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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

You get out of your bubble you worthless piece of shit.

I work among these people and may very well crack 200k on my next job hop. To a large extent they and their "luxury beliefs" that they don't have to confront the failings of because their wealth insulates the are the problem with this country.

Sensitive to the truth, are you?

Envy is a bad look.

Or does your next bump automatically make your head more full of crap than it currently is?
Sensitive to the truth, are you?

Envy is a bad look.

Or does your next bump automatically make your head more full of crap than it currently is?
You're a fucking idiot. Do I strike you as the type that seeks to live in a 3000sf house in a high class neighborhood. Do I strike you as the type who wants to lease an Audi? Do I strike you as the type that wants to shop at Whole Foods? Do you really think that I would be driving 30yo cars and boiling hotdogs if I didn't want to live that way.

You mistake hatred for envy.

These people's material plenty has permitted them to think things that will run our society into the ground and be bad for everybody. And I hate them for it.
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You're a fucking idiot. Do I strike you as the type that seeks to live in a 3000sf house in a high class neighborhood. Do I strike you as the type who wants to lease an Audi? Do I strike you as the type that wants to shop at Whole Foods? Do you really think that I would be driving 30yo cars and boiling hotdogs if I didn't want to live that way.

You mistake hatred for envy.

These people's material plenty has permitted them to think things that will run our society into the ground and be bad for everybody. And I hate them for it.

you strike me as full of envy for people making more money than you... and ignorant because you "hate" people who are doing better than you.

has to be a rough way to live.
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You need to be on the upper end of middle manager in IT or really work hard to chase the dollar to both be getting 200-250k gross. It happens, but outside of Silicon Valley monopoly money land it's usually the result of someone signing on when an organization was small and then sticking on as it grew. I work in IT.
I hate to break it to ya, but I know countless households with incomes greater than 200k.

Cousin is a teacher, husband does electrical layouts for his company. He makes 130-150, she makes 68.

Buddy does sales for me, his wife works for the state. He makes 150-170, she makes 80.

Buddy is a union electrician, wife works for the state in elections. He makes 120-140, she makes 80.

Buddy owns a small garage door company, wife does hair. He easily makes 300-350, she make 50-100.

Every single example above, not a single college degree. I offer financing in my business and see way more incomes than most. You’re completely wrong about household incomes.

Now call me names like a pissed of child, and act like an emotional train wreck like normal. Envy and jealousy is a bitch.

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Why is it so hard for you people to believe that I don't want to live the way people making big bucks live. I drive through those suburbs every day. My coworkers bought houses in some of them so clearly I could have if I wanted to. Some of my coworkers wear designer jeans. Some of them order lunch with doordash or uber eats. They hire tutors for their kids. They go on extravagant vacations. I listen to them talk about how their lives are every day and I just smile and nod. I think it's a bad way to live and bad for you.

I make what these people make and live much more modestly. I don't have (big) problems. If I had real problems I wouldn't have time to think about shit like how wealth permits you to be soft and stupid.

i have a couple guys i work with that deburr parts, both topped 195K a couple years ago.
How much OT they doing?

I hate to break it to ya, but I know countless households with incomes greater than 200k.

We're talking 200k each, not 200 combined.

My girlfriend could break 200k if her employer could stay short staffed long enough (she gets a bonus per patient above her normal workload). Her salary is only in the mid 70s.

My pre-bonus salary is roughly double hers. Our household income is over 200k combined.

Buddy owns a small garage door company, wife does hair. He easily makes 300-350, she make 50-100.
Pays himself 350 or the business makes 350? Big difference.
Every single example above, not a single college degree. I offer financing in my business and see way more incomes than most. You’re completely wrong about household incomes.
And what do you do? You ever heard the term "sampling bias"?

You could plop down a powersport dealer in Wayland (fancy-ish but too crazy suburb of Boston) and see 200k individual incomes all day long because the people who don't make 200k aren't choosing to live there and if they are they probably aren't buying jet skis.

Here's a random graph I googled up. Sure, it from 2019 but you get the gist. 200k combined is like 10% of households, not that remarkable. 400k combined is way more exclusive club.

Why is it so hard for you people to believe that I don't want to live the way people making big bucks live. I drive through those suburbs every day. My coworkers bought houses in some of them so clearly I could have if I wanted to. Some of my coworkers wear designer jeans. Some of them order lunch with doordash or uber eats. They hire tutors for their kids. They go on extravagant vacations. I listen to them talk about how their lives are every day and I just smile and nod. I think it's a bad way to live and bad for you.

