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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

do you think that is the majority or the exception?
With the overall unemployed numbers manipulated as they are, who knows for sure?

Likely a smaller percentage vs the amount of leeches.

Again my point stands, not everyone is out there playing video games and collecting government dough. Some are investing in themselves and living off of investments/savings/working odd under the table things getting cash flow coming in...
Alot of the places who "cant find good help" dont understand that $15 an hour is the new $8 an hour, and so on.

Also, Ive heard a couple accounts from friend's kids who go to "interview" for a $14-15 hr fast food job thats posted outside the establishment. Turns out the pay actually starts at $8ish.
I dare anyone here saying people are lazy to support themselves or a family of four at $16-$20/hr, and limited overtime. Please keep us posted how that works out.

what's this shit? The new minimum wage argument? If you're trying to support a family of 4, solely on one income, and the best you can muster up is unskilled labor at <$20/hr... that's a personal problem.

There's tons of leeches out there eating government cheese playing the game. It's not laziness, its a way of life.
what's this shit? The new minimum wage argument? If you're trying to support a family of 4, solely on one income, and the best you can muster up is unskilled labor at <$20/hr... that's a personal problem.

There's tons of leeches out there eating government cheese playing the game. It's not laziness, its a way of life.
No, this is a response to everyone is a leech and doesn't want to work anymore, government is sending champagne and unlimited funds posts that are norm here.

I agree that it is up to an individual to acquire a skill set to pursue higher pay, whether via education/trade/other option.

As to the wages offered, perhaps a quick Indeed search will show just how pathetic wages offered are for majority of these Help Wanted everyone keeps mentioning. Unless one is in a specific field with low supply of labor and a great demand wages offered are nothing to write home about.

As to the ones milking the system, that is not a new issue, that has been going on since I emigrated to US in 1996 and likely well before then, some of these scumbags are likely well into the third generation now scamming the system.
Why is anyone unemployed? I still see help wanted ads nearly every place I walk into. A job is better than no job. Especially if you are on the dole.
The Fed historically pivots interest rates when unemployment spikes to all time highs. It’s a signal for them to stimulate the economy.

We have low employment numbers now, which equates to a strong economy. Lowering interest rates into a strong economy is one of many ways to stimulate inflation.

Your response leads me to believe that you didn’t understand the context of the statement I made.

No, this is a response to everyone is a leech and doesn't want to work anymore, government is sending champagne and unlimited funds posts that are norm here.

I agree that it is up to an individual to acquire a skill set to pursue higher pay, whether via education/trade/other option.

As to the wages offered, perhaps a quick Indeed search will show just how pathetic wages offered are for majority of these Help Wanted everyone keeps mentioning. Unless one is in a specific field with low supply of labor and a great demand wages offered are nothing to write home about.

As to the ones milking the system, that is not a new issue, that has been going on since I emigrated to US in 1996 and likely well before then, some of these scumbags are likely well into the third generation now scamming the system.

Welfare and other benefits add up to as much as $60k/year in many states.
Welfare and other benefits add up to as much as $60k/year in many states.
Sad isn't it. i have no love towards these people, that being said a minority of them might have valid circumstances.

For that kind of outlay I managed a warehouse team of 85 (24/7 business), was there in person 12-14hrs and available 24/7 via phone/email.
Needless to say I was making McD wages working my ass off.
Why is anyone unemployed? I still see help wanted ads nearly every place I walk into. A job is better than no job. Especially if you are on the dole.

Yes and no. With inflation the lower paying and blue collar jobs don't pay like they used to.

You are literally losing money working those jobs if you can collect unemployment. You also can't afford child care while you're at work, so it's better if one parent is home.

full time employment and lose your benefits.

The gap between a comfortable living and collecting benefits working part time grows larger.

In trades their is a cut your teeth period of time generally done at a young age.

Also the trades and college education are similar in, you get what you put into it.
Toyota raised the price of an oil change on a 4runner from $90 to $110.
With the overall unemployed numbers manipulated as they are, who knows for sure?

Likely a smaller percentage vs the amount of leeches.

