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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

Here's the copy pasta, it's an opinion piece.

Workers of a certain age and attitude will have to reckon with the coming recession. Rising inflation and a market downturn guarantee layoffs. The days of expecting employers to be grateful for your application will be gone soon.

People who started work in the past dozen years are about to experience their first tough job market. Younger employees—not all, but many—will need to make more realistic demands of the workplace.

The last recession ended in mid-2009 with unemployment at 9.5%, about 2.5 times what it is today. Anyone who finished college since 2010 has known mostly good times in the job market. The same is true of many who entered the workforce directly from high school. There was competition, but it was for employees rather than jobs.
Workers’ expectations changed, along with their willingness to do hard work. A hot job market gave employees an unrealistic sense of their irreplaceability. At our call centers, absenteeism and attrition climbed. We found less loyalty among technical staffers, who often jumped employers for a slight increase in salary or a change of scenery.

We couldn’t find the committed workers we needed here, so we looked offshore. Today, 70 people work for us in Bangalore, India, and there will be more than 120 by the end of the year. We’ve found the same level of talent as in the U.S., but with turnover this year of less than 5%. And by reducing labor cost, the shift allowed us to reward motivated U.S. employees with more money.
A motivated employee is willing to come into the office. This requirement runs contrary to the postpandemic work-at-home revolt, but it creates the best experience for the patients we serve, boosts team morale, and helps our employees develop professionally.
I don’t mean to sound like a curmudgeon. As a father of two young adults with strong work ethics, I know there are plenty of wonderful young employees out there. Still, fellow CEOs often tell me how hard it is to recruit and retain employees who want to learn and grow on the job and then stay long-term.
Job security will again take precedence over job hopping. Surging prices and a wave of layoffs would give younger workers a newfound appreciation for their paychecks. Workers will feel fortunate to commit to a company and think about moving up rather than moving on. They’ll think more about what they can do to improve the customer experience and less about what they don’t feel like doing.
A recession will be a rough way to learn this important lesson, but employees and employers will be better for it.
Mr. Greenleaf is president and CEO of Modivcare, a healthcare services company based in Colorado.
Here's the copy pasta, it's an opinion piece.

Fuck that clown. He just wants a bunch of puppets to do as their told.

What if I told you insane was working 50 hours a week in some office for 50 years at the end of which they tell you to piss off, ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?
What if I told you insane was working 50 hours a week in some office for 50 years at the end of which they tell you to piss off, ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?

While it is missing some details to truly determine life quality, being able to functionally support you and maybe a family for 50 years of your life is not that bad. Many would consider that a success.
While it is missing some details to truly determine life quality, being able to functionally support you and maybe a family for 50 years of your life is not that bad. Many would consider that a success.

Sounds like slavery with extra steps
Sounds like slavery with extra steps
Slavery is compulsory, so not that.

Big picture. Work for yourself or work for someone else. The goal is to support yourself/family. Some will do better than others, but not everyone wants a mansion and a fleet of supercars. If you meet your obligations and are relatively happy with your condition, then I would lump that in with success.
Here's the copy pasta, it's an opinion piece.
Lot of that is BS.

If he wants to be transparent with his employees why not share company performance reports with them. Not hiding shit.

Since it would be a two way street now employees would expect to profit when company profits - not just to be given pennies and bullshit kudos.

I would love to see just how much more money he shared with remaining employees considering they are cleaning up with outsourcing to India.
I worked with those clowns (dot com Indians) in previous life (IT) - majority of the ones we interacted with left a lot to be desired.
Slavery is compulsory, so not that.
Like taxes???

Like stealing your labor?

Like maybe stealing your money is the same as stealing your labor?

Like it's almost involuntary servitude?

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Fuck that clown. He just wants a bunch of puppets to do as their told.
I agree with you.

Also, great movie quote. I had to look it up, but I knew I heard it somewhere and you’re 100% accurate. Fuck the clown above saying how this younger generation needs to learn to appreciate having a paycheck instead of appreciating what work provides them outside of a paycheck. People learned 3 years ago work has too much bullshit and isn’t going to care about you so why care about them.
Like taxes???

Like stealing your labor?

Like maybe stealing your money is the same as stealing your labor?

Like it's almost involuntary servitude?

