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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

Just bought a Leatherman. Looked up older purchases and since 2016 price has gone up 50%.

i bought some blades for a large batwing shredder. looked at my order from 2017, and they are up 30%.
Just do what we do, stop buying stuff. We buy the absolute minimum now.

Our quality of life has taken a massive hit. We are living the worst we have ever lived since I was a small kid living with my parents.

What most don’t get is that inflation is never reversed.

Started cutting off spending as well. Time to start being a cheap ass again. Got lucky having most projects 90% and usable so just enjoy them.
^^ Same

Def going to be interested to see what happens next fe wyrs. Damn, feels like been saying that for a few yrs also.
Looks like were in to completely fuck the middle class $100-400k household income earners this year and next. Just saw that Accenture is not providing at-level raises this year. I know of of a few other 50BB + revenue companies doing the same.

So the comunist fucks at the bottom get raises, fuck you unions. 10..no....15...no...20... $ minimum wage Yay:flipoff:
Corupt government folks getting their kick backs
Meanwhile massive inflation
The middle class folks get fucked. No raises

Bring the bottom up, hold the middle down :mad3::flipoff:
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I have tracked the price of Sour Patch kids in the big bag since Nov 2021. June of 2021 it was $5 for a 34oz bag. Feb of 2022 it was $5.50 for the same 34oz bag. Then $6 in June 2022. Last bag I bought Aug 2023 $7.30 for 29 oz bag. So in about 2 years a 70% per ounce increase since the price went up and the bag got smaller.
Shrinkflation. They did it to dog food during the scamdemic years, was the first place I noticed it. 1/3 higher price for an about 90% of the weight.
Yeah, the wife has a few simple recipes that were always a bag of this or can of that. The bags and cans got smaller and screwed up the ratios. Took a bit to figure out what was going on.

if you need to raise the price then do it. Giving me less for the same price seems like you’re screwing me.
This detail sticks out.
These days a household income $100-500K is middle class. You get to live, you get to save, but you live a middle class life.

You aren't flying private, blowing money on yachts, super cars, etc and still being responsible on that limited income.

About all it gets you is the ability to have less money stress (So long as you dont actually spend money:homer:)
miller welders are double what they where 3yrs ago. across the board, all of them.

i recently sold a 252 for its purchase price 4yrs ago.

the tb325efi that i bought 3yrs ago for 5200 is now 10,700

the little dynasty 210 with water cooler is 9000 now!

people keep thinking prices are going to go down... no way, its only going to get worse and the trickle down from the money printer hits the working class. nothing will go down in price
Giving me less for the same price seems like you’re screwing me.
It is, screwing you! They always put it on the package loud AF if there’s more. “Family size” or “10% more”

But if they take some quantity away for the money they do that shit quietly. Nobody has ever made a label that says “10% less” or “single person size”
miller welders are double what they where 3yrs ago. across the board, all of them.

i recently sold a 252 for its purchase price 4yrs ago.

the tb325efi that i bought 3yrs ago for 5200 is now 10,700

the little dynasty 210 with water cooler is 9000 now!

people keep thinking prices are going to go down... no way, its only going to get worse and the trickle down from the money printer hits the working class. nothing will go down in price
I just went and looked at the 252 for shits and grins. I paid just under 2k for mine with a bottle and spare roll of wire 6 or 7 years ago. :eek:
people keep thinking prices are going to go down... no way, its only going to get worse and the trickle down from the money printer hits the working class. nothing will go down in price
The working class is the right way to frame it. Not middle class, upper middle class etc. The poor will continue to get ever increasing bennies and are leaches. The working folks get fucked no matter what they make, 30k or 500k. If you work for a wage, inflation and taxes will eat you alive and kill your quality of life.

Exiting into the non worker investor class doesn't seem doable these days for less than 15MM which isn't achievable for most.
These days a household income $100-500K is middle class. You get to live, you get to save, but you live a middle class life.
The working class is the right way to frame it. Not middle class, upper middle class etc.