Again my point stands, not everyone is out there playing video games and collecting government dough. Some are investing in themselves and living off of investments/savings/working odd under the table things getting cash flow coming in...

The criteria for “unemployment“ is #1. Being part of the workforce and #2. Actively looking for work.

All the people that just retired early at Covid aren’t part of the workforce anymore. Mom’s working part time jobs that were told to “stay home” and never went back aren’t part of the workforce anymore.

“Influencers” who advertise products on Instagram aren’t actively looking for work. Onlyfans peeps showing their feet, etc aren’t actively looking for work. I’m picking on those because they are basically leaches rather than contributing something to society.

I don’t know what everyone else is doing to make a living that’s basically just out driving around all day. Traffic at 10 am or 2 pm is twice as bad as it was in 2019. There’s hardly even “rush hour traffic” here any more.
but it should be "pick up a fucking broom and get you a disposable job until you can find something more in line with your skill set"

Yep. Guy my wife used to work with was let go (political move, not a scandal or poor work ethic). We ran into him in a store over a year later and he still didn’t have a job. Apparently my response was “well that’s your own fault” to which my wife was mortified. I don’t remember the conversation, but stand by my comment.

Take a job until your “dream job” comes along :shaking:
I start people with zero experience doing insulation @ 20.00 hr, only expectation is that you show up on time and do what you're told to do. I couldn't find anyone to do that.
I went to a temp labor place and pay 23.00 after fees and its been great. Go figure
Yep. Guy my wife used to work with was let go (political move, not a scandal or poor work ethic). We ran into him in a store over a year later and he still didn’t have a job. Apparently my response was “well that’s your own fault” to which my wife was mortified. I don’t remember the conversation, but stand by my comment.

Take a job until your “dream job” comes along :shaking:
Exactly and I've done just that before. I'm no better than anyone else but they're no better either.
I start people with zero experience doing insulation @ 20.00 hr, only expectation is that you show up on time and do what you're told to do. I couldn't find anyone to do that.
I went to a temp labor place and pay 23.00 after fees and its been great. Go figure

What's the angle to that? Company I do contract work for is 80% temp agency employees. Think that max out at $15/hr. It's easy work and requires zero skill from them.

Beat I can figure. They just say this guy sucks, send me a new one. Rinse and repeat.
if you get any laborers you like offer to pay them 19 or whatever 23 less overhead is. It’ll be a big raise for them and cuts the slimy temp agency out.
What's the angle to that? Company I do contract work for is 80% temp agency employees. Think that max out at $15/hr. It's easy work and requires zero skill from them.

Beat I can figure. They just say this guy sucks, send me a new one. Rinse and repeat.

I asked a buddy of mine that serves free breakfast down at the labor pool what the deal was, meaning why they wouldn’t just go get a solid job. His answer was they can go on a 3-5 day bender, not show up, then walk back in the following day and have work again…
I tried a temp agency told them I need someone who could pull romex, doesn't even need to be an electricion. They sent me a guy who did telephone punch downs. Used to standing or sitting in front of a board all day 8 hours with me and his ass was dragging sent him back told them thanks but no thanks and finished the job by myself
What's the angle to that? Company I do contract work for is 80% temp agency employees. Think that max out at $15/hr. It's easy work and requires zero skill from them.

Beat I can figure. They just say this guy sucks, send me a new one. Rinse and repeat.

There are several upsides for me,
I don't have to carry work comp for them.
I'm not paying payroll taxes.
It enables me to pay good ones more money because my actual cost is less.
I don't have to carry more employees than I actually need.
I'm not spending time trying to hire anyone. A simple phone call is all it takes

I've had a few of them not return the next day but they send me someone else and we keep moving on.

I'm actually fixing to send two guys I found to the agency so I can hire them through the temp agency, for all the reasons listed above.

I asked a buddy of mine that serves free breakfast down at the labor pool what the deal was, meaning why they wouldn’t just go get a solid job. His answer was they can go on a 3-5 day bender, not show up, then walk back in the following day and have work again…
There are places like that, I don't use them.
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