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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

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If the vaccine works and does not have any major side effects It will be interesting to see how the dems try to erase trump having anything to do with is and the take credit for the inevitable rebound of the economy. They will be jumping all over each others backs to take the credit.

Oh man, they're politicians and take credit for everything, I mean Al Gore invented the internet remember?
Oh man, they're politicians and take credit for everything, I mean Al Gore invented the internet remember?

If people still call it Obama care it's going to be called the Trump Vaccine. End of story.
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Al Gore is a ****

You mean the Democrat that has pushed the climate bullshit for years, meanwhile lives in insane homes that use more energy than a standard block? The same guy that flys jets to lunches, but tells us that we’re bad on the environment?

Why would you call him a ****?:laughing:
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You mean the Democrat that has pushed the climate bullshit for years, meanwhile lives in insane homes that use more energy than a standard block? The same guy that flys jets to lunches, but tells us that we’re bad on the environment?

Why would you call him a ****?:laughing:

I like to get right to the point.
Sure... I'll show him as much respect as you show truckers as you climb into their cab at Flying J #notmymom #stacysmomishotter

That’s very generous of you. I’m sure Mr. Gore will enjoy a sloppy blow job. #iwouldhaveabortedyou #stacysmomisahoe
If people still call it Obama care it's going to be called the Trump Vaccine. End of story.

Wasn’t announced until after Biden was declared... will never be credited to 45... ever.
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From what I've read I've decided not to take it unless something changes. I don't remember where but one article talked about how its not actually a vaccine but makes it so your body doesn't have any ill effects from the virus. Basically makes someone asymptomatic. Another I read about the pfiser one is you have to take the shot twice and the side effects of the shot can keep you down for a couple days. That article talked about how the vaccine isn't effective enough to stop wearing masks so nothing will really change. I'm in that catagory of low risk so I don't see a reason to take it. I don't think its been all that rushed, its taken almost a year. It only seems fast cause there is usually so much red tape.

On a side note I did the math, here in Utah the survival rate is 99.9955% (906 deaths devided by 202220 positive cases)
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Mom's TV news had this blasting when I turned on the TV for her (SIL bought her one of them TVs that can pull in shows from everywhere, when all she wants is to turn the satellite box on and turn on the TV and watch her shows, not go through menus to find the dish icon) anyway it seems that UNM made an amazing discovery ultra violet light kills viruses. What was even more funny is they made this annoucment 18 November and they are just reporting it today.
Yeah I know it doesn't have to do with vaccines it was just the first thread that showed when I searched


UNM researchers discover certain materials combined with UV light can kill coronavirus and other viruses

November 18, 2020 - Kim Delker

As the deadly COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world with no end in sight, new ways in which to stop the spread or mitigate the effects of the disease are few.

Although most experts agree that a vaccine would significantly slow or eventually stop the spread, the work to develop, approve and distribute such a vaccine are likely months away. That leaves us with only prevention efforts such as masks, social distancing and disinfecting, which partially due to human inconsistencies in behavior, have proven to be variable in effectiveness.

Despite these grim realities about the novel coronavirus that has taken 2020 by storm, disrupting the work, school and personal lives of nearly everyone on the globe, some University of New Mexico researchers have found a possible breakthrough in how to manage this virus, as well as future ones.
A team led by the Center for Biomedical Engineering faculty David Whitten, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, along with Eva Chi and Linnea Ista, faculty members in the same department, have found some light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

The main finding of their research, highlighted in the paper, “Highly Effective Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers,” published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, involves the ability of the combination of certain polymers and oligomers, when combined with UV light, to almost completely kill the coronavirus.

UNM co-authors on the paper were Florencia A. Monge, of UNM’s Center for Biomedical Engineering and the biomedical engineering graduate program; Virginie Bondu of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at the UNM School of Medicine; Alison M. Kell, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at the UNM School of Medicine; and Patrick L. Donabedian of the nanoscience and microsystems engineering graduate program at UNM. Also on the team are Kirk S. Schanze and Pradeepkumar Jagadesan, both of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Although disinfectants such as bleach or alcohol are effective against the virus, they are volatile and corrosive, which limit lasting sterilization of surfaces treated by these products, Whitten said.
What is different about these polymer and oligomer materials is that when activated with UV light, they provide a coating that is shown to be fast acting and highly effective, reducing the concentration of the virus by five orders of magnitude, Chi said.

