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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

  • Total voters
Serious lack of logical consistency on display, that's all.
nature: here's this thing that'll maybe kill you if your immune system is shit
humans: here's this thing that'll surely save your life 100% you need to take it immediately its for your own good

I dunno, nature still seems more trustworthy what with all the friendly cactuses and spiders and hantavirus and those animals that shoot rotting blood outta their eyes in an effort to poison you
Once they figure out what it really does I will make the decision then. They still can't say how long it lasts, if you can still spread it, or if it makes dark chocolate taste darker. Wait and see.
It's all over the news here in IL that they have found they can get 1 or 2 extra doses from a vial of the Pfizer vaccine. For this to be true either A. They are not administrating correctly, B. Pfizer isn't measuring amounts accurately. Option B brings a lot of other questions into play.
It's all over the news here in IL that they have found they can get 1 or 2 extra doses from a vial of the Pfizer vaccine. For this to be true either A. They are not administrating correctly, B. Pfizer isn't measuring amounts accurately. Option B brings a lot of other questions into play.

There's always more in the vial than needed.
still alive. Arm's a is sore but not badly. Felt a bit meh last night but went to bed early. Same with the rest of my staff.
Do y'all think this vaccine was actually created from the ground up in less than a year? Much of the groundwork was laid during the original SARS outbreak. They didn't start behind home plate swinging away, they basically picked up the torch as a pinch runner already on 3rd.

So why are they saying those that get the vaccine still need a mask and will still need to obey lockdowns. Honest questions as you seem to be pro vaccine in this case. Side effects aside why would a mask and lockdown still be necessary if the vaccine actually works as promised?
So why are they saying those that get the vaccine still need a mask and will still need to obey lockdowns. Honest questions as you seem to be pro vaccine in this case. Side effects aside why would a mask and lockdown still be necessary if the vaccine actually works as promised?

Because forced compliance.
[486 said:
nature: here's this thing that'll maybe kill you if your immune system is shit
humans: here's this thing that'll surely save your life 100% you need to take it immediately its for your own good

Do you just blurt dumb shit out for no reason, or does it make you giggle as you do it?

They officially told everyone that even if you get the vaccine, you still can not travel, you still have to wear a mask, and the best part...you still will catch the disease.
Do you just blurt dumb shit out for no reason, or does it make you giggle as you do it?

They officially told everyone that even if you get the vaccine, you still can not travel, you still have to wear a mask, and the best part...you still will catch the disease.

so get it, I don't care
I don't even got my tetanus shot
Do you just blurt dumb shit out for no reason, or does it make you giggle as you do it?

They officially told everyone that even if you get the vaccine, you still can not travel, you still have to wear a mask, and the best part...you still will catch the disease.

It’s a virus not a disease :flipoff2:
So why are they saying those that get the vaccine still need a mask and will still need to obey lockdowns. Honest questions as you seem to be pro vaccine in this case. Side effects aside why would a mask and lockdown still be necessary if the vaccine actually works as promised?

What does that have to do with my previous response?

But, the answer to your question is that they don't yet know whether the vaccine prevents asymptomatic carrying of COVID that could still possibly lead to transmitting it to others. The vaccine was designed specifically to prevent symptomatic infection. It likely prevents asymptomatic carrying as well but there's not enough data on that yet to say for sure.
I saw that.... wtf?

Just more of the same from the current media. Lies Lies Lies. It's really getting old. They could at least put SOME effort info it. I guess with the IQ of the general population it's really not needed tho.
And so it steamrolls....

