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Calif Fires

I think it's time we consider it to be climate change driven.

Bat Signal For Harry Johnson. :Flipoff2:

Whether or not you believe climate change is the cause, you can not deny there is a huge lack of preparation for this. If climate change has been on CA's agenda for over a decade, then they know the chance of wildfire is increased. But the funding to prevent and fight these fires goes to dumb shit like that goddamn 63 BILLION DOLLAR train to Fresno or paying for trannies to get their wieners cut off.

They still have not fixed the failing dams. The roads are still fucked. Public schools are dogshit. The state is burning to the goddamn ground.

Who is running this shitshow? Gavin fucking Newsom. :mad3:
Whether or not you believe climate change is the cause, you can not deny there is a huge lack of preparation for this. If climate change has been on CA's agenda for over a decade, then they know the chance of wildfire is increased. But the funding to prevent and fight these fires goes to dumb shit like that goddamn 63 BILLION DOLLAR train to Fresno or paying for trannies to get their wieners cut off.

They still have not fixed the failing dams. The roads are still fucked. Public schools are dogshit. The state is burning to the goddamn ground.

Who is running this shitshow? Gavin fucking Newsom. :mad3:

Fresno needs a train alright.

Straight to hell. :evil: :laughing:

Scoop up Bakersfield on the way. :flipoff2:
I think it's time we consider it to be climate change driven.

Bat Signal For Harry Johnson. :Flipoff2:

Not sure if you were joking...but this was a real tweet.
Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 3.10.51 PM.png
Did we used to have so many fires back in the days when logging wasn't heavily regulated?

we didn't have as many large fires in the forested areas as we do now. but most of the large fires currently burning and the largest ones in CA history are not is areas that where logging ever has occured
I think it's time we consider it to be climate change driven.

and there you have it

the fire season is getting longer. we are getting all of the precipitation in a shorter amount of time, or less of it. (some people do not realize places in CA can go almost 6 months with close to no rain)

when it is this dry, it doesn't matter if it is cause by man or lightning, bad things are going to happen
If you've spent a lot of time in the woods, you'd know that it's really not that simple. They are logging damn near year round near me. A 5 year old tree plant burns just as well as thick brush.

They tried a shaded fuel reduction(where they leave enough trees to try and make a canopy) right behind my house and the brush still grew 8-12' tall.

I can't really speak for the santa cruz fire, because I don't know the area, but a lot of the fire near Vacaville and lake county is just brush and oak tree, never has or will be any logging in most of that area.

There is no simple solution to fires in CA, imo. We get a ton of rain in 3-4 months and then 8 months of hot and dry. So lots of fuel.

This was all started by weather. 12k lighting strikes in 2 days, I mean fuck.

The bad fires that have taken out 1000s of structures were late season and beyond when we normally get rain. I don't believe in the climate change agenda, but you Can't deny the weather is shifting.

Basically, in a nut shell, God hates CA :flipoff2:

very good explanation

God must not like to Surf and Ski I guess :flipoff2:
and if you think only people cant wait to get out of this state...

W-5 cold Springs fire
left California and moving to Nevada

Click image for larger version  Name:	W-5 Cold Springs_001.jpg Views:	0 Size:	251.9 KB ID:	111408
God hates the LBGT & etc fruitcakes and their vile ways.

And regarding rain.

If you've spent a lot of time in the woods, you'd know that it's really not that simple. They are logging damn near year round near me. A 5 year old tree plant burns just as well as thick brush.

They tried a shaded fuel reduction(where they leave enough trees to try and make a canopy) right behind my house and the brush still grew 8-12' tall.

I can't really speak for the santa cruz fire, because I don't know the area, but a lot of the fire near Vacaville and lake county is just brush and oak tree, never has or will be any logging in most of that area.

There is no simple solution to fires in CA, imo. We get a ton of rain in 3-4 months and then 8 months of hot and dry. So lots of fuel.

This was all started by weather. 12k lighting strikes in 2 days, I mean fuck.

The bad fires that have taken out 1000s of structures were late season and beyond when we normally get rain. I don't believe in the climate change agenda, but you Can't deny the weather is shifting.

Basically, in a nut shell, God hates CA :flipoff2:
If you've spent a lot of time in the woods, you'd know that it's really not that simple. They are logging damn near year round near me. A 5 year old tree plant burns just as well as thick brush.

