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Irate KoH Recap

Every "king" I've met was always super nice(except maybe Slawson :laughing:)

Years ago (pre koh) we were kinda checking out Shannon's new at the time vw powered promod. My buddies ~3 yr old kid starts climbing on it and mom tells him no. Shannon says "he's totally fine, he can sit in it" he of course starts hitting every switch and finds the arb compressor. Mom again says not to mess with that. Shannon laughed and said "there's no way he's doing anything worse to it than me" :laughing:
About $500.00 in fuel will get a guy and a JK to hammers and back from Washington!!!

i'd trade you fuel bills anyday. i didnt get to do hammers, but glamis for new years was $2300 in diesel for the tow rig (my buddies tow rig, my camper. i'll be useign my gasser to tow from now on. be a bit cheaper) and we put another 7-800 into the glaf carts.

you cant beat that experience for $500, i'm not even bothered by our fuel bill for the fun had.

next year i hope to find a place that i leave the rig down there after new years and come back for hammers. either leave the whole thing and fly, or drop the trailer and drive light.
i want to spend more winter time down there, this coming year we'll be doing the Salton sean ppg fly in nov/dec, then back for new years in glamis (i'll be working on the wife to just stay all thru dec and do Christmas there too) and hammers before we drag it all home. i've got to find a good place to park the camper, etc.
i'd trade you fuel bills anyday. i didnt get to do hammers, but glamis for new years was $2300 in diesel for the tow rig (my buddies tow rig, my camper. i'll be useign my gasser to tow from now on. be a bit cheaper) and we put another 7-800 into the glaf carts.

you cant beat that experience for $500, i'm not even bothered by our fuel bill for the fun had.

next year i hope to find a place that i leave the rig down there after new years and come back for hammers. either leave the whole thing and fly, or drop the trailer and drive light.
i want to spend more winter time down there, this coming year we'll be doing the Salton sean ppg fly in nov/dec, then back for new years in glamis (i'll be working on the wife to just stay all thru dec and do Christmas there too) and hammers before we drag it all home. i've got to find a good place to park the camper, etc.
This is closer to the salton sea than anything, but this place used to be dirt cheap back in the day and we never had any issues leaving our stuff there: Home

Still a 2 hr haul to the hammers tho.

Edit: Derp, i take it back, it used to be this place right across the street from the other one. Cant' find a business name or website, but the dude who ran it was named "Jim" I think and he never wore a shirt... like ever.


This is closer to the salton sea than anything, but this place used to be dirt cheap back in the day and we never had any issues leaving our stuff there: Home

Still a 2 hr haul to the hammers tho.
thank you!

its a 28hr drive one way for us. 2hrs aint nothing. we wanted to leave it this year, but im stupid, didnt think to ask here. when i'm gone, i check out and the phone means work and gets ignored. local airline Alegient Air, runs super cheap flight between where we are and palm springs, got family there but no space to park. i'm making a list to get it worked out for next year.
thank you!

its a 28hr drive one way for us. 2hrs aint nothing. we wanted to leave it this year, but im stupid, didnt think to ask here. when i'm gone, i check out and the phone means work and gets ignored. local airline Alegient Air, runs super cheap flight between where we are and palm springs, got family there but no space to park. i'm making a list to get it worked out for next year.
I bet there is also some cheap storage around the salton sea, but I don't know what the crime rate is like around there. Borrego Springs is nice because it's a tiny little retirement town without much drama. My family left a 31' RV down there for years with no issues.
I've run into slawson out in the woods past the springs.

My boy and I were nut and bolting the rig.

We had a weird clunk that later turned out to be a tooth missing off the front ring gear.

Any way.

He pulled up and shut his rig off and I was a bit surprised to see him.

I'd met him before at hammers and he likely didn't even recognize me ,which is fine.

He was kinda sitting there watching and I said hey,

It's always surprising to see you guys out in the wild.

He said later and was off.

Not rude just running trails.