How much OT they doing?

We're talking 200k each, not 200 combined.

My girlfriend could break 200k if her employer could stay short staffed long enough (she gets a bonus per patient above her normal workload). Her salary is only in the mid 70s.

My pre-bonus salary is roughly double hers. Our household income is over 200k combined.

Pays himself 350 or the business makes 350? Big difference.

And what do you do? You ever heard the term "sampling bias"?

You could plop down a powersport dealer in Wayland (fancy-ish but too crazy suburb of Boston) and see 200k individual incomes all day long because the people who don't make 200k aren't choosing to live there and if they are they probably aren't buying jet skis.

Here's a random graph I googled up. Sure, it from 2019 but you get the gist. 200k combined is like 10% of households, not that remarkable. 400k combined is way more exclusive club.

I like how you’re now moving goal post around to try and have a valid argument. You threw a tantrum over the post saying 100-150 household income. Now, you’re not talking household income?:lmao:

As for what I do, I’m an hvac contractor. I deal with everyone from ghetto neighborhoods to private, super rich neighborhoods. My samples of incomes is quite vast and I can tell you right now, there are countless that are well over 200k.

I’m honestly embarrassed for you. Not only do you not know how to deal with your emotions like an adult, but you will sit here and literally contradict everything that you’re saying.
You're waving that quote around like it somehow means something or is somehow inconsistent. :shaking:

I stand by my statement. 400k combined isn't middle class.
You literally threw a fit over 100-150k household income :lmao:

You don’t even know what “household income” means. Stay in your lane bud, you’re in way over your head. :lmao:

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Why is it so hard for you people to believe that I don't want to live the way people making big bucks live. I drive through those suburbs every day. My coworkers bought houses in some of them so clearly I could have if I wanted to. Some of my coworkers wear designer jeans. Some of them order lunch with doordash or uber eats. They hire tutors for their kids. They go on extravagant vacations. I listen to them talk about how their lives are every day and I just smile and nod. I think it's a bad way to live and bad for you.

I make what these people make and live much more modestly. I don't have (big) problems. If I had real problems I wouldn't have time to think about shit like how wealth permits you to be soft and stupid.
now the goal post is about lifestyle and not income.

envy is strong with you.
I like how you’re now moving goal post around to try and have a valid argument. You threw a tantrum over the post saying 100-150 household income. Now, you’re not talking household income?:lmao:
You're fucking illiterate. I called out his bullshit because the range was 150-500 or 150-400 or whatever. If he had capped the range at less than what people with serious decision making authority in the institutions that shape our world make I wouldn't have said shit.

Instead he did what all those pieces of shit do and made the range so expansive as to a) be meaningless b) let those people pretend like they're in the same group of peasants as everyone else instead of in the "henchmen of the few at the very tip top" group.

As for what I do, I’m an hvac contractor. I deal with everyone from ghetto neighborhoods to private, super rich neighborhoods. My samples of incomes is quite vast and I can tell you right now, there are countless that are well over 200k.
We live in a nation of ~350mil. A small slice of that is enough to keep you busy.
You're fucking illiterate. I called out his bullshit because the range was 150-500 or 150-400 or whatever. If he had capped the range at less than what people with serious decision making authority in the institutions that shape our world make I wouldn't have said shit.

Instead he did what all those pieces of shit do and made the range so expansive as to a) be meaningless b) let those people pretend like they're in the same group of peasants as everyone else instead of in the "henchmen of the few at the very tip top" group.

We live in a nation of ~350mil. A small slice of that is enough to keep you busy.
You’re an embarrassment. I’m literally going off of your own post and I’m illiterate? You lost your shit and started name calling over 100-150 household income, then YOU moved the goal post. You just want to yell and scream at people.

You’re moving goal post around because you’re wrong. Your stance is that all data that counters any point you’re attempting to make is irrelevant.

It’s no wonder you constantly act like a child on here. It’s easier to fling insults than admit you’re wrong.
You’re moving goal post around because you’re wrong. Your stance is that all data that counters any point you’re attempting to make is irrelevant.

It’s no wonder you constantly act like a child on here. It’s easier to fling insults than admit you’re wrong.
From the get go I took issue with the top end of the range he posted. A household of 150k combined is two RNs. A household with 500 is two doctors. There's a HUGE difference there. The fact that neither of them live the way some CEO of their employer does is completely tangential.

