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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

Its millennials voting for a bunch of free shit and $20 an hour for flipping burgers.

Maybe....juuuuuust maybe, selfish economic views are universal across generational lines and we have a cultural issue rather than a generational one.
Being a dumbass on any given issue is directly correlated to how easy you have it on that subject.

This is why suburban white women are fucked in the head dumbasses on so many issues.

The boomers benefited from huge advantages due to growing up in the post ww2 economy and the population increase, both of which were all but set in stone before they could fuck it up. So of course they fucked up everything they could. Foreign wars (you'd think they'd have learned from 'Nam), globalization, financialization of everything, welfare, social security, government regulation, etc, etc. And now we're dealing with the fallout of their unsustainable policies.

Millennials' fuck ups are going to be on social issues because they grew up in a time when social issues were mostly solved or on their way to being solved (racism, war on drugs, ostracism of gays, all that shit was in decline, now it's coming back because of them) but they will likely to better on the economic front because unlike boomers they didn't inherit a situation that was set for their lifetime and consequently will put a little more care into the moves they make.
Most boomers in congress/politics have been in office longer than most millennial have been alive.
So true. Look at how many WWII vets were elected president, Clinton finally broke that trend (love him or hate him, we needed younger blood), and now we have old and older choices for our next POTUS.
Just paid $80 for a pair of brake hoses. Pretty sure the last set was $40. 3ish years ago.
Being a dumbass on any given issue is directly correlated to how easy you have it on that subject.

This is why suburban white women are fucked in the head dumbasses on so many issues.

The boomers benefited from huge advantages due to growing up in the post ww2 economy and the population increase, both of which were all but set in stone before they could fuck it up. So of course they fucked up everything they could. Foreign wars (you'd think they'd have learned from 'Nam), globalization, financialization of everything, welfare, social security, government regulation, etc, etc. And now we're dealing with the fallout of their unsustainable policies.

Millennials' fuck ups are going to be on social issues because they grew up in a time when social issues were mostly solved or on their way to being solved (racism, war on drugs, ostracism of gays, all that shit was in decline, now it's coming back because of them) but they will likely to better on the economic front because unlike boomers they didn't inherit a situation that was set for their lifetime and consequently will put a little more care into the moves they make.
No doubt.

Americans, in general and across all generations, are quite soft and have been on easy street their entire life, compared to the rest of the world.

With the looming economic turmoil, mixed with cultural instability and a view that morals are "subjective" and therefore subject to interpretation and implementation by the ruling class, and therefore everything falls back to who can apply the most brute force to society...I'd say we are in for a rude awakening.

And no amount of blaming boomers will save ya.
Quit blanket blaming the millennials and blame the jackasses who raised them. You can blame the participation trophy generation all you want, but you need to look at who started handing that shit out, not the kids for accepting it.

I’ll take regretful childless women for $100 alex.
Its millennials voting for a bunch of free shit and $20 an hour for flipping burgers.

Maybe....juuuuuust maybe, selfish economic views are universal across generational lines and we have a cultural issue rather than a generational one.

Don't get me wrong, I don't expect younger generations to be less damaging to the country than boomers.

My point is that millennials are now starting to be a large force in politics. They have very little to do with damage that happened before that point.

Even today, there are far more boomers voting that millennials, and it's boomers who care about "muh benefits". And the government officials creating policy are far older than millennials.
My point is that millennials are now starting to be a large force in politics. They have very little to do with damage that happened before that point.

I don't really care how it started. Thats to figure out once the dust is settled.

We are in triage mode right now, trying to head off collapse. What we are going through right now has caused societal failure in human history before. Full stop, thats what we are facing.