I can't count the number of times I have heard worthless rich out of touch leftists say exactly what you just said.

Fuck you. You are spewing exactly the kind of shit that the upper class leftists who are trying to pull up the latter say to make them sound like they have the middle class's interest in mind.

The upper half of that range you listed is made up of households with two doctors, two lawyers, two "just below C suite at megacorp" managers, people like that. Those people are the problem.

Sure they make their money from earned income instead of invemetments but they are living on a totally different categorical level than sucessful small business owners, engineers and the like. They have sufficient surplus income to allocate large swaths to investments and assets. They are playing a totally different game than normal people, albeit not the same game as people who get to fly on Epstien's jet.

And I say this as someone who lives in the fucking Boston area, not someone who lives in BFE where all the numbers are smaller.
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Anyone bought Insulation for a home, shop, garage....etc? Holy shit.....:eek:
Ya, just did. Went Spray foam for most of it, because the gap between that and batt has closed drastically:shaking:. At least here.

I found a small guy who was up and coming, he poured the coal to it for $1.20 a sf (open cell) for about 9000 sf and did a really nice job trimming and cleaning up after himself. Other guys were $2+ a sf.
My dumb shed project is going over budget, but no surprise there (Isn't that the case with any hobby/build?)

The cost of plywood still is like :barf:

And I waited for it to go "down" :shaking:
The upper half of that range you listed is made up of households with two doctors, two lawyers, two "just below C suite at megacorp" managers, people like that. Those people are the problem.

Blaming people for making better decisions or being more successful than you does not make them the problem.

And a couple of middle manager IT folks can hit that upper number easy.
The stupid thing is the best way to hedge against inflation is buy as much shit as you can on credit. When you repay it with currency that is worth 80-90% the purchasing power you bought the shit with. If you can hold the note while the economy swings because of inflation you win and the banks lose.
the banks still win since they're the originators of that inflationary currency

they spent it not on getting you a new camper, but on securing a future payment from you
when inflation makes that future payment worth less than the past payment it is an acceptable price because the inflation came about through their ledgers

The bankers are always the first to get the freshly conjured currency, this means they're always seeing the most positive benefit from that inflation, those further on down the line are where the value is lost.
people keep thinking prices are going to go down... no way, its only going to get worse and the trickle down from the money printer hits the working class. nothing will go down in price
deflation is a "disaster" because it has the same wealth redistributing effect as inflation, but reversed
Blaming people for making better decisions or being more successful than you does not make them the problem.
They're not the problem because they're successful. They're a problem because their minds are full of garbage.

These people are the problem. Look at the public policy and political leanings in any place where they congregate (wealthy inner suburbs and the occasional farther off suburb) and it becomes very fucking clear.
And a couple of middle manager IT folks can hit that upper number easy.
You need to be on the upper end of middle manager in IT or really work hard to chase the dollar to both be getting 200-250k gross. It happens, but outside of Silicon Valley monopoly money land it's usually the result of someone signing on when an organization was small and then sticking on as it grew. I work in IT.
They're not the problem because they're successful

They're a problem because their minds are full of garbage.

You need to be on the upper end of middle manager in IT or really work hard to chase the dollar to both be getting 200-250k gross. It happens, but outside of Silicon Valley monopoly money land it's pretty rare. I work in IT.

You’re wrong on both counts. Get out of your bubble. Or be a better worker.
You’re wrong on both counts. Get out of your bubble. Or be a better worker.
You get out of your bubble you worthless piece of shit.

I work among these people and may very well crack 200k on my next job hop. You're not making that without taking on a lot of management responsibility and likely being closer to C-suite in an organization than to a manager of ICs. That's like "project manager at <household name>" money. To a large extent they and their "luxury beliefs" that they don't have to confront the failings of because their wealth insulates the are the problem with this country. ICs without special circumstance are not making that kind of money and they will not do so in management until they've climbed a few rungs.
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