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That's nuts, also why msha rule book is 900 pages:laughing:

years ago an in-laws 35 1250 16.5 went low and lost the bead sitting in the driveway. Jack it up, spray some ether, it's a 35, so spray some more. Can't find a lighter or matches, so we wander around for a while, then decide it's been too long so we spray it again. And some more because it's a 35:laughing:

it overshot the outside bead, and knocked pictures off the walls in his house, even though it wasn't inline with "the blast"

Can we link Liveleak / DocumentingReality vids in here?

hmmm might try it next time I find summin'
Stupid tax on that stunt is pretty steep. This is one of my favorites.
copper theif.jpg

I saw that live, what a meaningless jumble of words. With this and other examples it's difficult for a reasonable person to conclude he has anywhere near full cognitive ability. Yet, not a word about in the MSM. They really hate Trump.
I saw that live, what a meaningless jumble of words. With this and other examples it's difficult for a reasonable person to conclude he has anywhere near full cognitive ability. Yet, not a word about in the MSM. They really hate Trump.

Didn't see it,what did Mr.Wizard say this time?
Wasn't entirely sure where to post this.

WTF? Reads like a long winded version of: "Nope, your kids are too white and not even of mixed race. Your kids cannot go to school here"

Did I misread?
Where did you get that?

Cross posting from somewhere else. Buddy said its an obvious Photoshop which I didn't consider; I can't tell though.
Cross posting from somewhere else. Buddy said its an obvious Photoshop which I didn't consider; I can't tell though.

Not a photoshop. Real deal, with legal backing. This is what happens when the silent majority stay silent and don't pay attention to what laws are passed and by whom and who to vote for.
Pulling a trans and transfer case to do a clutch and as I was undoing the flywheel the right exhaust downpipe and cat falls on the floor. Mother fuck.
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