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Big Dumb Loads

Im not so sure its real anymore. At first i thought it looked like sand mounded up all over the sidewalk so maybe hes wearing a mask because sandstorm? But then i saw his hands look kinda weird, like a bad render. And now the more i look at it, it seems like the whole front half of the truck is off somehow (Whats going on with that front left wheel?). So now im thinking its fake.
Tis but the best that AI could render. Give it the most basic inputs to generate a female, sans clothing, it'll produce an image you couldn't discern from reality even knowing you just commanded it. Try inputs such as truck carrying a tractor on a city street, with man, 1920s and you get that garbage. One has a llllllllooooooooottttttt more images out there for it to decipher and put something together from.
You right. :beer: Unless AI 3-4 years ago was better at adding actual real life stuff such as the tractor, but not people or surroundings. What a fucking weird picture. Whole lotta :confused: going on.


My guess is that the picture is real, but was "cleaned up" with a modern filter that took some strange creative liberties.
Here's the first video of 3 of a Scammell training/PR video. They're pretty cool.

And they recovered that tank with a 16k winch. :laughing:

Edit: Man, that video is gold. The 3-axle truck backwards on the turntable trailer was pretty cool.
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Is that a ratchet strap holding the window in? :laughing:
It was an attempt to. At best it looks like the window is for a 1st Gen Ram. Possibly OBS F-Series, Ranger or Dakota. Piece of acrylic and some self tappers would have been my route. But, he obviously ain't got no time fo' dat. Hell, if it's still there, silicone/JB Weld/bondo the rear window out of that red Caravan in there.
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