They tried a shaded fuel reduction(where they leave enough trees to try and make a canopy) right behind my house and the brush still grew 8-12' tall.

I can't really speak for the santa cruz fire, because I don't know the area, but a lot of the fire near Vacaville and lake county is just brush and oak tree, never has or will be any logging in most of that area.

There is no simple solution to fires in CA, imo. We get a ton of rain in 3-4 months and then 8 months of hot and dry. So lots of fuel.

This was all started by weather. 12k lighting strikes in 2 days, I mean fuck.

The bad fires that have taken out 1000s of structures were late season and beyond when we normally get rain. I don't believe in the climate change agenda, but you Can't deny the weather is shifting.

Basically, in a nut shell, God hates CA :flipoff2:

I'm not familiar with many of the areas in CA where the fires are burning but in my neck of the woods; Every clearcut is a fire break, maintained logging roads provide much better access to fight fires when they do occur and are also firebreaks, especially if they are on or near ridge tops. Loggers are usually the first to respond to fires because they are already in the woods, if they are allowed to log. Logging provides funds for forest management which can help in preparing for lightning caused fires foresters can be hired to analyze problem areas and proactively thin heavy fuel loads and other preventative actions. Logging is good for the forests if balanced, sensible processes are used. Regardless of the cause of dry seasons, continuing with the status quo regarding forest policy is a loser.
I'm not familiar with many of the areas in CA where the fires are burning but in my neck of the woods; Every clearcut is a fire break, maintained logging roads provide much better access to fight fires when they do occur and are also firebreaks, especially if they are on or near ridge tops. Loggers are usually the first to respond to fires because they are already in the woods, if they are allowed to log. Logging provides funds for forest management which can help in preparing for lightning caused fires foresters can be hired to analyze problem areas and proactively thin heavy fuel loads and other preventative actions. Logging is good for the forests if balanced, sensible processes are used. Regardless of the cause of dry seasons, continuing with the status quo regarding forest policy is a loser.

I can't disagree with any of that. I just get tired of hearing "if we could just log it, it would be totally fine"

The deadly 2018 campfire went through areas that had been logged, and areas that had burnt recently. The brush just takes over a burn quick. It's already back, less than 2 years later. Plus, even a large clear cut is nothing when you have strong winds.

As far a climate change. Is it real? Absolutely, no question. The climate is always fucking changing, since the invention of climate. Has the last 150 year of human existence had an effect on the worldwide climate? Probably, I mean how could it not have at least some effect.

The bullshit comes in when the people with an agenda try to say shit like "if we don't completely stop driving cars, there will be no polar bears by 2025" they've been saying this bullshit for a long time.

I know that the weather here has been changing for the last 20 years or so. Shorter, warmer winters. But just as much rain. Often we think a wet winter will be good for fire season, when in reality it just makes more fuel.

We used to get at least a few rain storms in September and October. The last few years, we have gotten little to none until sometimes late November. We also get wind in October November. The tubbs fire was October 7th and the camp fire was November 8th. Both dry as fuck and windy.
As far a climate change. Is it real? Absolutely, no question. The climate is always fucking changing, since the invention of climate. Has the last 150 year of human existence had an effect on the worldwide climate? Probably, I mean how could it not have at least some effect.

IIRC, the first episode of "One Strange Rock" on Netflix, describes the so called climate change pretty well.

I'm not saying I'm educated on the matter, but Earth has been adapting to all sorts of climate change for a long time. The planet is fine.
IIRC, the first episode of "One Strange Rock" on Netflix, describes the so called climate change pretty well.

I'm not saying I'm educated on the matter, but Earth has been adapting to all sorts of climate change for a long time. The planet is fine.

You cut off the most important part :flipoff2:​​​​​​

Like I said, I'm sure we have had some effect. Probably not enough to even be noticeable. I know the planet is fine. I don't buy into the climate change agenda at all.
And NOBODY talks about the fact that there are 20+million more people in this state than were ever anticipated.