Employers can bar unvaccinated employees from the workplace, EEOC says:

"Not all employees must get vaccinated, according to the agency. Employees with either a disability or "sincerely held" religious beliefs that prevent them from getting inoculated areexempt, according to the EEOC, which is charged with enforcing laws against workplace discrimination. "

Looks like a bunch of people just joined the church of not putting up with your stupid shit. :lmao:
Looks like a bunch of people just joined the church of not putting up with your stupid shit. :lmao:

I'm in a department of 3 people. 2 people can get the work done if one of them isnt the f.n.g. want me to show up, dont tell me to get the shot.
The Moderna vaccine can apparently cause inflammation of your botox injections:
https://abc7.com/health/moderna-vaccine-side-effect-for-those-with-cosmetic-facial-fillers/9012113/ said:
The FDA advisory committee has noted a specific side effect to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine involving several trial participants who have cosmetic facial fillers.

The FDA advisory committee reviewing the new Moderna vaccine has noted a specific side effect involving several trial participants who have cosmetic facial fillers.

Local board certified dermatologist Dr. Shirley Chi explains what the FDA committee noted.

"In these cases the patients all had swelling and inflammation in the area that was given the filler. A couple of the patients had cheek filler six months prior to their vaccine and one patient had lip filler done two days after the vaccine. All were treated with steroids and anti-histamines and all of their reactions resolved," she said.

Millions of people have physician administered cosmetic facial fillers to smooth out fine lines, wrinkles and to enhance cheeks and lips. Chi says the reaction to the vaccine is immunological.

"Your immune system which causes inflammation is revved up when you get a vaccine, that's how it's supposed to work. So it makes sense that you would see an immune response in certain areas where they see some substance that is not a naturally occurring substance in your body" says Chi.

Chi also says to not let this stop you from getting the vaccine when your turn comes up and that all the derma fillers reactions were easily treated by medical personnel.
Probably not a huge issue for most on here, but...

Aaron Z
My wife received the Pfizer vaccine and she hasn’t turned into a werewolf yet and Alexa isn’t reading her thoughts out loud however I’ve noticed that she’s been experiencing anxiousness, mood swings, irritability and weak libido. Of course she was also experiencing all those things before her shot so I don’t they’re related.
If my work said the vaccine was required to come back to the office 1/3 - 1/2 of the office would be vaccinated and the rest of the office would stay home. Eventually they'd drop the requirement and get tired of hearing how easy the other group has it.
Can somebody explain to me why we aren’t requiring an antibody test before the vaccine?

I mean if you have the antibodies, why are we wasting vaccine dose on you?
Can somebody explain to me why we aren’t requiring an antibody test before the vaccine?

I mean if you have the antibodies, why are we wasting vaccine dose on you?

Excellent point there . . . .. . :confused:
Because only big pharma and .gov approved methods will keep you alive. Nature just wants to kill you.
My wife received the Pfizer vaccine and she hasn’t turned into a werewolf yet and Alexa isn’t reading her thoughts out loud however I’ve noticed that she’s been experiencing anxiousness, mood swings, irritability and weak libido. Of course she was also experiencing all those things before her shot so I don’t they’re related.

Look at who she is married to. Any woman married to you would likely suffer the same effects.:flipoff2:
Look at who she is married to. Any woman married to you would likely suffer the same effects.:flipoff2:

Can somebody explain to me why we aren’t requiring an antibody test before the vaccine?

I mean if you have the antibodies, why are we wasting vaccine dose on you?

Because then they cant force vacations...

The question is not “Why a vaccine for A virus with a 99.9% survival rate?” Its “Why are they pushing so hard to force a vaccine onto everybody, World Wide?” Thats the disturbing part to me.

I would give zero fucks if tgey just recommended it and let people decide from there. And before it’s not mandatory. So many on the left with an incoming left President are screaming mandatory at the top I would be surprised if there is not a EO within the first year requiring it to be in public places.

Whats scary is if they keep this shit up they are going to force roughly 1/2 of the right to be unemployed. What happens when you have 50 million people that have been forcibly unemployed because they wouldn't let the government mandate a medical procedure?

Rebellion is what you get.

We have seen the lefts recent versions of rebellion. OWS, BLM & Antifags. All of them in the scheme of things were very mild because they faces no real resistance...
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