you wanted to play victim, get a handout, and not even try to follow directions or put in any effort. Your mouth was writing checks your ass couldn't cash. Every inch of rope I gave you to pull yourself out, you just tied it around your neck. It became pretty clear early on you had no intention of taking anything seriously and putting in any effort. You knew everything and were always right. Nothing anyone tried to tell you or show you was correct. You would argue about what color the sun was as you gazed at it saying it was black. I am not sure your mouth ever closed when you slept.

Maybe I should have listened to my wife and never told you to come out and try to help you. You clearly were not worth at the time. We will never know what shithole you would have would up dead in had I not though. And I am not sure you truly realize that at this point. I will say you have no idea what a hard life really is. I do not wish that on anyone. You really don't know anything about me. The things I have seen and been through. I know there are people out there that have had it worse than I have.

You keep my name and my family out of your mouth until you can show some respect and appreciation for what was given to you. And not just from me, many donated to try and help you.

And Mr.plym49.2, Pretending to help him? Really, what did you do exactly? You knew what motives I had? Bitch please, you don't know shit so shut your mouth.

Yes, I did make some videos. It was requested by the people who donated to try to help him to follow along. I didn't have an issue with it and neither did he. I had no idea he was going to turn into such a dumpster fire. You say I humiliated him? No pal, he did that all on his own. And that was just the stuff I showed you. You didn't see the other 99% of the time where he was the same or worse. I was being quite nice in showing what he was truly like. And to kickstart my YT channel? Really, I already had a number of subs on a very old channel. I can honestly say I don't think I got a single sub or dollar from his videos, it was just all of you watching that dumpster fire. But it is easy to talk shit when you just sit there at your keyboard not helping anyone big man.
Ashke grew up & made something of himself.

Your turn :flipoff2:
WOW, a little bird told me there has been some mad shit talking about me for a while here and there. I have only seen a small amount of what was said about me by a few of you. I am just going to set the record straight with all of it right here and not hop thread to thread.

First: Ashke, you are an ungrateful piece of shit. Don't speak my name around these parts? Who died and made you king Jughead? I will tell you what you little bitch, I got $300 with your name on it fuck face. Come get it big man. I had nothing to gain from trying to help you. The fact is you cost me more then you were even worth. But I never expected to get a "return" from you. I honestly just wanted to help a young kid out that was down on his luck. Try to give back something to the world and make it a better place. And what did I get for that "no good deed goes unpunished", you talking shit like you did everything perfect and I am a "total ass" just to start.

I think you might have actually forgotten what really transpired between us. Twisting it in your head about how you were the victim, like everything else in your life, so you told me up to that point. Everything was not your fault, nothing you ever did caused any problems. Your life sucked, blah, blah, blah. Truth was your life did suck, what you got wrong and couldn't accept was that it was your poor choices and decisions that kept you in that hole. All I did was tell you the truth. I tried to teach you some basic things in how to build, repair, work with your hands some, and tell you the truth regardless of if you wanted to hear it or not, and that you should STFU more.

You said you wanted to learn and get a hand up. But as it turned out you wanted to play victim, get a handout, and not even try to follow directions or put in any effort. Your mouth was writing checks your ass couldn't cash. Every inch of rope I gave you to pull yourself out, you just tied it around your neck. It became pretty clear early on you had no intention of taking anything seriously and putting in any effort. You knew everything and were always right. Nothing anyone tried to tell you or show you was correct. You would argue about what color the sun was as you gazed at it saying it was black. I am not sure your mouth ever closed when you slept.

Maybe I should have listened to my wife and never told you to come out and try to help you. You clearly were not worth at the time. We will never know what shithole you would have would up dead in had I not though. And I am not sure you truly realize that at this point. I will say you have no idea what a hard life really is. I do not wish that on anyone. You really don't know anything about me. The things I have seen and been through. I know there are people out there that have had it worse than I have.

You keep my name and my family out of your mouth until you can show some respect and appreciation for what was given to you. And not just from me, many donated to try and help you.

And Mr.plym49.2, Pretending to help him? Really, what did you do exactly? You knew what motives I had? Bitch please, you don't know shit so shut your mouth.

Yes, I did make some videos. It was requested by the people who donated to try to help him to follow along. I didn't have an issue with it and neither did he. I had no idea he was going to turn into such a dumpster fire. You say I humiliated him? No pal, he did that all on his own. And that was just the stuff I showed you. You didn't see the other 99% of the time where he was the same or worse. I was being quite nice in showing what he was truly like. And to kickstart my YT channel? Really, I already had a number of subs on a very old channel. I can honestly say I don't think I got a single sub or dollar from his videos, it was just all of you watching that dumpster fire. But it is easy to talk shit when you just sit there at your keyboard not helping anyone big man.
That shit is a dead horse man, don't worry about it.

I for one, am glad to see you post again, it has been a long ass time.

Stick around, this place is kinda boring and needs some action.
Ashke grew up & made something of himself.

Your turn :flipoff2:

What does that mean? I was already grown up and made something out of myself. You didn't see me begging online and blaming everyone else for my problems. But we have yet to see how he turns out. Are we taking bets on what his DD214 will say? Contrary to what my previous post might imply, I did and still do wish the shit head the best even though he is a disrespectful ungrateful piece of shit right now. I don't wish ill will on people.
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Why are you butt hurt over what a dumb fuck wellfare kid said?

Who fucking cares?
I can only assume this was for me. I am not sure you know what butt hurt is. Just setting the facts straight. Take that as you will. I have every right to tell the truth after putting my neck out to help him. What did you do for the kid? Maybe he can just libel you about it.
Stick around, this place is kinda boring and needs some action.
Welcome to irate. :beer:

We need your shill expertise on buying/getting electronic parts.

I know the b.s. drama about the order to survive the future don't we have to understand the past..? Fuck that & move on. And don't let Pirate history get in the way of the foolish... Unless you want to get into a StreetBeef fight, let us know- :flipoff2:
That was just a prompt in case you were catching your breath & preparing to follow up w/ a page-long rant :laughing:
Wasn't planning on it. Guess we will see if he responds or not and see what he wants to do. And for the record, I bet I still have a ton of old footage of him that has never seen the light of day. If I was just trying to humiliate him, you would think I would have posted all the dumb shit he did and said.
Wasn't planning on it. Guess we will see if he responds or not and see what he wants to do. And for the record, I bet I still have a ton of old footage of him that has never seen the light of day. If I was just trying to humiliate him, you would think I would have posted all the dumb shit he did and said.
Your videos were plenty expository of his attitude & actions; to the point some assumed you would've been more adult & shown more discretion rather than trying to get Yoot Hoob views. Alluding to "I have worse footage to share" is tasteless and unnecessary. That was years ago, fuck who he was and fuck who you were - just be here now as who you are now :beer:
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