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Just got a message from Ashke.


Here is the last time I saw my kid, in the overalls, back in October, and then back in August for the other picture. He's 11 Months in the overalls picture, and then he's 7 months in the other picture, I think. In the first picture he's a little grumpy from me taking my necklace away from him as he's about to board the plane and leave.
Damn, that shirt looks good on you. Don't listen to the IH haters, they just jealous they don't have awesome 1000 percent doody cycle rigs like we do.:flipoff2:

And here's my newest Black Friday sale IH, it's an old school Marine. Got it Black Friday. The previous owner couldn't find any unit numbers on it so it's new number is going to be 111075, it's a 1943 M24.:usa:
Semper Fi.
It's tough. Claiming I'm a father when I've only really had the privilege of being with my son for about 4 months out of his first year of life. I see him grow through photographs and videos/face time and it's a tough pill to swallow. I wasn't there for his birth, either, and my wife was almost 3 months pregnant when I left to boot camp. I miss my kid, I love my kid, but sometimes I feel like I don't have the right to say I'm his dad when for the majority of his life so far, I haven't been there.
I did a lot of cringy stuff too when I was young

I’m just glad there’s no documentation of it on the internet .

Fortunately I never suffered major consequences for it and got my shit together in my mid 20s

Congrats on getting to where you are .

I think the comments about the gear for the bike are more than a helmet , I think they are talking about the armor jacket etc

I visit family in Florida several times a year and am simply amazed at the amount of people who ride with no helmet

Just the wind noise past your ears at highway speed would , long term , damage your hearing .

I’ve been on some bases and apparently the base commander requires a construction worker vest , cause everyone on a motorcycle is wearing one .
The official order is to wear long sleeve, long pants, boots, gloves, and a helmet.
Damn, that shirt looks good on you. Don't listen to the IH haters, they just jealous they don't have awesome 1000 percent doody cycle rigs like we do.:flipoff2:

And here's my newest Black Friday sale IH, it's an old school Marine. Got it Black Friday. The previous owner couldn't find any unit numbers on it so it's new number is going to be 111075, it's a 1943 M24.:usa:
Semper Fi.
Semper fucking fi, dude. Holy shit that's cool
If you are taking care of your dad responsibilities you are “Dad”. The first year or so is more”Mom” time anyway for various valid reasons.
You need to be around more moving forward though, as much as possible.
My wife graduates nursing school in about 2 weeks, and she'll be coming out permanently with our son so it'll be a lot better, then.
It's tough. Claiming I'm a father when I've only really had the privilege of being with my son for about 4 months out of his first year of life. I see him grow through photographs and videos/face time and it's a tough pill to swallow. I wasn't there for his birth, either, and my wife was almost 3 months pregnant when I left to boot camp. I miss my kid, I love my kid, but sometimes I feel like I don't have the right to say I'm his dad when for the majority of his life so far, I haven't been there.

The official order is to wear long sleeve, long pants, boots, gloves, and a helmet.
Marine regs are gays as two boys fucking. You crayon eaters have to wear a crash helmet while riding a bicycle on base. I remember my buddy big Mike was getting yelled at by some Gunny about his lack of helmet. He just jumped back on his bike and took off. The dude followed him all the way to the hangar just so he could chew him out. My Chief told him to kick rocks.
Marine regs are gays as two boys fucking. You crayon eaters have to wear a crash helmet while riding a bicycle on base. I remember my buddy big Mike was getting yelled at by some Gunny about his lack of helmet. He just jumped back on his bike and took off. The dude followed him all the way to the hangar just so he could chew him out. My Chief told him to kick rocks.
The order actually states we must wear the gear at all times on base or off. If you get a ticket off base and they denote you weren't wearing proper required gear, which I have seen happen, you get an NJP back on station. Very epic times.
The order actually states we must wear the gear at all times on base or off. If you get a ticket off base and they denote you weren't wearing proper required gear, which I have seen happen, you get an NJP back on station. Very epic times.
I was stationed at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Oahu from 1999 to 2006. I do not miss their rules. I also remember Mike getting yelled at for walking across the drill field. Apparently you aren’t supposed to cut through the grass. I remember someone yelling “Get off the Commandants grass!!!” from out of nowhere.
Hell I remember when Uncle Sam made us start wearing our helmets when we're riding or driving in 5 tons or humvees in case of a roll over. Yeah that Kevlar helmet is going to keep my head from getting crushed.:shaking:
I was stationed at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Oahu from 1999 to 2006. I do not miss their rules. I also remember Mike getting yelled at for walking across the drill field. Apparently you aren’t supposed to cut through the grass.
Oh hell no. Sidewalks are for walking on, grass is not. Learned that early in boot camp.:flipoff2:
Hell I remember when Uncle Sam made us start wearing our helmets when we're riding or driving in 5 tons or humvees in case of a roll over. Yeah that Kevlar helmet is going to keep my head from getting crushed.:shaking:
I think some modern motorcycle helmets are being made with kevlar. I would bet it's more about the actual impact? It probably does more than nothing.

