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Just got a message from Ashke.

I tried to help him, he didn't want or wasn't ready for help. After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him, you just say, "fuck it" and join the crazy train for a good time. If that was right or wrong, we can debate. But none of you were there in my shoes. I didn't and don't care about the ubber toober thing. I posted things I enjoyed or was interested in at the time. My channel was really starting to grow right when I decided to stop posting. If it was important I would have kept it going. I don't think I have posted more than 5 videos in the last number of years. And the last ones were posted for them to share. My alluding was exactly what I said, pointing out my intention was never to humiliate him. It was years ago, it is a slap in the face for someone you tried to help to call you an asshole years later. But I guess people never change, par for the course for him.

Your videos were plenty expository of his attitude & actions; to the point some assumed you would've been more adult & shown more discretion rather than trying to get Yoot Hoob views. Alluding to "I have worse footage to share" is tasteless and unnecessary. That was years ago, fuck who he was and fuck who you were - just be here now as who you are now :beer:
Well, well, BassnTruck. It's certainly been a long time. My personal feelings mean nothing, but I think the reality is you did everything after our meeting to get views and attention, since I clearly didn't know any better and "After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him" as you so put it, you gave up. Yeah, BS. I was there with you for only 3 weeks. I've given dirt more time than that. The first thing you do is come back here and immediately try to drum up drama and insult me and cry from what happened 7 years ago, nothing has changed with you. Still think you're better than everyone, no accountability with what happened. I've accepted what happened. I know I wasn't anything but a punk retard who couldn't do anything but say "mUH inTErnAtiOnAL". And you say I haven't changed? I know I have, and I've adapted quit a bit. Now. I'm just a Marine, a father, and I work on Scouts. I don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say. Threaten to post what could be humiliating videos? Good for you. Still so concerned about that time that you think you can get just a bit more attention by posting videos about me when i didn't know anything about life or myself. You know, children don't even stay focused on stuff like that for very long, not even what really really bothers them. I'm glad you did what you did. It took a couple years, but I did learn from you. Now I have my own family to worry about and take care of, a country to keep proud, and people on an internet board to show that what they did for me wasn't for nothing, even you, despite you giving up. I never called you an asshole either, I simply agreed that I think you took advantage of me when you thought I was a lost cause. Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, my own family, my own house, and I get to cal myself a US Marine. Are you returning to the board to say that you stayed so dedicated on hating me and threaten to "humiliate me" over a period of 3 weeks of my being a dumbass from almost a decade ago? Go ahead, man, if that is what will make you sleep better. Missed you dude, hope you feel better.
Well, well, BassnTruck. It's certainly been a long time. My personal feelings mean nothing, but I think the reality is you did everything after our meeting to get views and attention, since I clearly didn't know any better and "After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him" as you so put it, you gave up. Yeah, BS. I was there with you for only 3 weeks. I've given dirt more time than that. The first thing you do is come back here and immediately try to drum up drama and insult me and cry from what happened 7 years ago, nothing has changed with you. Still think you're better than everyone, no accountability with what happened. I've accepted what happened. I know I wasn't anything but a punk retard who couldn't do anything but say "mUH inTErnAtiOnAL". And you say I haven't changed? I know I have, and I've adapted quit a bit. Now. I'm just a Marine, a father, and I work on Scouts. I don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say. Threaten to post what could be humiliating videos? Good for you. Still so concerned about that time that you think you can get just a bit more attention by posting videos about me when i didn't know anything about life or myself. You know, children don't even stay focused on stuff like that for very long, not even what really really bothers them. I'm glad you did what you did. It took a couple years, but I did learn from you. Now I have my own family to worry about and take care of, a country to keep proud, and people on an internet board to show that what they did for me wasn't for nothing, even you, despite you giving up. I never called you an asshole either, I simply agreed that I think you took advantage of me when you thought I was a lost cause. Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, my own family, my own house, and I get to cal myself a US Marine. Are you returning to the board to say that you stayed so dedicated on hating me and threaten to "humiliate me" over a period of 3 weeks of my being a dumbass from almost a decade ago? Go ahead, man, if that is what will make you sleep better. Missed you dude, hope you feel better.
Wow, stay classy.
Well, well, BassnTruck. It's certainly been a long time. My personal feelings mean nothing, but I think the reality is you did everything after our meeting to get views and attention, since I clearly didn't know any better and "After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him" as you so put it, you gave up. Yeah, BS. I was there with you for only 3 weeks. I've given dirt more time than that. The first thing you do is come back here and immediately try to drum up drama and insult me and cry from what happened 7 years ago, nothing has changed with you. Still think you're better than everyone, no accountability with what happened. I've accepted what happened. I know I wasn't anything but a punk retard who couldn't do anything but say "mUH inTErnAtiOnAL". And you say I haven't changed? I know I have, and I've adapted quit a bit. Now. I'm just a Marine, a father, and I work on Scouts. I don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say. Threaten to post what could be humiliating videos? Good for you. Still so concerned about that time that you think you can get just a bit more attention by posting videos about me when i didn't know anything about life or myself. You know, children don't even stay focused on stuff like that for very long, not even what really really bothers them. I'm glad you did what you did. It took a couple years, but I did learn from you. Now I have my own family to worry about and take care of, a country to keep proud, and people on an internet board to show that what they did for me wasn't for nothing, even you, despite you giving up. I never called you an asshole either, I simply agreed that I think you took advantage of me when you thought I was a lost cause. Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, my own family, my own house, and I get to cal myself a US Marine. Are you returning to the board to say that you stayed so dedicated on hating me and threaten to "humiliate me" over a period of 3 weeks of my being a dumbass from almost a decade ago? Go ahead, man, if that is what will make you sleep better. Missed you dude, hope you feel better.

