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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

How in the hell can these places have so many employees. Amazon I can see because they physically move items around the country but Facebook? What did all these people do on a day to day? They sure as fuck weren’t refining the fb marketplace search engine

I've thought similar, apparently it take more people to build a website than it does a skyscraper.
Wasnt there an article posted here(irate, not necessarily this thread) 4-5 months ago about how the fed didnt think they could control inflation with rate hikes alone so they wanted companies to reduce employment through layoffs? Less people with jobs=less people spending money which lowers inflation.
Wasnt there an article posted here(irate, not necessarily this thread) 4-5 months ago about how the fed didnt think they could control inflation with rate hikes alone so they wanted companies to reduce employment through layoffs? Less people with jobs=less people spending money which lowers inflation.
dumb logic, people will max credit, enjoy the time off having fun and walk away from the ship as it goes down in flames.
How in the hell can these places have so many employees. Amazon I can see because they physically move items around the country but Facebook? What did all these people do on a day to day? They sure as fuck weren’t refining the fb marketplace search engine
For every person writting code, you need 9 checking it for gendered terms and racist dog whistles.
How in the hell can these places have so many employees. Amazon I can see because they physically move items around the country but Facebook? What did all these people do on a day to day? They sure as fuck weren’t refining the fb marketplace search engine
You have to have an HR dept, code compliance dept, building maintenance dept, lawyers. lawyers assistants, assistants to the assistants, legal secretaries, assistant legal secretaries, legal researchers and assistants, lobbyists....
im negotiating a contract and was looking back at our rates in 2019 and comparing our increases to inflation. February 2021 to Feb 2023, the government claims CPI increased 15%.

something real bad is coming in the next few months. i think the banks are the harbinger.
Wasnt there an article posted here(irate, not necessarily this thread) 4-5 months ago about how the fed didnt think they could control inflation with rate hikes alone so they wanted companies to reduce employment through layoffs? Less people with jobs=less people spending money which lowers inflation.
They anticipated that raising rates to bring down inflation would cause an increase in the unemployment number.
You have to have an HR dept, code compliance dept, building maintenance dept, lawyers. lawyers assistants, assistants to the assistants, legal secretaries, assistant legal secretaries, legal researchers and assistants, lobbyists....
Now construction, solar installs, infrastructure. Hell their impact here in NM was huge while they were building.
Amazon announced another 9k layoffs.
Meta announced another 10k.

updated article... Amazon mostly laying people off in AWS, PXT, advertising and Twitch.... PXT is apparently their internal HR Tools team(??)

Amazon has been on an insane construction binge the last couple years. Building distribution centers it seems like every 60-90 miles through the midwest. Maybe this is part of that slowing down?
Amazon has been on an insane construction binge the last couple years. Building distribution centers it seems like every 60-90 miles through the midwest. Maybe this is part of that slowing down?
could be, but the article doesn't mention anything in their consumer retail business.
could be, but the article doesn't mention anything in their consumer retail business.
They have actually shelved some of the warehouse facilities that were in process of being built/ready to open. Likely sitting on the money and waiting things out like the rest.

People being cash poor, or getting there has likely impacted their bottom line / amount of orders coming in. Prime 2 day shipping has been getting worse from some online chatter, can see more people dumping the membership and just ordering over $25 or whatever it is these days to get the free shipping (albeit not 2 day).

I certainly don't see as many delivery vans in my area or as often, at least not like it used to be.

At times they had 3 waves of deliveries, it wasn't unusual for me to run into another Amazon van while delivering to the same address (did 13 month stint working for a DSP delivering/dispatching/managing fleet).
Basically two Amazon vans at the same address/same time, one started on earlier schedule, another with latter schedule but packages for customer came off of two different semi truck deliveries.Got even more interesting at the lockers, you could have Amazon, FedEx, UPS and USPS all competing for space :). For the most part we all got along and tried to help one another, UPS being slightly more uppity vs the rest.
About a year ago I bought headlights for a ram off amazon, $78 prime. Today, $128 for the exact same set, it was sadly the cheapest.

Problem with layoffs is .Gov unemployment, still money to be thrown around. .
Feb 17 paid $2.98 for Walmart 32 oz precut french frys. March 24 paid $3.32 for the same size package. If the price hasn't gone up the package size has
Problem with layoffs is .Gov unemployment, still money to be thrown around. .

The unemployment pay will hurt. People will ride it out as long as possible.

They bail out unemployment because Noone is looking for a job. Hell, most wish they could get lay-off and collect
The unemployment pay will hurt. People will ride it out as long as possible.

They bail out unemployment because Noone is looking for a job. Hell, most wish they could get lay-off and collect

they'll just increase the amount and extend the duration, just like they did in 08
Im such an asshole. I got layed off end of february and took a month off before i started my new job . What was i thinking not drawing unemployment for a year:flipoff2:
Why work when the .gov pays you not too:lmao::homer:
Such a BS blanket statement.

Not everyone not working is collecting bennies.

Some just checked out of rat race for a few, considering majority of help wanted are entry level jobs at piss poor pay, yet those companies wonder why they cannot find anyone willing to work for them.

I dare anyone here saying people are lazy to support themselves or a family of four at $16-$20/hr, and limited overtime. Please keep us posted how that works out.

These people could be pursuing additional schooling, or other things to better their skill set towards a different career. Not everyone is a leech.
Such a BS blanket statement.

Not everyone not working is collecting bennies.

Some just checked out of rat race for a few, considering majority of help wanted are entry level jobs at piss poor pay, yet those companies wonder why they cannot find anyone willing to work for them.

I dare anyone here saying people are lazy to support themselves or a family of four at $16-$20/hr, and limited overtime. Please keep us posted how that works out.

These people could be pursuing additional schooling, or other things to better their skill set towards a different career. Not everyone is a leech.
do you think that is the majority or the exception?
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