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Calif Fires

As someone who went through this, along with basically all my close friends and family.

People are going to give you shit, weather you want it or not. I'm sure 99% of it has the best intentions, although we got stuff that looked like it was set out to be tossed on trash day also. I'm sure the fact that we had a 1 year old and my wife was due 5 weeks after the fire made it extra bad :laughing: people would even give us stuff after we told them we had no where to put it, 2 full vehicles and living in an 18' trailer. "well, it's just xxx" :rolleyes:

We also got a ton of really nice stuff, so I try to be positive.

​​​​​​If you want to help someone, offer to take all the shit they've been given to goodwill. Not kidding.

Some essential things are nice to have, like socks, underwear, toiletries, maybe even cheap cooking supplies. Everyone's situation is different though.

Honestly, visa type gift cards are the best way to spend your money. That way the person can do whatever they want, even if they spend it on a fucking x box, maybe that's what they need to occupy their mind for a little bit.

My wife found a lot of great programs also, especially once we got back into a more permanent house and needed things like furniture. If anyone needs help with any of this, feel free to pm, text me or call me(no promises with bad service at home, and a strange work schedule, I'm up from 230am-800pm weekdays)

530 592 6033
Also, learn how to take a gift. We are all stubborn fucks who don't want "handouts".

You have to realize that people want to help, they don't expect anything in return. Think of it as a buddy handing you a beer. He doesn't expect anything in return, and you'd do the exact same thing if you were the one with the full cooler.
As someone who went through this, along with basically all my close friends and family.

People are going to give you shit, weather you want it or not. I'm sure 99% of it has the best intentions, although we got stuff that looked like it was set out to be tossed on trash day also. I'm sure the fact that we had a 1 year old and my wife was due 5 weeks after the fire made it extra bad :laughing: people would even give us stuff after we told them we had no where to put it, 2 full vehicles and living in an 18' trailer. "well, it's just xxx" :rolleyes:

We also got a ton of really nice stuff, so I try to be positive.

​​​​​​If you want to help someone, offer to take all the shit they've been given to goodwill. Not kidding.

Some essential things are nice to have, like socks, underwear, toiletries, maybe even cheap cooking supplies. Everyone's situation is different though.

Honestly, visa type gift cards are the best way to spend your money. That way the person can do whatever they want, even if they spend it on a fucking x box, maybe that's what they need to occupy their mind for a little bit.

My wife found a lot of great programs also, especially once we got back into a more permanent house and needed things like furniture. If anyone needs help with any of this, feel free to pm, text me or call me(no promises with bad service at home, and a strange work schedule, I'm up from 230am-800pm weekdays)

530 592 6033

I think it also depends on where you are. When we started accepting donations for the Tubbs fire, we had people pull up with trunk loads of brand new items from target and Macy's. I found one receipt for 12k:eek:

But yes, we also got a couple of grandmas cleaning their closets of all the crap their families hadn't already staked a claim to:laughing:
I think it also depends on where you are. When we started accepting donations for the Tubbs fire, we had people pull up with trunk loads of brand new items from target and Macy's. I found one receipt for 12k:eek:

But yes, we also got a couple of grandmas cleaning their closets of all the crap their families hadn't already staked a claim to:laughing:

I volunteered in chico for the Oroville dam spillway evac, I'm young and have a back, so I ended up at the gate unloading donations. I saw the whole spectrum. Mounted truck bed from Costco of brand new shit. Then another old lady who brought in random pictures, lamps, and shit.

We stayed in Southlake Tahoe for a week after the fire. Our friends husband works at an art gallery up there and the owner wanted us to stay in her apartment she has set up for artist when they come stay. Shit you not "be careful with that painting, it's worth like $12k" :laughing: OK, I'll let my 1 year old know :lmao:

We got everything from a box full of brand new stuff from under armor, to a bag with used underwear and dirty kids cleats.

Cleats? Really? I fucking NEED 4 pairs of kids cleats right now? :laughing:

Like I said, we got so much love and generosity sent our way, but it got really frustrating having to deal with getting rid of a bunch a shit when you also have nothing. It also get weird when you forget what stuff is actually yours and what is borrowed. :laughing:

I volunteered in chico for the Oroville dam spillway evac, I'm young and have a back, so I ended up at the gate unloading donations. I saw the whole spectrum. Mounted truck bed from Costco of brand new shit. Then another old lady who brought in random pictures, lamps, and shit.

We stayed in Southlake Tahoe for a week after the fire. Our friends husband works at an art gallery up there and the owner wanted us to stay in her apartment she has set up for artist when they come stay. Shit you not "be careful with that painting, it's worth like $12k" :laughing: OK, I'll let my 1 year old know :lmao:

We got everything from a box full of brand new stuff from under armor, to a bag with used underwear and dirty kids cleats.

Cleats? Really? I fucking NEED 4 pairs of kids cleats right now? :laughing:

Like I said, we got so much love and generosity sent our way, but it got really frustrating having to deal with getting rid of a bunch a shit when you also have nothing. It also get weird when you forget what stuff is actually yours and what is borrowed. :laughing:


Yup, we were pretty fortunate. Two of my guys, my wife and I spent a grand total of about 6 hours one Saturday organising care packages.

We probably only had one small dumpster worth of trash and anything that wasn't new one of my guys brought to the homless in Berkley and SF, maybe two pickup trucks full. Hes a recovered/ing addict who spent some time on the streets so hes sympathetic and I didnt want to have to deal with the stuff. Every place we called to try to donate only wanted new packages items.
We had an enormous surplus of used clothes around here.