In a situation like that, every decision you make can either lead to the betterment of society, or the betterment of self above society. If'fn you're working to maintain some semblance or order and cohesion in these United States, then looking back is gonna get ya blindsided. Realize your situation, be brutally honest about the threats being faced, and move forward.
You may not think we are in a cultural and economic war right now, but rest assured, blm, antifa, and the progressives believe that we are. And if one side believes the war is on, then you have one side engaged in war and the other side acting like infighting sitting ducks.
Do you think Jews in 1939 were fighting over whose fault it was that they were being forced into ghettos? Bet they were. Bet all the young people thought it was the fault of the older generation for not having a spine. Bet a lot of the older ones blamed the young ones for their idealistic pie in the sky views.

You think that shit mattered when they started getting herded into the box cars? Or marched to the little red house?
And then we wonder why society has such a problem with avoidance of responsibility and adults stay children for so long.

At some point you are culpable for your own decisions. Can't blame mommy and daddy forever.

When mommy and daddy continue to allow these adults to live at home, continue to act like children, and absolve them of any responsibility by bailing them out of their bad decisions, this is the end result.

There are a shitload of millenials living successful lives who were doing very well for themselves as we moved into our third "once in a lifetime" economic event in the last 20 years. Unfortunately there are a lot still living in mommy's basement with purple hair screaming at the world facing no consequences for their actions. And these are the ones who are the loudest.
Maybe the $80 hoses will last more than 3 years

Different but similar vehicle, I’m pretty sure the ones I just replaced were original, got 13 years out of them.

Ford dealer said obsolete like they don’t still make cutaway E-series vans. :shaking:
Different but similar vehicle, I’m pretty sure the ones I just replaced were original, got 13 years out of them.

Ford dealer said obsolete like they don’t still make cutaway E-series vans. :shaking:
So not really a good example of a cost increase.
When mommy and daddy continue to allow these adults to live at home, continue to act like children, and absolve them of any responsibility by bailing them out of their bad decisions, this is the end result.

There are a shitload of millenials living successful lives who were doing very well for themselves as we moved into our third "once in a lifetime" economic event in the last 20 years. Unfortunately there are a lot still living in mommy's basement with purple hair screaming at the world facing no consequences for their actions. And these are the ones who are the loudest.
When mommy and daddy continue to allow these adults to live at home, continue to act like children, and absolve them of any responsibility by bailing them out of their bad decisions, this is the end result.

There are a shitload of millenials living successful lives who were doing very well for themselves as we moved into our third "once in a lifetime" economic event in the last 20 years. Unfortunately there are a lot still living in mommy's basement with purple hair screaming at the world facing no consequences for their actions. And these are the ones who are the loudest.
Thank GOD Generation X never moved back home. Every single one of them less prosperous lives and created Generation Z.
$15-20 minimum wage.
40% pay increase and a 32 hour work week for the UAW
UPS get giant wage increases
The people that write the inane banter of late night TV, health care workers, on and on.

Gee, I wonder why we have inflation.
:barf:How about those union contracts for the screen writers and actors, UPS/FedEx, or auto workers? Just let the union drive up the price because it isn’t fair someone makes more than you. Let the corporations suffer (raise prices).
Last week I broke a 5' 8" 0 weight fly rod I bought 5 years ago for $160. A new identical one is listed at $275. Smiles when a fish rips line off the reel is still worth every penny. I'll order another one for next spring.
I don't pay attention grocery shopping, grab what I want, ring it up and move on. Couldn't tell you what the price of anything is. I dug a steak out of the bag checking out today to make sure I wasn't getting crispined at the register. $28 for a nice everyday ny strip, damn. That's got to be about $10 more than pre-covid.
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Just bought a Leatherman. Looked up older purchases and since 2016 price has gone up 50%.
Just do what we do, stop buying stuff. We buy the absolute minimum now.

Our quality of life has taken a massive hit. We are living the worst we have ever lived since I was a small kid living with my parents.

What most don’t get is that inflation is never reversed.
Crosspost from the health thread?

Cross post from the I ain't paying that thread. :laughing: The cheese sticks were the only thing they had under $10

We used to go there and get the lunch special which was 2 skewers of grilled shrimp and mushrooms for $10. They don't even offer that anymore.

We won't be going back any time soon.
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