:shaking: You just proved everything I said, and you don't even know it. You did call me an asshole, it is quoted you ungrateful POS. I didn't come here to argue with an idiot on the internet, just set the record straight. I would like to think maybe one day you will realize what you have done here, but I won't bet the farm on that. You fail to realize the only person who can humiliate one's self, is themselves. No accountability with you then, or now. You didn't want to hear it then, and you sure don't want to hear it now. And another one for the record, I have not said a word about you until today, unlike yourself talking shit about me for at least a couple years I can see there, big man. I have never said I was better than anyone. But if you feel that strongly about how I "took advantage" of you, I have that $300 up for the grabs.
You guys need to this & I'll take the $300-:flipoff2:
Muh Special Forces! I will lead the way with my dooty cycles :flipoff2:


Because this is intellectually stimulating? Because this particular turn of events brings about concepts and ideas that are fascinating?
Because the conversation at hand right now is pithy? (look it up)

Oh, no. Because you drool over drama and shit talk on the internet. :shaking:

How old are you/

:laughing: It's like an 80's movie where the hero and the bad guy are fighting in a bar, and suddenly 30 other people start spontaneously throwing punches!
:shaking: You just proved everything I said, and you don't even know it. You did call me an asshole, it is quoted you ungrateful POS. I didn't come here to argue with an idiot on the internet, just set the record straight. I would like to think maybe one day you will realize what you have done here, but I won't bet the farm on that. You fail to realize the only person who can humiliate one's self, is themselves. No accountability with you then, or now. You didn't want to hear it then, and you sure don't want to hear it now. And another one for the record, I have not said a word about you until today, unlike yourself talking shit about me for at least a couple years I can see there, big man. I have never said I was better than anyone. But if you feel that strongly about how I "took advantage" of you, I have that $300 up for the grabs.
I'm sure I did. "Humiliate one's self" You literally threatened to do that, your comprehension skills are lacking. What's quoted is me saying ass. Asshole and ass are not the same thing, fuckwad penis. You came here specifically to argue. Is your life so lacking these days? Need more drama for Youtube? I think you don't understand what the word 'idiot' means. I have excellent accountability these days. If you actually read the thread, you would know. Or else I'd have that DD214 which says that I don't have good accountability. The only ungrateful one here is you, crawling back to bitch and surmise because you didn't get yours like you wanted when you abused your 'helping hand' that you so graciously offered me. How can you even sit here and say I talked shit? I made one statement about you and your wife, compared to your wife who made a whole blog post about me. Very nice, by the way. I didn't want to hear it then, but I certainly don't want to hear your sniveling shit these days when all you have now to offer is useless words from your keyboard about me being ungrateful. You don't know what it means to be ungrateful anymore, bro. The people that matter, I.E, not useless fucks like you, know damn well how grateful I am, and that I am always putting in effort to stay better, be better.
Pics as requested
What we have here are as followes:
1974 Scout II, 345v8 t19 4 speed
'06 Suzuki DR650SE and '06 Yamaha V-Star Classic 1100
1996 Mitsubishi Montero LS, 3.0 auto
1994 Suburban 2500 4x4 6.5
2024 Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
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WOW, a little bird told me there has been some mad shit talking about me for a while here and there. I have only seen a small amount of what was said about me by a few of you. I am just going to set the record straight with all of it right here and not hop thread to thread.