Plus, that's still in effect today. When you're in the truck operating and riding as a passenger, or in the back of the 7 tons, you gotta wear full kit.
I am actively selling my Wrangler in SoCal if anyone is interested.

I'm trying to get it the fuck out of my driveway. I loved the thing but, it's a terrible baby hauling car and I have the Scout already.

May consider a trade (:flipoff2::lmao::homer:) for a not shit heep Suburban.

It's a 2001 Wrangler Sahara, 4.0, NV3550 5 speed. Soft top currently but was a factory hard top so has defrost, wiper, sprayer plugs. A/C and heater work. 3" lift, 33" Coopers, has an sye, has a double cardigan front shaft, D44 rear, 19 gal instead of 15 gal tank, cruise control, and towing package, which doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot. There's some bs neoprene seat covers on it, they're pretty torn up on the front seat but they still protect the seats so I just don't take them off. The floor has a liner protection on it and the frame does too. If you're a California fag, it's already got California compliant smog shit on there from factory. It's registered in WV so I didn't have to deal with getting cucked by commieland horseshit, but it's there and all works if you care.
The order actually states we must wear the gear at all times on base or off. If you get a ticket off base and they denote you weren't wearing proper required gear, which I have seen happen, you get an NJP back on station. Very epic times.
I remember I didn’t not go to traffic court on base. They wanted to suspend my on base driving privileges. I remember my Chief said they were calling the hangar asking why I wasn’t at traffic court. I was deployed to the Middle East about a week after I got that ticket in base.
I was stationed at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Oahu from 1999 to 2006. I do not miss their rules. I also remember Mike getting yelled at for walking across the drill field. Apparently you aren’t supposed to cut through the grass. I remember someone yelling “Get off the Commandants grass!!!” from out of nowhere.
No walking on grass, but it seems less stringent today given that there's fucking grass everywhere on Pendleton.
No need for jacking off. We fucked anything with a hole and a heartbeat.
Do you know why they put Marines on ships?
Because the bads man kept beating up the squids and taking their shiny new dinghy. So Uncle Sam in his infinite wisdom decided that needed to stop, and Uncle Sam brought into existence the baddest MFers on the planet and called them Marines. All this to keep the bullies from taking a sailors boat. You're welcome Navy.:flipoff2:
Because the bads man kept beating up the squids and taking their shiny new dinghy. So Uncle Sam in his infinite wisdom decided that needed to stop, and Uncle Sam brought into existence the baddest MFers on the planet and called them Marines. All this to keep the bullies from taking a sailors boat. You're welcome Navy.:flipoff2:
Ummm no. One of my coworkers was attached to a SEAL team. The last thing we was worried about was the boogie man sweetheart.
Because the bads man kept beating up the squids and taking their shiny new dinghy. So Uncle Sam in his infinite wisdom decided that needed to stop, and Uncle Sam brought into existence the baddest MFers on the planet and called them Marines. All this to keep the bullies from taking a sailors boat. You're welcome Navy.:flipoff2:
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