“These materials have shown to have broad-spectrum antiviral properties,” she said.

Whitten points out that in order for the material to be active against the virus, it must be exposed to light. Light activates the “docking” process that is important and necessary for placing the oligomer or polymer at the surface of the virus particle, allowing the absorption of light that generates the reactive oxygen intermediate at the surface of the virus particle.

“As far as we know so far, materials such as ours are not active against SARS-CoV-2 in the dark and require activation by irradiation with ultraviolet or visible light, depending on where the specific antimicrobial absorbs light,” he said. “In the dark, our antimicrobial materials ‘dock’ with the virus, and then on irradiation, they activate oxygen. It is this active, excited state of oxygen that starts the chain of reactions that inactivate the virus.”
Mom's TV news had this blasting when I turned on the TV for her (SIL bought her one of them TVs that can pull in shows from everywhere, when all she wants is to turn the satellite box on and turn on the TV and watch her shows, not go through menus to find the dish icon) anyway it seems that UNM made an amazing discovery ultra violet light kills viruses. What was even more funny is they made this annoucment 18 November and they are just reporting it today.
Yeah I know it doesn't have to do with vaccines it was just the first thread that showed when I searched


They were talking about this like a month into the pandemic.
Its because Orange Man said it first.


I know, CNN "fact check" link. :rolleyes:

Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency physician who works at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University, also batted down the President's suggestion and warned that trying it could cause sunburn, skin cancer or other dangerous consequences.
"Going out in the sun or exposing yourself to these high-intensity UV lamps is not going to protect you from Covid-19," she said on CNN. "I don't want people to think that this is another miracle cure."
Trump's statement echoes myths and rumors that got so rampant on the internet and in social media that the World Health Organization posted a myth busters pages to debunk them.
"Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease," WHO says on its website. "You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19," it adds.
I have no problem with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, it's brilliant really. Trouble is I have an autoimmune disease, I'll have to wait until more trials are done.
Brandy Vaughn was a drug rep for vioxx before it was pulled, she had a change of heart, she had a kid in Europe, came back and didn't jump into all the shots the doctors were pushing, she pushed back, founded


to grow awareness about having side effects. Her house was broken into several times coinciding with her holding rallies against mandatory vaccination legislation, nothing taken, only things rearranged. She told friends that if she died, it was big pharma.

Last week she was found dead, still no details
According to the talking heads, health care workers, first responders and of course "Important Government Officials" will be in line first, here in NM.
The Navajo nation, is getting their own shipment, I won't go into how that will be distributed, let's just say some are more equal than others We're going to wait and see, mom got her pneumonia shot this year, not sure about the flu,
The video of the second nurse in El Paso to get the vaccine was likely empty or was used.

Here is a better view.

Why? What do they gain from doing that?

It may have been an accident and unintentional, especially if the vaccine is first drawn from a vial off screen. But this has some people thinking this is saline, as part of a greater study than an actual vaccine
Hopefully it's legit and works, but there's no way in hell I'm signing up for that early on. I know two people that work in hospitals here that got it already.

I'm not some anti-vaxx nutjob or anything, but I don't trust anything as soon as it comes out. Cars, tech, drugs, ect. It's not worth being a guinea pig over in general. If this was something like polio or the plague I might think differently, but I don't see the huge rush here.
My wife is a flight nurse and she’s supposed to be getting the shot sometime in the next week. I’ll let you guys know if she turns into a werewolf or gets epilepsy.
It's not being distributed by the military. Our doses arrived to 3 of our distribution points on the rez's Monday or Tuesday. We picked up our doses yesterday and did the initial run today. Had mine at 8:00 am. Only staff are being done at this point. The other version is arriving next week. It's a bit simpler to handling as this one require cold storage and expires within 5 day of the shipping container being opened.

Have not heard when they expect additional doses for the community or general public.

One person had a allergic reaction but it was minor as she didn't require additional medical treatment.
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