First: Ashke, you are an ungrateful piece of shit. Don't speak my name around these parts? Who died and made you king Jughead? I will tell you what you little bitch, I got $300 with your name on it fuck face. Come get it big man. I had nothing to gain from trying to help you. The fact is you cost me more then you were even worth. But I never expected to get a "return" from you. I honestly just wanted to help a young kid out that was down on his luck. Try to give back something to the world and make it a better place. And what did I get for that "no good deed goes unpunished", you talking shit like you did everything perfect and I am a "total ass" just to start.

I think you might have actually forgotten what really transpired between us. Twisting it in your head about how you were the victim, like everything else in your life, so you told me up to that point. Everything was not your fault, nothing you ever did caused any problems. Your life sucked, blah, blah, blah. Truth was your life did suck, what you got wrong and couldn't accept was that it was your poor choices and decisions that kept you in that hole. All I did was tell you the truth. I tried to teach you some basic things in how to build, repair, work with your hands some, and tell you the truth regardless of if you wanted to hear it or not, and that you should STFU more.

You said you wanted to learn and get a hand up. But as it turned out you wanted to play victim, get a handout, and not even try to follow directions or put in any effort. Your mouth was writing checks your ass couldn't cash. Every inch of rope I gave you to pull yourself out, you just tied it around your neck. It became pretty clear early on you had no intention of taking anything seriously and putting in any effort. You knew everything and were always right. Nothing anyone tried to tell you or show you was correct. You would argue about what color the sun was as you gazed at it saying it was black. I am not sure your mouth ever closed when you slept.

Maybe I should have listened to my wife and never told you to come out and try to help you. You clearly were not worth at the time. We will never know what shithole you would have would up dead in had I not though. And I am not sure you truly realize that at this point. I will say you have no idea what a hard life really is. I do not wish that on anyone. You really don't know anything about me. The things I have seen and been through. I know there are people out there that have had it worse than I have.

You keep my name and my family out of your mouth until you can show some respect and appreciation for what was given to you. And not just from me, many donated to try and help you.

And Mr.plym49.2, Pretending to help him? Really, what did you do exactly? You knew what motives I had? Bitch please, you don't know shit so shut your mouth.

Yes, I did make some videos. It was requested by the people who donated to try to help him to follow along. I didn't have an issue with it and neither did he. I had no idea he was going to turn into such a dumpster fire. You say I humiliated him? No pal, he did that all on his own. And that was just the stuff I showed you. You didn't see the other 99% of the time where he was the same or worse. I was being quite nice in showing what he was truly like. And to kickstart my YT channel? Really, I already had a number of subs on a very old channel. I can honestly say I don't think I got a single sub or dollar from his videos, it was just all of you watching that dumpster fire. But it is easy to talk shit when you just sit there at your keyboard not helping anyone big man.

Bass, you stood up and tried to do the right thing to help a lost soul. I gave up on people like him a long time ago and stopped trying to correct their bad decisions. It was sad to see Pew just sitting on the hood of his ride instead of jumping up to shake your hand, it was telling! You found out about that no good deed thing :lmao: Crispins nailed it, hang around and post more!

