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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

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I was hearing stuff about if you have allergies you shouldn’t take the vaccine. How would that play into mandatory vaccinations?
I was hearing stuff about if you have allergies you shouldn’t take the vaccine. How would that play into mandatory vaccinations?

Typically allergies are associated with immune system deficiencies, or over active immune systems. I am guessing it's something along those lines. That's about 1/3rd of the people (myself included) that I know.
Looks like the distribution process is a trainwreck. Why don't they just let the fucking pharmacies handle it like the flu vaccine? Walgreens and CVS would probably figure this shit out by the end of the week to drive all this foot traffic through their doors.
I was hearing stuff about if you have allergies you shouldn’t take the vaccine. How would that play into mandatory vaccinations?

Supposedly those that have had severe reactions to it (over here anyway) are those for whom it wouldn't be recommended to have the annual flu shot either due to the risk of severe reaction. I'll dig out the underlying cause when I get 5 mins
The docs and nurses refusing to take it probably also know that the correct people to get the first doses are the ones in the highest risk group. That's your 90 year old grandma in the nursing home and younger people who are in bad shape. Then it's your 70 year old parents, and so on. Docs and nurses should get it after these groups do.
The docs and nurses refusing to take it probably also know that the correct people to get the first doses are the ones in the highest risk group. That's your 90 year old grandma in the nursing home and younger people who are in bad shape. Then it's your 70 year old parents, and so on. Docs and nurses should get it after these groups do.

Counter point.

If its “That bad” then it makes sense to isolate the elderly and dose the front line workers first. Kind of like the O2 shit on planes. You cant help others if your not squared away yourself. Every Doc snd Nurse knows this and yet they dont want it. Why?

Just devil’s advocate.
The docs and nurses refusing to take it probably also know that the correct people to get the first doses are the ones in the highest risk group. That's your 90 year old grandma in the nursing home and younger people who are in bad shape. Then it's your 70 year old parents, and so on. Docs and nurses should get it after these groups do.

I agree for that those more prone to serious effects from COVID get the vaccine, if they choose. The rest though? Again... make it a choice like the flu vaccine. This mandatory bs isn't going to end well.
Counter point.

If its “That bad” then it makes sense to isolate the elderly and dose the front line workers first. Kind of like the O2 shit on planes. You cant help others if your not squared away yourself. Every Doc snd Nurse knows this and yet they dont want it. Why?

Just devil’s advocate.

All of the doctors and nurses I know, including my sister, jumped at the opportunity to get the vaccine. My sister and her husband lucked into a batch of 200 vaccines that were about to expire, so she was vaccinated on New Years Day.
All of the doctors and nurses I know, including my sister, jumped at the opportunity to get the vaccine. My sister and her husband lucked into a batch of 200 vaccines that were about to expire, so she was vaccinated on New Years Day.

A brand new vaccine that was about to expire? Am I missing something? Left out of the fridge or what?
Counter point.

If its “That bad” then it makes sense to isolate the elderly and dose the front line workers first. Kind of like the O2 shit on planes. You cant help others if your not squared away yourself. Every Doc snd Nurse knows this and yet they dont want it. Why?

Just devil’s advocate.

The elderly can't be isolated. You can give them the vaccine and then take care of them with anyone who needs to come and go. My grandma is as isolated as it gets, she lives with my parents. But she has to go to the doctors pretty frequently, etc. The problem is really moot if the entire rollout of the vaccine to "everyone" is only a few weeks, but we're talking many months.

We know who the at-risk population is, and it's a lot smaller than the ones who could carry it to them. And it's likely that a person who is vaccinated can still spread the thing even though their level of infection is *small*. The vaccine reduces, not eliminates the infection.
A brand new vaccine that was about to expire? Am I missing something? Left out of the fridge or what?

For the Pfizer one at least it comes in a concentrate that is then diluted for dosing and once diluted it must be used within 6 hours or it goes in the bin. I'd guess some :homer: made up too many doses.
Re the adverse reactions.
It would appear that none of the vaccines have been tested on those that have shown a history of adverse reactions to vaccines but they have been tested on those that are allergic to the various ingredients with no adverse reactions.

The 2 that have occurred here in the UK were both in people that have to carry epi-pens and were anaphylactoid (not as severe as anaphylaxis) and both recovered well.

The exact underlying cause is still being investigated but there is some speculation that PEG (polyethylene glycol) that's used for stabilization and is considered inert inside the human body may be the cause.

Some light reading Re the UK Approvals Pfizer:

Looks like the distribution process is a trainwreck. Why don't they just let the fucking pharmacies handle it like the flu vaccine? Walgreens and CVS would probably figure this shit out by the end of the week to drive all this foot traffic through their doors.

I was listening to a Dr explain that this vaccine requires refrigeration way colder than most pharmacies have. Like -80 or something like that. Wanna say it was a JRE guest but I can't remember.
All of the doctors and nurses I know, including my sister, jumped at the opportunity to get the vaccine. My sister and her husband lucked into a batch of 200 vaccines that were about to expire, so she was vaccinated on New Years Day.