I think maybe he was teaching his wife the car or something. I seem to remember.
Every "king" I've met was always super nice(except maybe Slawson :laughing:)

Years ago (pre koh) we were kinda checking out Shannon's new at the time vw powered promod. My buddies ~3 yr old kid starts climbing on it and mom tells him no. Shannon says "he's totally fine, he can sit in it" he of course starts hitting every switch and finds the arb compressor. Mom again says not to mess with that. Shannon laughed and said "there's no way he's doing anything worse to it than me" :laughing:
Never met JR but that accurately describes my interactions with the Kings at various races over the years. Everyone else was super friendly and would stop what they were doing to say hello. Slawson just glared until we went away.
i'd trade you fuel bills anyday. i didnt get to do hammers, but glamis for new years was $2300 in diesel for the tow rig (my buddies tow rig, my camper. i'll be useign my gasser to tow from now on. be a bit cheaper) and we put another 7-800 into the glaf carts.

you cant beat that experience for $500, i'm not even bothered by our fuel bill for the fun had.

next year i hope to find a place that i leave the rig down there after new years and come back for hammers. either leave the whole thing and fly, or drop the trailer and drive light.
i want to spend more winter time down there, this coming year we'll be doing the Salton sean ppg fly in nov/dec, then back for new years in glamis (i'll be working on the wife to just stay all thru dec and do Christmas there too) and hammers before we drag it all home. i've got to find a good place to park the camper, etc.
How will you keep rodents out while it’s stored?
Never met JR but that accurately describes my interactions with the Kings at various races over the years. Everyone else was super friendly and would stop what they were doing to say hello. Slawson just glared until we went away.

My interaction with Slawson was a very interesting situation (frantically fighting a wild fire :laughing:) and he was fine to me, but was kinda a dick to another guy. I've heard other people say that he's just not a social guy at all.

I met JR at the Rubicon pre koh when I was 16 and actually rode through little sluice in the fat city bronco :smokin:

Met shearer at high angle drive line right after he got his first win and he was super nice, sat and bs'd with us for quite a while.

Worked for the Gomez bros and didn't interact with Raul or Marcos much, but they seemed pretty cool. One time we all went to a company BBQ. Pretty much everyone went there in our company trucks right after work. We walk in and there's like 4 giant coolers full of beer..... :laughing:
This is a troll thread…. I was there from Sunday to Sunday and didn’t spot one Irate member….. not even a flag!!!!! None of you really exist except in the internet’s!!!!
Sorry, I looked for exclamations in the sand but maybe the wind blew them away.
gomez came through while i was clogging up outer limits after pulling a hiem out of an aluminum link. shut the car down and bs'd for a few then said have a good one and took off. shannon is a pretty good dude as far as interacting with people, followed him back affter power hour and he was waving and interacting with people pulling up next to him.
thats my biggest concern, humans and otherwise.

mostly concerned with the humans. i live by the water, even the boats that tie up here have rat guards on their lines.
Im 6-1/2 hrs north of johnson valley and 3 south of the rubicon... your welcome to store whatever you need at my place and it will be safe from everything except the accasional hot lap around my property when Im bored.
willis_racing and I headed out early Thursday morning from New Mexico. Pretty uneventful drive other than some interesting encounters with law enforcement. We had an Arizona state trooper pull us over as we got into Flagstaff. There were a ton of troopers in the median and I was going the speed limit, but one pulled out and started following us as soon as we passed by. As soon as I passed a semi while going the speed limit he lit us up. He came up to the truck and started going on about some bullshit that I cut off the semi and that is was dangerous because the semi is going to win. He was pretty cool though and chatted us up about the Bronco II and the dirt bike. He still gave me a written warning though even though it was obviously a fishing exercise :shaking:
When we got to the California port of entry, we got a weird agent that was grilling us about the most bizarre things. She was upset that there was some mud on the front tires on my Bronco II from loading it up in my muddy driveway before we left. She said that if we left California, we would have to wash it before we could come back in, but then proceeded to let us through :homer:

We set up camp in the Heights since it sounded like that is where a lot of other members would be. Definitely a lot better dust-wise than being down on the lake bed.

We went and found Pinzguy and got him moved over to our spot. We also went and found Arickvan and hung out for a bit at his camp. Sorry we were lame and didn't go to hang out at Backdoor, but we were pretty beat after getting up early and driving all day. He showed us where Austin was camped at so we could harass him later :beer:

The next day we watched the EMC from Chocolate Thunder and Turkey Claw and screwed around with some RCs. We also got to watch some dude LARPing as a racer put on a spectacular show on how to get a YXZ stuck on the spectator hill at Chocolate Thunder :laughing: the heckling got pretty rough, but no one chucked any beer bottles at him. We got to see JR4X coming down turkey claw shortly after two of the Ford-backed Broncos and thought he was in 3rd or 4th place, but it turned out he was having a rough day and was just completing his first lap. We ran over to the pits in hammer town and chatted with Pitbullcruiser and Hodgiemoto. We didn't get to meet JR4X , but we got to talk a bit with his father Shawn which was pretty cool. Afterwards we hunted down Austin at his camp and got to meet his wife and SurfnSnow as well. It was awesome to finally meet the man behind the Website and Austin was super cool and hooked us up with tons of swag. Thanks again! :beer: That night we got to see someone in a UFO car making multiple high speed passes right by our camp which was pretty bad ass.

