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Just got a message from Ashke.

Eh, take it easy on the kid. His long post shows that, while he may be naive about his situation, he is willing to take responsibility.
How many of y'all would be here if your parents/grandparents hadn't been as naive (or more) as moarshke but took responsibility for their lives?:flipoff2:

Moarqueque, I'm sure that post was as much you telling yourself that as us, and I'm sure if you've grown up as much as you think you have you know none of it is going to be easy.
If I'm wrong about the above, life will smack you upside the head soon enough and let you know anyway.:laughing:
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My recruiter was honest and upfront about everything. If it wasn't a sure thing then he would say so. And he told me at the end of the day it's what the Marine Corps wants and needs, so you can put down your wish list but don't count on it. Lots of recruits join with kids and/or get married right after bootcamp even though it's strongly discouraged. Ashke isn't the first nor will he be the last.

Buddy, you are doing fine it sounds to me like you got it together for the most part. Good on ya for that. I want you to remember one thing though, yer still a kid to most of us. I remember being your age and ya know what? I knew it all better than anyone.:laughing: I know you think you do too, we all did and anyone says different is a liar. Give it a good 10 or 15 years and you are gonna look back and laugh at yourself, that's ok we all did that too.:laughing:

I think I musta been 35 or so before I realized my Dad knew more than I did back then and I used to call him for answers and advice right up until the day he died.

Love your Wife and Son, do your best to take good care of them and treat them with kindness, if you do that then you are a winner.
I think Ashke did great and his perseverance paid off, he should be proud.
I agree
And WTH? is boomer suppose to be some kind of insult?
It's the generation that's currently well on it's way to being senile and out of touch with the world so yeah, I guess it is. :laughing:
Go easy on the ego there, private. While you’re less of a dipshit than you were at 18 you’re not supremely wise at 26; you’ve made significant progress, but don’t automatically dismiss advice from guys much older than you who have lived it.

The stories never change - merely the name tapes associated with said stories.

I remember when I knew it all too. Only good thing I did do right was not having any kids. :lmao:

He's still too boot to make jokes, as 99% of them will just go over his head. But this thread is good, some day, years from now, he'll browse through it again... and just shake his head at his replies. And all these other ones will...resonate much deeper.
LOL, on our drive back from Parris Island, I kind of put my foot in my mouth. I was inquiring about PewPew's future plans in the Marines and such and made mention that the worst thing they could do right now is "Oops" a kid and shit. The back of the car (Ashke and his lady) got a bit quiet and I kind of picked up some context clues, right Moarqueque? :laughing: Well... apparently I was 3 months too late for that haha. I made a quick subject change.

Anyways, shit is only a mistake if you cannot cope to the life changing event. If you cope and make ends meet, then it isn't a mistake. (Happy Accident? ~Bob Ross)
Keep pushin' dude and always remember where you started. Remain humble.
"sure you can be in the special forces kid"
Are you saying they say such a thing to an Army recruit if they knew there was no chance for the kid to ever get a try at Q course or what?
What sort of things would prevent anyone in the Army from trying out for SF? If there were preventative conditions, I doubt the recruiter would do that because it would be a straight up lie.
LOL, on our drive back from Parris Island, I kind of put my foot in my mouth. I was inquiring about PewPew's future plans in the Marines and such and made mention that the worst thing they could do right now is "Oops" a kid and shit. The back of the car (Ashke and his lady) got a bit quiet and I kind of picked up some context clues, right Moarqueque? :laughing: Well... apparently I was 3 months too late for that haha. I made a quick subject change.

Anyways, shit is only a mistake if you cannot cope to the life changing event. If you cope and make ends meet, then it isn't a mistake. (Happy Accident? ~Bob Ross)
Keep pushin' dude and always remember where you started. Remain humble.
:laughing:I thought you knew, I was sworn to secrecy.:laughing:
Are you saying they say such a thing to an Army recruit if they knew there was no chance for the kid to ever get a try at Q course or what?
What sort of things would prevent anyone in the Army from trying out for SF? If there were preventative conditions, I doubt the recruiter would do that because it would be a straight up lie.
Recruiters will lie and forge paperwork and try to push numbers, even if they aren't going to actually make it.

Some recruiters will mince words on jobs to make them sound cooler than they are, to fill needed quotas for those MOS fields.
Are you saying they say such a thing to an Army recruit if they knew there was no chance for the kid to ever get a try at Q course or what?
What sort of things would prevent anyone in the Army from trying out for SF? If there were preventative conditions, I doubt the recruiter would do that because it would be a straight up lie.
The recruiters tried to prevent my mother from joint the Army when 9/11 happened. Lied on her forms and tried to say she had asthma and some other thing to prevent her from being accepted. She fought it, and eventually was accepted.
LOL, on our drive back from Parris Island, I kind of put my foot in my mouth. I was inquiring about PewPew's future plans in the Marines and such and made mention that the worst thing they could do right now is "Oops" a kid and shit. The back of the car (Ashke and his lady) got a bit quiet and I kind of picked up some context clues, right Moarqueque? :laughing: Well... apparently I was 3 months too late for that haha. I made a quick subject change.

Anyways, shit is only a mistake if you cannot cope to the life changing event. If you cope and make ends meet, then it isn't a mistake. (Happy Accident? ~Bob Ross)
Keep pushin' dude and always remember where you started. Remain humble.
E3 pay in a high COLA area with an unreliable vehicle always brings success ( is he an E3 by now?)
Holy crap, did not take long for folks to resume ragging on the kid.
Yeah, it's his life and I have confidence he'll do good. Will he make some mistakes? Yes, but he'll learn from them and move on.

Bootcamp brings a whole new level of "ragging" and if you let that get to you then you usually don't become a Marine. So I'm sure this ragging here is like water off a duck.
The recruiters tried to prevent my mother from joint the Army when 9/11 happened. Lied on her forms and tried to say she had asthma and some other thing to prevent her from being accepted. She fought it, and eventually was accepted.
That really sucks to hear. Did she get him fired?
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