We have good friends. 1 RNP 1 CRNA and they are dead split. She will get it and advocates masks work, he says hell no, you’re not sticking me with that and masks are useless for a virus.
I was listening to a Dr explain that this vaccine requires refrigeration way colder than most pharmacies have. Like -80 or something like that. Wanna say it was a JRE guest but I can't remember.

-70c ish apparently.....

Hey let’s give a untested vaccine to those who care for our sick, just in case it goes massively wrong then takes out all of the doctors and nurses forcing us into government run healthcare... :homer:
I was listening to a Dr explain that this vaccine requires refrigeration way colder than most pharmacies have. Like -80 or something like that. Wanna say it was a JRE guest but I can't remember.

It does. The private sector would be packing that shit with dry ice and figuring it out. These companies would kill for this foot traffic into their stores and the publicity even if it meant not making a dime off of the actual vaccines.
Does anyone know what the actual issue? I know, we’ll never find out but why not just start giving shots to those who want it?

quick edit, yeah the vaccine itself is part of the problem...
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It does. The private sector would be packing that shit with dry ice and figuring it out. These companies would kill for this foot traffic into their stores and the publicity even if it meant not making a dime off of the actual vaccines.

We are already using dry ice and well as the 2 local VA's. So not sure why the rest are brain dead. We have since moved to a lab freezer that can provide -70. The numbers we have got in are pretty easy to manage.

Does anyone know what the actual issue? I know, we’ll never find out but why not just start giving shots to those who want it?

quick edit, yeah the vaccine itself is part of the problem...

what actual issue?

They are being given out in phase, HC first, 75+ and critical service workers, then 65+.

How do you end up with extra? Well the Pfizer's were pretty conservative on the # of doses per vial. We ended up with 2-3 extra doses per. And yes once they are taken out of cold storage at the distribution point we had 5 days to use them. I don't know why that's just what it is.
Try and read this and have coffee or beer not go out your nose or think I’m a idiot( well I’m that)..but the MSM is saying we are struggling to get the vaccine out and getting people inoculated.

all this is leading to a nationwide lockdown and mandatory bullshit: (fee like link slide) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fau...ution-on-track

fuckface is saying “California like” lockdowns not out of the question. All of this is shaping up to a very bad situation for all of us. They say AZ is really bad, guess what, it’s not.

It seems no effort was taken to bolster the healthcare system...0
A vaccine with a shelf life of a week? What could go wrong!
I had somebody tell me today that they had Covid and two months later tested negative for the antibodies. I personally am calling bullshit. But how do you tell him that?
I had somebody tell me today that they had Covid and two months later tested negative for the antibodies. I personally am calling bullshit. But how do you tell him that?

They really get pissed when you mention that the survival rate without the vaccine is higher than the effectiveness of the vaccine
A vaccine with a shelf life of a week? What could go wrong!

it's like masks, give people something to do and they feel important

make something overly complex and people will view it as well thought out
Like european cars.
[486 said:

it's like masks, give people something to do and they feel important

make something overly complex and people will view it as well thought out
Like european cars.

If the dumbass mask culture pics weren't pathetic enough, now the vaccine picks are ready to take the stupidity crown
Just asked my wife. She fills in at the county for flu shot clinics. They had the Moderna one for about 2 weeks now. She said the box comes frozen. Once thawed in the fridge they have a month to give it out. Once the vial is open they have 6 hours to give it or it goes bad. 10 doses per vial. Shes not taking it by the way nor is the rest of our family. She did say its interesting because everyone that shows up thinks she's pro covid vaccine and doesn't have a clue that shits not going in her body. What I think is funny is if the people that wanted the vaccine had a clue who is first in line after the medical people it would start a war. She just read me a deal yesterday that says the Pfizer vaccine has something in it that could make younger women infertile. Wouldn't suprise me since the lefts biggest thing is population control.
If the dumbass mask culture pics weren't pathetic enough, now the vaccine picks are ready to take the stupidity crown

funny, I haven't seen any of either
hang up the phone and live your life instead of watching other people live theirs
Just asked my wife. She fills in at the county for flu shot clinics. They had the Moderna one for about 2 weeks now. She said the box comes frozen. Once thawed in the fridge they have a month to give it out. Once the vial is open they have 6 hours to give it or it goes bad. 10 doses per vial. Shes not taking it by the way nor is the rest of our family. She did say its interesting because everyone that shows up thinks she's pro covid vaccine and doesn't have a clue that shits not going in her body. What I think is funny is if the people that wanted the vaccine had a clue who is first in line after the medical people it would start a war. She just read me a deal yesterday that says the Pfizer vaccine has something in it that could make younger women infertile. Wouldn't suprise me since the lefts biggest thing is population control.

See that's the thing. A skinhead that has white pride on his knuckles, and maybe his claim to fame is he got into a brawl with a black guy is a violent white supremacist, and a threat to minorities.
But a rich Democrat gives a million dollars to planned parenthood, specifically to help under privileged women of color....how many abortions is that?

they roll out of the red carpet for that kind of philanthropy, but who's the real hater?
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