Well, well, BassnTruck. It's certainly been a long time. My personal feelings mean nothing, but I think the reality is you did everything after our meeting to get views and attention, since I clearly didn't know any better and "After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him" as you so put it, you gave up. Yeah, BS. I was there with you for only 3 weeks. I've given dirt more time than that. The first thing you do is come back here and immediately try to drum up drama and insult me and cry from what happened 7 years ago, nothing has changed with you. Still think you're better than everyone, no accountability with what happened. I've accepted what happened. I know I wasn't anything but a punk retard who couldn't do anything but say "mUH inTErnAtiOnAL". And you say I haven't changed? I know I have, and I've adapted quit a bit. Now. I'm just a Marine, a father, and I work on Scouts. I don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say. Threaten to post what could be humiliating videos? Good for you. Still so concerned about that time that you think you can get just a bit more attention by posting videos about me when i didn't know anything about life or myself. You know, children don't even stay focused on stuff like that for very long, not even what really really bothers them. I'm glad you did what you did. It took a couple years, but I did learn from you. Now I have my own family to worry about and take care of, a country to keep proud, and people on an internet board to show that what they did for me wasn't for nothing, even you, despite you giving up. I never called you an asshole either, I simply agreed that I think you took advantage of me when you thought I was a lost cause. Now, I have a fleet of my own toys, my own family, my own house, and I get to cal myself a US Marine. Are you returning to the board to say that you stayed so dedicated on hating me and threaten to "humiliate me" over a period of 3 weeks of my being a dumbass from almost a decade ago? Go ahead, man, if that is what will make you sleep better. Missed you dude, hope you feel better.
Pew, this stranger invited you into his home, tried to give you a hand up and you couldn't even stand up to shake his hand when you first met :confused:. You made some of the dumbest decisions I've ever read about and begged for help after you GAVE your vehicle away. You were the saddest, dumbest sack of woe is me wanna be crayon eater in history:laughing: Damn son, you only need a 35 on the ASVAB to become cannon fodder and you weren't eligible due to your medication. You were fucked up:flipoff2:

I honestly felt bad for your stupidity but, there is no way in hell I'd ever invite someone like you into my life. Been there, done that, and some people can't be helped. YOU made the necessary changes in your life to make your dream a reality but, don't think for a second you made those changes on your own. The Pirate family stepped up with the fatherly advice, guidance and physical help/money/mechanical work to get you there! I'm happy you got it sorted out, maybe it's time to work on the humility.

I don't remember who helped get your POS almost roadworthy enough to get to Bass's place but, did you ever pay them back for the time or parts? Did you ever repay anybody that stepped up and helped your stupid ass along the way? You should really spend some time rereading that old thread if it's still around. You have no right to bitch about anything or anyone!!!

That being said, I hope you both stick around, we need drama and the video decimation:flipoff2:
Bass, you stood up and tried to do the right thing to help a lost soul. I gave up on people like him a long time ago and stopped trying to correct their bad decisions. It was sad to see Pew just sitting on the hood of his ride instead of jumping up to shake your hand, it was telling! You found out about that no good deed thing :lmao: Crispins nailed it, hang around and post more!

Pew, this stranger invited you into his home, tried to give you a hand up and you couldn't even stand up to shake his hand when you first met :confused:. You made some of the dumbest decisions I've ever read about and begged for help after you GAVE your vehicle away. You were the saddest, dumbest sack of woe is me wanna be crayon eater in history:laughing: Damn son, you only need a 35 on the ASVAB to become cannon fodder and you weren't eligible due to your medication. You were fucked up:flipoff2:

I honestly felt bad for your stupidity but, there is no way in hell I'd ever invite someone like you into my life. Been there, done that, and some people can't be helped. YOU made the necessary changes in your life to make your dream a reality but, don't think for a second you made those changes on your own. The Pirate family stepped up with the fatherly advice, guidance and physical help/money/mechanical work to get you there! I'm happy you got it sorted out, maybe it's time to work on the humility.

I don't remember who helped get your POS almost roadworthy enough to get to Bass's place but, did you ever pay them back for the time or parts? Did you ever repay anybody that stepped up and helped your stupid ass along the way? You should really spend some time rereading that old thread if it's still around. You have no right to bitch about anything or anyone!!!