So much so that every place had to start refusing clothes. Then they started a makeshift donation place in a closed toys r us parking lot. Which I dropped some unwanted stuff off at. Some of which was accidentally my wife's clothes and my koh hoody that survived the fire :homer::laughing:

Also, the camp fire was pretty insane, and got national, if not worldwide news coverage. So shit was coming from everywhere.

Another thing I would suggest, is not donating money to a big charity fund. Someone set up north valley fire fund or some shit. Which received a ridiculous amount, like $12m or some thing. Now they have a board that decides where that goes. They have been getting a ton of flack for sending money to all kinds of ridiculous things that really don't help actual fire victims at all. :mad3:
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This is not a request.

Having dealt with all the norcal fires in the last couple years, TELL him he needs to let us know what he/his need. Otherwise he will end up with a bunch of crap he is grateful for but cant use.

This can't be repeated enough
If he needs anything, tell him to call me. Nick- 831-325-3594 im in santa cruz.

Hey nick, Booth just left exhausted from his property, everything in the back 40 is gone but the house is still standing as of now. Didn't ask his permission but Austin and I are meeting up at the summit park and ride to go in and try to save his place tonight. Let me know if you want to cruise with.
Hey nick, Booth just left exhausted from his property, everything in the back 40 is gone but the house is still standing as of now. Didn't ask his permission but Austin and I are meeting up at the summit park and ride to go in and try to save his place tonight. Let me know if you want to cruise with.

If it burned up to the house, and the house is still there, that's good, means you have a fire break, at least on one side.

I can load up my saw's and head down in the morning if you need help.

Jordan is my best buddy after all:flipoff2:
I'm thinking it will either be a loss or burned past it in the morning. No reception or internet up there.... all his neighbors houses are gone except one and he spent his last bit of energy trying to save that one. Hes been up for 4 days.

I'll get a message out to you on here by the morning.

Unfortunately his neighborhood isn't really priority when towns are being threatened being that there is no water supply currently within a mile.
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Pics of his property when I got out with my samurai. It was by the large fallen tree with the paint blistered off the drivers side of the hood and tubes



CALFIRE just updated webpage regarding the LNU complex fire around Lake Berryessa.... now 302,000 acres burned.

Second largest fire in CA history.

currently 15% contained.

I'm thinking it will either be a loss or burned past it in the morning. No reception or internet up there.... all his neighbors houses are gone except one and he spent his last bit of energy trying to save that one. Hes been up for 4 days.

I'll get a message out to you on here by the morning.

Unfortunately his neighborhood isn't really priority when towns are being threatened being that there is no water supply currently within a mile.

Scary stuff. You guys be careful out there and keep us posted.
I have been following this one too. My dad lives in Quincy. He randomly left town on Thursday to go to an doctor appointment which is good.

My mom evacuated to stay with friends and family in Taylorsville. Now they are evacuating that area too. The whole area is fucked. She's going to stay with friends near concow.
My mom evacuated to stay with friends and family in Taylorsville. Now they are evacuating that area too. The whole area is fucked. She's going to stay with friends near concow.

It sucks my dad cant go back. He lives in a travel trailer and can go hook up and roll out
in like 20 minutes of he wanted too
My mom evacuated to stay with friends and family in Taylorsville. Now they are evacuating that area too. The whole area is fucked. She's going to stay with friends near concow.

We have friends that moved to Taylorsville after they lost their house in paradise. It would suck to see them loose another.

Concow? That's the last place I'd go to avoid fires :laughing:

It sucks my dad cant go back. He lives in a travel trailer and can go hook up and roll out
in like 20 minutes of he wanted too

​​​​​​​Can't go back? Has he tried actually talking to the people manning the road blocks?
Can't go back? Has he tried actually talking to the people manning the road blocks?
guess the dude was being a dick. He tries later and had no issues getting to his trailer. He packed his stuff up and left the trailer lol. He was like meh its a cheap trailer if it burns it burns
Currently on track to be 2 largest fires in CA history. Already took the #2 and #3 spots.


fire around berryessa now 341,000 acres burned w/17% contained

Fire at Mt Hamilton in san jose now 339,000 acres w/10% contained

Largest fire in state history was 459,000 in 2018. #2 was 281,000 in 2017

Who is running this shitshow? Gavin fucking Newsome.
Did we used to have so many fires back in the days when logging wasn't heavily regulated?
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Did we used to have so many fires back in the days when logging wasn't heavily regulated?

Bumping this so as to create some kinda hit counter groundswell!
Slash piles rarely get hit by lightning me thinks!
If you've spent a lot of time in the woods, you'd know that it's really not that simple. They are logging damn near year round near me. A 5 year old tree plant burns just as well as thick brush.

They tried a shaded fuel reduction(where they leave enough trees to try and make a canopy) right behind my house and the brush still grew 8-12' tall.

I can't really speak for the santa cruz fire, because I don't know the area, but a lot of the fire near Vacaville and lake county is just brush and oak tree, never has or will be any logging in most of that area.

There is no simple solution to fires in CA, imo. We get a ton of rain in 3-4 months and then 8 months of hot and dry. So lots of fuel.

This was all started by weather. 12k lighting strikes in 2 days, I mean fuck.

The bad fires that have taken out 1000s of structures were late season and beyond when we normally get rain. I don't believe in the climate change agenda, but you Can't deny the weather is shifting.

Basically, in a nut shell, God hates CA :flipoff2:
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