Do you dispute any of these points?
From the get go I took issue with the top end of the range he posted. A household of 150k combined is two RNs. A household with 500 is two doctors. There's a HUGE difference there. The fact that neither of them live the way some CEO of their employer does is completely tangential.

Do you dispute any of these points?

Skilled laborers can hit 100-150 easy.
A wife working at Walmart can make 40-60, easy.

You don’t have to be RN’s to have a gross household income above 150k and live a nice lifestyle.

More money is always gonna lead to different lifestyles, your point is kinda idiotic.

What is stopping you or anyone else from becoming a doctor or a ceo that makes 200-350k per year to live their kinda lifestyle?
I do ultrasound and make about the same as a new internal medicine doctor at my work. Most nurses here make 120k or more depending on overtime.
Wife and I make 200k plus as an ultrasound tech and a paralegal. Its not hard to do
From the get go I took issue with the top end of the range he posted. A household of 150k combined is two RNs. A household with 500 is two doctors. There's a HUGE difference there. The fact that neither of them live the way some CEO of their employer does is completely tangential.
Skilled laborers can hit 100-150 easy.
A wife working at Walmart can make 40-60, easy.
Yup. But without somehow breaking into the "fancier" lines of work that household is not going to see 400k combined. The tradesman either has to start a business and do well or the wife has to go back to school and get a degree that lets her get on a lucrative career path.

There is a huge cultural gulf between that ~200k household and a ~400k household where in all liklihood both parties are college educated white collar professionals.

What I'm getting at here is that those college educated white collar professionals likely have beliefs and ideas bouncing around in their heads that make them fundamentally at odds with the tradesman and his wife.

You don’t have to be RN’s to have a gross household income above 150k and live a nice lifestyle.
Fine, CNAs then. In those lines of work hours worked matters more than the couple bucks of pay raise you get for each credential.

More money is always gonna lead to different lifestyles, your point is kinda idiotic.
What is stopping you or anyone else from becoming a doctor or a ceo that makes 200-350k per year to live their kinda lifestyle?
Nothing. But that's not the point. The point is that the people who are living that life are free to have all sorts of ideas that will run society into the ground because they're far enough up they'd never see the consequences. The societal equivalent of your quintessential out of touch suites from corporate with their MBAs but no real idea how shit actually works if you will.

If I were a doctor married to another doctor living the way those people do I would be in a bubble so insulated from the reality in which the bulk of the population lives I would have no exposure to anything that could check me and realize that some bad idea I think is a good idea is in fact a bad idea.
Yup. But without somehow breaking into the "fancier" lines of work that household is not going to see 400k combined. The tradesman either has to start a business and do well or the wife has to go back to school and get a degree that lets her get on a lucrative career path.

There is a huge cultural gulf between that ~200k household and a ~400k household where in all liklihood both parties are college educated white collar professionals.

What I'm getting at here is that those college educated white collar professionals likely have beliefs and ideas bouncing around in their heads that make them fundamentally at odds with the tradesman and his wife.

Fine, CNAs then. In those lines of work hours worked matters more than the couple bucks of pay raise you get for each credential.

Nothing. But that's not the point. The point is that the people who are living that life are free to have all sorts of ideas that will run society into the ground because they're far enough up they'd never see the consequences. The societal equivalent of your quintessential out of touch suites from corporate with their MBAs but no real idea how shit actually works if you will.

If I were a doctor married to another doctor living the way those people do I would be in a bubble so insulated from the reality in which the bulk of the population lives I would have no exposure to anything that could check me and realize that some bad idea I think is a good idea is in fact a bad idea.
So key takeaways.

Becoming successful is too hard.
Success makes you a piece of shit.
You hate people with more drive and dedication than you because they made sacrifices and took risk you won’t.
Like I said, 200 is easy. 400 is a much more exclusive club.
No, you literally said the exact opposite :lmao:

“A household of 2 RN’s is 150k”. You’re so outta touch with reality, it’s embarrassing.
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If I were a doctor married to another doctor living the way those people do I would be in a bubble so insulated from the reality in which the bulk of the population lives I would have no exposure to anything that could check me and realize that some bad idea I think is a good idea is in fact a bad idea.

So absolutely nothing would change.
So key takeaways.

Becoming successful is too hard.
Success makes you a piece of shit.
You hate people with more drive and dedication than you because they made sacrifices and took risk you won’t.
And this is why I called you an illiterate piece of shit.

Sure, you read the words. But you completely missed the meaning of the sentences. Like a fucking 1st grader reading a book out loud.

Where did I say success was too hard? Where did I say it makes you a piece of shit.

