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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

There is a guy on youtube his channel is Armchair builder. In one of his latest videos, he said, freddie and fanny predict 4.5% interest next year. :lmao: I wish.

Don’t know where it goes so it goes here

Grocery store is kind of trying to discourage people from stocking up on milk and eggs


Don’t know where it goes so it goes here

Grocery store is kind of trying to discourage people from stocking up on milk and eggs


What's weird is that our grocery is the opposite. Price is listed can o' beans $1.35 (tiny print says must buy 5 or price is $1.75)

BTW don't complain too hard, we are at $6 a gallon for milk at Costco.:eek:
What's weird is that our grocery is the opposite. Price is listed can o' beans $1.35 (tiny print says must buy 5 or price is $1.75)

BTW don't complain too hard, we are at $6 a gallon for milk at Costco.:eek:
They sell gallons of milk in Canada?:lmao:

Are you saying it is $12 for the Costco box of 2 containers of milk? I’ll have to check what it is locally.
Maybe they're running a sale, like how a coupon has a 'limit of 2' or whatever
Yeah. Maybe. Buy Mateo and pay more for the third.
I predict a lot of people buying two gallons, paying, then ringing up another 2.
They sell gallons of milk in Canada?:lmao:

Are you saying it is $12 for the Costco box of 2 containers of milk? I’ll have to check what it is locally.
We don't get the 2 pack of milk up here, just gallon jugs one at a time. I almost forgot, in addition to the $6 a gallon you gotta also pay a deposit and some recycling fee on the jug itself.:shaking:
We don't get the 2 pack of milk up here, just gallon jugs one at a time. I almost forgot, in addition to the $6 a gallon you gotta also pay a deposit and some recycling fee on the jug itself.:shaking:
Sounds like California. Best of luck getting a refund from the store for returning the empty jug.
no they use the imperial gallon which is larger
No. We don't use a gallon measurement for anything any more, probably since the early '80s at least.

I just actually took a look at my milk, it's listed at 4L. an imperial gallon is 3.78L so I guess the jug holds 3/4 oz more. Not enough to even wet your whistle.

GF and I don't do metric, not one little bit, about all I know is a can of beer should be 355ml whatever that is. We both grew up before metric became a thing up here and then add in the fact I am Montana born and raised we do imperial and if someone don't like it they can figure it out themselves:laughing:
i pay around 9 bucks for 5 dozen. Its up from 6 about a year and a half ago
I was regularly paying 0.80-$1.25/dozen at Aldi for years. Now they're at $3.25, still cheaper than the $4+ at the bigger supermarket chains

Costco was $5-6 for 2 dozen this weekend, i grabbed a pack.

Gone are the days of $0.25 breakfasts. we would mix up a dozen eggs with some random ground meat/peppers/onions/etc, throw it in a tall oven pan thing, and make a frittata or whatever it's called. Now I'm back to no breakfast or oatmeal
Beginning of 2020 I paid 1500 shipped for this kit


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huh, not that surprising apart from this bit making me want to discount most of what he has to say:
The only reason why the US zombie keeps going is because the end of the US is the end of western prosperity and an admission that capitalism failed as a model for the world.
capitalism didn't fail, it was the market-killing corruption created by massive concentration of power
Personal cost of living thoughts-

Wife and I were talking last night, after seeing my 1st house back on the market. In the last 20 years, my pay has gone up 10%-ish, and homes have almost tripled. Anecdotal of course

-- same job --
2002- I made $80k no overtime
2022- will make $90k no overtime

-- same house --
2002- bought 1900ft House X for $80k
2022- House X is on market for $230k, relatively unchanged

There are alot of people out there that aren't going to make it (financially) another year. I'm predicting record chapter 7 filings for 23-24. We're about to go through some shit that'll make 07-08 look like vacation.
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