That being said, I hope you both stick around, we need drama and the video decimation:flipoff2:
Yeah. I deleted that thread to maintain a modicum of privacy now that I have a kid. I have every right to bitch. Life goes on, people change, people grow up. I was 19 in the events you talk about with zero experience, no social skills, no anything. I'm almost 30 now, in the Marines, with a kid and wife. I'll be sure to think of your wonderful words while I'm in a foxhole or something. What will you do? Keep bitching on your computer about stuff like that? Good job, dude. Ten years from now I sure hope to see you repeating the same rhetoric. It'll be such a learning experience.
I tried to help him, he didn't want or wasn't ready for help. After beating my head into a wall for the X time with him, you just say, "fuck it" and join the crazy train for a good time. If that was right or wrong, we can debate. But none of you were there in my shoes. I didn't and don't care about the ubber toober thing. I posted things I enjoyed or was interested in at the time. My channel was really starting to grow right when I decided to stop posting. If it was important I would have kept it going. I don't think I have posted more than 5 videos in the last number of years. And the last ones were posted for them to share. My alluding was exactly what I said, pointing out my intention was never to humiliate him. It was years ago, it is a slap in the face for someone you tried to help to call you an asshole years later. But I guess people never change, par for the course for him.
Right, never your intent to humiliate me. What about the whole 'truck idling for a long time using gas' sequence? Or the most versatile word in the English lexicon? Those aren't exactly teaching moments, dude. Trying to claim I didn't learn anything simply because I called you out for your egregious actions when I clearly didn't know any better, trying to stay on some high horse about it? Yeah, you did help me. Then you didn't. Be for real dude. You don't get Forrest Gump to lick battery acid then say "oh well, hes ungrateful and he isn't helping himself because I tried to get him to drink water' but he didn't understand on account of him not knowing what the fuck is going on and then getting egged on. You really are something, sir. Best of luck to you. I really hope you get that shit worked out.
Bass, you stood up and tried to do the right thing to help a lost soul. I gave up on people like him a long time ago and stopped trying to correct their bad decisions. It was sad to see Pew just sitting on the hood of his ride instead of jumping up to shake your hand, it was telling! You found out about that no good deed thing :lmao: Crispins nailed it, hang around and post more!

Pew, this stranger invited you into his home, tried to give you a hand up and you couldn't even stand up to shake his hand when you first met :confused:. You made some of the dumbest decisions I've ever read about and begged for help after you GAVE your vehicle away. You were the saddest, dumbest sack of woe is me wanna be crayon eater in history:laughing: Damn son, you only need a 35 on the ASVAB to become cannon fodder and you weren't eligible due to your medication. You were fucked up:flipoff2:

I honestly felt bad for your stupidity but, there is no way in hell I'd ever invite someone like you into my life. Been there, done that, and some people can't be helped. YOU made the necessary changes in your life to make your dream a reality but, don't think for a second you made those changes on your own. The Pirate family stepped up with the fatherly advice, guidance and physical help/money/mechanical work to get you there! I'm happy you got it sorted out, maybe it's time to work on the humility.

I don't remember who helped get your POS almost roadworthy enough to get to Bass's place but, did you ever pay them back for the time or parts? Did you ever repay anybody that stepped up and helped your stupid ass along the way? You should really spend some time rereading that old thread if it's still around. You have no right to bitch about anything or anyone!!!

That being said, I hope you both stick around, we need drama and the video decimation:flipoff2:
Nice fleet! Especially the DR and Cozy Coupe!
Yeah I love the DR. Cozy coupe is just a nice little whip for the local area.

I got a good deal on the dr650, man I love that bike. But, I gotta put a new clutch shaft seal in. On a Battalion ride the other day, it failed and now it leaks. Big sad. Easy fix though.
Wasn't planning on it. Guess we will see if he responds or not and see what he wants to do. And for the record, I bet I still have a ton of old footage of him that has never seen the light of day. If I was just trying to humiliate him, you would think I would have posted all the dumb shit he did and said.
WTF is wrong with you? I, and assume others here thought you were being a good guy by taking him in when he really had no where else to go. Making him stay in the bus was not bad, he needed to learn that a hand up is different from a handout, but the way you ran him down in the videos and in your rants here says it all.

Keep on Marine.
Yeah I love the DR. Cozy coupe is just a nice little whip for the local area.

I got a good deal on the dr650, man I love that bike. But, I gotta put a new clutch shaft seal in. On a Battalion ride the other day, it failed and now it leaks. Big sad. Easy fix though.
Austin has a bike site too, since ADVrider got bought. ADVbikes
Purple rig, holy shit.
You and the girl be careful on those bikes now.
How is the Montero and Suburban holding up, repair cost wise?

Because this is intellectually stimulating? Because this particular turn of events brings about concepts and ideas that are fascinating?
Because the conversation at hand right now is pithy? (look it up)

Oh, no. Because you drool over drama and shit talk on the internet. :shaking:

How old are you/

Purple rig, holy shit.
You and the girl be careful on those bikes now.
How is the Montero and Suburban holding up, repair cost wise?


Colors and yer gunna die kid

You seem to be here to drool over drama and shit talk :flipoff2:
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