I have been very careful to say that it's the insular lifestyle that economic wealth permits, and that many elect to live, is what permits you to be a piece of shit.
From the get go I took issue with the top end of the range he posted. A household of 150k combined is two RNs. A household with 500 is two doctors. There's a HUGE difference there. The fact that neither of them live the way some CEO of their employer does is completely tangential.

Do you dispute any of these points?
Yup, take issue with your numbers. Avg 2 doctor HHI for any metro area would be $700k..
Doctors as a whole are getting CRUSHED by inflation as they are getting highly limited increases to make up for the inflation. Only those in in demand specialties with their own private practice and not behoven to medicare/medicade payments are keeping up with inflation

NOTE: I did NOT include the 2 doctor household or 2 sub C suite level folks in my salary range for middle class. Any household with 2 managing directors will also be $750k+


The upper half of that range you listed is made up of households with two doctors, two lawyers, two "just below C suite at megacorp" managers, people like that. Those people are the problem.

Sure they make their money from earned income instead of invemetments but they are living on a totally different categorical level than sucessful small business owners, engineers and the like. They have sufficient surplus income to allocate large swaths to investments and assets. They are playing a totally different game than normal people, albeit not the same game as people who get to fly on Epstien's jet.
Again, nope. Just below C suite will be clearing 300k for and individual at a megacorp > with both parties working, 600K household income.
Many many small business owners make the same or better along with massive tax benefits that the wage slaves (Dr, Lawyer, & mid level executives) are not able to use.
And what do you do? You ever heard the term "sampling bias"?
Consulting, I know that means you hate me on principle and assume I provide nothing of value to society. Surprisingly my field delivers something beneficial that everyone wants.

I understand what sample bias is. That is the reason I did not include my co workers in my examples until just now. Within the firm folks are predominantly 125k-400k salaries. We all live more or less the same unless unless they have a high earning significant others taking them over 500K ish HHI. Our directors do start to be different at 500k+. Our partners ARE the ones you like to hate at 1MM+ HHI. They live in a different world than the rest of us do.
You're fucking illiterate. I called out his bullshit because the range was 150-500 or 150-400 or whatever. If he had capped the range at less than what people with serious decision making authority in the institutions that shape our world make I wouldn't have said shit.

Instead he did what all those pieces of shit do and made the range so expansive as to a) be meaningless b) let those people pretend like they're in the same group of peasants as everyone else instead of in the "henchmen of the few at the very tip top" group.
Folks at the 250-350k single salary range are not the "Serious decision making authority" you seem to think. They are told what they have to accomplish within their group/ business line and have to manage delivery. Its the next level higher that starts to have the ability to steer a companies direction. They make more

I dont disagree with the "henchmen for the few at the very tip top" statement. Most every employee in senior manager is.
There is a huge cultural gulf between that ~200k household and a ~400k household where in all liklihood both parties are college educated white collar professionals.
I have not found one. I find there is a cultural gap between 150K HHI or less and those making 200-500KHHI. Then another from 500K-1MMHHI. Then above that is yet another cultural gap. Im sure that there is another gap between those making 1MM &10MM & 100MM but I dont meet enough who make 10MM a year to know.

200k & 500k both often go to the same schools, similar vacations, kids activities, hobies, etc. One may have a bigger house and newer cars, more expensive watch, etc. but that is not a significant difference in lifestyle.
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And this is why I called you an illiterate piece of shit.

Sure, you read the words. But you completely missed the meaning of the sentences. Like a fucking 1st grader reading a book out loud.

Where did I say success was too hard? Where did I say it makes you a piece of shit.

I have been very careful to say that it's the insular lifestyle that economic wealth permits, and that many elect to live, is what permits you to be a piece of shit.
I read what you said. I do not disagree that insular lifestyles that wealth permits let you become delusional. I Sub 500k HHI you just dont have that level of insulation. You are still tied to your income. You are not independent.

Once you enter ANY 100k+ salary white collar job, they are just as equally filled with pieces of shit who want to destroy culture with terrible ideas as those paying 200-300-400K/yr.
I do ultrasound and make about the same as a new internal medicine doctor at my work. Most nurses here make 120k or more depending on overtime.
Wife and I make 200k plus as an ultrasound tech and a paralegal. Its not hard to do
IM drs who havent passed their boards yet?
No, you literally said the exact opposite :lmao:

“A household of 2 RN’s is 150k”. You’re so outta touch with reality, it’s embarrassing.

Most families I know with 2 nurses clear 100k+ a head. So 200-300k/yr
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