That's a lot more people to be affected, and real estate to get fucked when things go south.
Whether or not you believe climate change is the cause, you can not deny there is a huge lack of preparation for this. If climate change has been on CA's agenda for over a decade, then they know the chance of wildfire is increased. But the funding to prevent and fight these fires goes to dumb shit like that goddamn 63 BILLION DOLLAR train to Fresno or paying for trannies to get their wieners cut off.

They still have not fixed the failing dams. The roads are still fucked. Public schools are dogshit. The state is burning to the goddamn ground.

Who is running this shitshow? Gavin fucking Newsom. :mad3:

Does no one read the black text anymore? :flipoff2:
To give a little insight to the Santa cruz mountains areas where the fires are... most of the property/lots were given away for free or extremely cheap in the 20s-50s so everyone and thier cousins went up and built little vacation cabins.... fucking everywhere. Every spot they could stuff a little house got built on, hanging off cliffs, built over the river, on top of old land slides, ect. There are hundreds if not thousands of little roads going everywhere they could be built just crammed full of little homes.

Now everything to steep and rugged between these homes and the large ranches that litter the mountain tops are what is essentialy burning. Most of it is so rugged you are not getting to it except on foot because if a dozer could there would be homes.

The fires started on top of the mountains burning the ranches and baller homes (where my sisters was) and crept down the canyons to all the tiny shithole roads where the fire crews are trying to stop it. Through the 45000 acres that have burned, only 150ish homes have, and it's mostly because there just isnt enough crews to be everywhere around the perimeter.

There are a few areas being actively logged but for the most part its private property or the terrain doesn't make it affordable.

Now the majority of the homes I saw burning didn't even have the leaves raked away from thier houses. Property maintenance would have made a huge difference. My friend who's property my truck was on owns 1/4 mile of the road and has a pretty decent spread. He is always on top of maintenance and because of that the fires burned right up to his property line, and only half way through before running out of fuel. Sure half his shit is gone but everyone beyond his homes are still standing.

As far as all the other fires within 100 miles of me they are basically in vast grasslands of rolling hills and oak/manzanita. No amount of logging or sweeping the forrest floors would have helped.
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To give a little insight to the Santa cruz mountains areas where the fires are... most of the property/lots were given away for free or extremely cheap in the 20s-50s so everyone and thier cousins went up and built little vacation cabins.... fucking everywhere. Every spot they could stuff a little house got built on, hanging off cliffs, built over the river, on top of old land slides, ect. There are hundreds if not thousands of little roads going everywhere they could be built just crammed full of little homes.


yep, that's very accurate. a ghetto of romantic shacks litter the side roads from hell, or heaven depending on how you look at it.
um nope,
they are not the biggest reason for all these fires.
yes they have caused some problems, but you cant blame them for a 400K acre fire that really has few trees

most these fires have nothing to do with politics or whos running the state but people cant help themselves :laughing:
most these fires have nothing to do with politics or whos running the state but people cant help themselves :laughing:

I mean, if we put the 74738 billion that gets wasted on shit like high speed rails, or whatever else to masticators running year round. Or allow call fire dozers to clear ground any time but during a fire, we'd be looking a little better.
Mentioned a year or two back after the Redding/Lake Shasta fire was the effect of invasive weeds. What had been a well devloped fire ecosystem has been wrenched by the invasion of waist to chest high weeds that thoroughly dry out by midsummer and are an incredible fuel load fire ladder threat. What had been ankle to knee high grass since the beginning of the Holocene, the end of the last glacial advance and cooling, is now a sea of thistle and shit everywhere. And it burns like a mutherfucker. Not anything like a low height native grass fire. Other than the media spewing non sense out, and Karens gossiping about it, there is no credible climate data from a reputable source substantiating that we are any dryer or hotter than 50, 100, or 1,500 years ago.
Mentioned a year or two back after the Redding/Lake Shasta fire was the effect of invasive weeds. What had been a well devloped fire ecosystem has been wrenched by the invasion of waist to chest high weeds that thoroughly dry out by midsummer and are an incredible fuel load fire ladder threat.

That's what burned by my house. It's not Star Thistle like you have, but Globe Chamomile. This shit is from South Africa and even goats won't eat it, (apparently there are some goats that are native to Africa that will eat it). It covers entire hillsides in spring then it dries out and makes a good blowtorch. And it stinks.

This was the last picture my wife took before we evacuated. That house that is getting the pink douche is only 100yds from my place.

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