Our group all agreed that we had done the spectating thing on Friday and that watching the main race on the livestream back home was better than in person. We decided to go check out Cougar Buttes instead and screw around in our rigs. I am not sure if it was Blue Berry we found on our way to Cougar Buttes, buy Pinzguy let me drive his 1 ton JK on 40"s up it which was pretty cool of him :grinpimp: I immediately laid it on it's side with encouragement from him, and taco-ed the tie rod a little further down the trail. I pulled it straight with my Bronco II and we found a nice spot to chill and screw around some more with the RCs.


On Sunday we decided to hike Bloody Mary and Dead Blow to see what all the fuss was about. Bloody Mary was nuts :eek: it looked like someone had recently attempted the gate keeper rocks, but had a major blow out at the top based on the oily Trep prints and 5 gallon bucket full of oily rags. The mid section of the trail past the gatekeeper had been completely blown out by water and was impassible. The only way through would be to do some sketchy side hilling on some super soft sand dunes. The top rocky section didn't look like it had been run in years.


Dead Blow was pretty nuts too, but was super burned in.

Heading back home was pretty uneventful other than catching the edge of a blizzard in Flagstaff and coming home to a bunch of fresh snow.

I suck at taking pictures, so hopefully willis_racing posts a few more up. I am bummed we didn't get to meet up with 90supra and others, but hopefully we get something organized better next year for everyone to meet up. We were camped just down the road from Honky Lips , but never got the chance to stop by. One of the times we passed by and saw folks standing around his camp, we made sure to yell out his screen name :laughing:
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Man, that was a fun trip but man, my body is still feeling it. I'm slowly going through roughly 12,000 photos and haven't even scratched the surface. It was super cool to meet 84 Bronco II and hang out with Austin and his wife. I didn't get to stick around camp too much as I was out shooting but with the exception of Saturday (big sand storm) the weather was really nice.
The only sketchy thing was driving on the lakebed with all of the dust in the air, there were some points where you couldn't see 20 ft in front on of you.
Pulled in on Monday afternoon and was worried about the long wait from Boone Rd to the main gate, but overall, it took me 7 minutes.

I'll start adding photos but here's a couple that I've got ready:

2-8-23_ROK-Qualifications_Andy Cardenas_0914.jpeg

2-8-23_ROK-Qualifications_Andy Cardenas_0915.jpeg
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Reading the recaps really makes me want to venture out there.

SurfnSnow thise are some awesome pictures of Ben Miller’s Horschel twin car. Too bad it broke in qualifying and didn’t race on Saturday.
Only thing I did separate from 84 Bronco II was go on one single dirt bike ride late saturday afternoon. I've been itching to bring a bike out there both years I've attended and It's pretty much out of my system at this point. Being able to get around so quickly was a very novel concept, but it's an incredibly dangerous place to try to hold some kind of desert race pace while exploring.
Really really want to go back out again and scope out all the stuff I originally planned to hit, but I'll do that some off weekend when the place isnt packed.
For now I need to get my ass in gear and get a tow rig sorted out to bring my yota next year. :flipoff2:
Really really want to go back out again and scope out all the stuff I originally planned to hit, but I'll do that some off weekend when the place isnt packed.
For now I need to get my ass in gear and get a tow rig sorted out to bring my yota next year. :flipoff2:
My group really wants to head out there on an "off" weekend and wheel
Slawson isn’t here to make friends. He’s here to win races and sell Bombers. Friends only get in the way of those two things.

Right. Like I said, I don't think he was a dick. Just not as friendly as the others. But whatever, doesn't mean he's a bad guy.
My group really wants to head out there on an "off" weekend and wheel
We're discussing the same thing. Maybe a week or two after KoH, or in '84 Bronco II 's words, "sometime in april when it's not as likely to be so fuckin cold".

Much better for camping and rec wheeling without the threat of theft or being run over by a SxS while trying to take a piss:flipoff2:
Does tin benders still do their jambo? We went years ago, but after koh had gained popularity. It was in April, so weather was pretty good.

It was pretty awesome. There was enough people there that you could wheel with other people, and source parts or tools. But no where near crowded.

Thanksgiving was very similar, but less rock crawlers and more power sports guys.
I started to upload some pics and the first sets are from the EMC tech inspection. I'm slowly working my way through the Qualifications and main race and will post those up as well. Also, if anyone wants a high res version of a photo in the gallery, just let me know and I'll send it your way. Here are the galleries:
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