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Ooops. You are conflating slavery with something that is not. Slavery is compulsory work, whether you are willing or not. Despite the romantic idea that the government taxes are "slavery", they are not. No one is forcing you to work. Quit, live on the street with all the other homeless and pay no taxes. Your choice. Because there is a choice, it is not slavery.

Extortion maybe, but not slavery.
Ooops. You are conflating slavery with something that is not.
Ooops. You are encountering political language for the first time.
Words are chosen for their emotional context, not their actual textbook definition. Oftentimes the textbook definition even runs completely contrary to the word's use.
I'm not saying it's not a thing, but "supply chain and labor shortages" is becoming the new COVID excuse for lack of timeliness and quality of service(s) provided.
I was looking for high temp spray paint last night for my latest fuckup, and quite a bit of it had shipping dates late July and into August. Thought that was weird.
Being dependent on other countries kinda sucks, eh?

Thanks for missing my point, I'm saying there's without a doubt a fair share of people that would show up 2 hours late for work for their excel doc desk jockey job and they'd be like "god damn supply chain issues, sorry boss" :lmao:

I am glad to see the bubble pop. Been seeing RV's and enclosed/open trailer supply begin to return to normal.
Ooops. You are conflating slavery with something that is not. Slavery is compulsory work, whether you are willing or not. Despite the romantic idea that the government taxes are "slavery", they are not. No one is forcing you to work. Quit, live on the street with all the other homeless and pay no taxes. Your choice. Because there is a choice, it is not slavery.

Extortion maybe, but not slavery.
Involuntary servitude.

Taking my money equates to taking my labor.

When you take my labor it's slavery.

You can say "you don't have to work" but that's bullshit. Labor is life. Work is life. I don't do it because I enjoy it. It is required to live. It's not a choice.
You can say "you don't have to work" but that's bullshit. Labor is life. Work is life. I don't do it because I enjoy it. It is required to live. It's not a choice.

You are transferring the work to other people who have no say in the matter.
Involuntary servitude.

Taking my money equates to taking my labor.

When you take my labor it's slavery.

You can say "you don't have to work" but that's bullshit. Labor is life. Work is life. I don't do it because I enjoy it. It is required to live. It's not a choice.
Blah blah fringe blathering.

Look, I agree that taxes are "too damned high". But paying taxes is a means to contribute to community needs. And YES, it is over the top at this point with people expecting the gov to pay for everything on the backs of about half the country. But keep in mind, all these taxes were either voted in by the people, their representatives, or by some non-elected entity but acquiesced to by the people. You (or your ancestors) agreed to pay it in exchange for the societal benefits of living here, which arent free and must be paid by someone.

You wanna go full road warrior, fine, no taxes needed for that. ANYTHING else, that has any aspect of society, requires participants to contribute money or labor to fund the communal aspects of that society.

Maybe spend your effort to reduce the size and scope of the government, help teach your fellow citizen that they should not expect to be kept fed and safe by others, rather than barf up indignant and unrealistic bumper sticker quotes that simply advertise you dont think for yourself.
Blah blah fringe blathering.

Look, I agree that taxes are "too damned high". But paying taxes is a means to contribute to community needs. And YES, it is over the top at this point with people expecting the gov to pay for everything on the backs of about half the country. But keep in mind, all these taxes were either voted in by the people, their representatives, or by some non-elected entity but acquiesced to by the people. You (or your ancestors) agreed to pay it in exchange for the societal benefits of living here, which arent free and must be paid by someone.

You wanna go full road warrior, fine, no taxes needed for that. ANYTHING else, that has any aspect of society, requires participants to contribute money or labor to fund the communal aspects of that society.

Maybe spend your effort to reduce the size and scope of the government, help teach your fellow citizen that they should not expect to be kept fed and safe by others, rather than barf up indignant and unrealistic bumper sticker quotes that simply advertise you dont think for yourself.

communities were well cared for before taxation... had all of those things people now scream about "what about our roads? what about our FD? What about the police and schools?"
communities were well cared for before taxation... had all of those things people now scream about "what about our roads? what about our FD? What about the police and schools?"
Involuntary servitude.

It doesn't sasy "Involuntary servitude UNLESS it is for some greater good"

(I'm not disagreeing, I am just expanding the thought)
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