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83 pickup that went full buggy,

because you asked.

so i may not use it because i feel like i screwed it up...... so the first yoke is what i got on it now, i get no angle out of it. i did grind out the yoke some and it barley clears now. not happy at all. i had no idea until i ordered my slip that all slip yokes are not equal. lets say i was spoiled with the toyota slip yokes, they could do crazy angles. so the second yoke i found after looking and looking at each one and then in the fine print it reads high angle. so i will need to go to that one now. , not sure when.
then when i put this one together i may have made it too short. i think i have two inches of spline engaging at full droop. i was so worried about bottoming out and messing up a tcase i lost track of how much is too much so it might be too short. bummer. live and learn....



and also completed the engine skid last night, not completely welded yet. buddy saw this design on a jake burkey buggy and said this is what i needed. and i feel like i have saw it on here too. so anyway thanks for the ideas.



so my trip to disney last week did not happen because my tranny went out the day before i was to load up. bummer for sure. i did drive it around for about 1 or two total hours, but then it said no.. no go.....

this filter was new when the tranny was put in buggy. also told tranny worked, so technically it worked for a little while... lol

started to change the gears last night.

and here is a 717 pinion and 5.13 next to each other. 717 in the rear looks great. front 717 had a couple chipped teeth last year before the last ride so i will pull them apart tonight to see how they look.

buggy does fit the new trailer awesome by the way Pat......




so my trip to disney last week did not happen because my tranny went out the day before i was to load up. bummer for sure. i did drive it around for about 1 or two total hours, but then it said no.. no go.....

this filter was new when the tranny was put in buggy. also told tranny worked, so technically it worked for a little while... lol

started to change the gears last night.

and here is a 717 pinion and 5.13 next to each other. 717 in the rear looks great. front 717 had a couple chipped teeth last year before the last ride so i will pull them apart tonight to see how they look.

buggy does fit the new trailer awesome by the way Pat......




Damn. Sucks you missed it. You have a replacement trans?
so i got it all back together and regeared to 5.13.
went for my first drive last night up and down the road for a couple miles each way, not hard on it or anything. so letting off the gas i would here a chatter, at first i thought it was just gear noise with a 205, but then it would pop out of gear. thats not good.

noticed rear out put move back and forth about 3/8 of an inch, way too much. so off comes the out put.

we had to figure out what i messed when putting this together so i got my spare tcase out and tore it open to compare parts.
guess what i did.....

that bearing does not belong on the bottom shelf of my tool box, it belongs in the tcase. damit man...

and then we put the needle bearing washer in the wrong spot. last pic. it is supposed to be next to the snap ring its at the bottom. FML. lol and i only found out from looking at another thread this am and then i realized it was done wrong. so tonight out put comes out again.




Bet the next one you touch is gonna be built perfectly.


I pulled my first TH400 like 4 times in a row before I got it half decent.
i could go on for days on the #learning curve. i think i have found a new name for theis buggy " does more" because i get the opportunity to do each and every task 2, 3 or 4 times. at some point i am gonna run out of things to redo....

another one of them learning moments i have been having. it trying use my new wheels, old set up. dually front hubs. had to switch to singe hubs because 5/8studs dont work with my rims. things i did not even consider when ordering them... but why not just get new studs. yep. after many hours searching and trying things i found one that fit, down side is its only 1/2 and by the time i press through the giant hub the tabered part sticks up beyond the wheel mounting surface and now the rim will not fit flat..... ok put spacer behind and press through. or spacer on front. well that sucks also. now i dont have very many threads to hold the rime on, thick spacer, thats a option but damn its crazy wide now. so ditch that entire idea, no more dually front hubs.

single hubs were strait forward. and i dont need a spacer or anything to clear the link bars or anything. so i was crazy wide now i am crazy narrow, dodge kingpin dana 60 front. but i will have the same lug nuts on all wheels for the first time since going to tons.

we put 5.13 in last week and i sorted out the hub drama and filled the diff monday night. came out to the shop to see gear oil leaked out the pass side knuckle so i will get to pull the carrier again and put new seals in... again living up to the new name...

does more......

a few weeks back i did the coil spring calc using 150 springs its video off wide open designs page, it rocks.

did it just like the video said. 150 spring only on all 4 corners. ran the adjuster all the way down, and put weight on to simulate tools and such, even had a full tank of fuel.

here is what i found out.

Rear: spring compress 4 inches. 4*150=600 pounds. and i wanted to change from 4 up 10 down to a even 7 and 7 to keep off the bump stops all the time.
so 600 divided by 7 comes up with 85 and according to the chart puts me at a 200 pound spring. so the rear will be 150 over 200

compressed 4.5 inches on 150 spring. withs equals 675 per corner. divide that by 7 again and end up with 96 and according to the chart thats a 250 spring. front is now 150 over 250

so driving it last night a few miles and everything settled in it looks like and its a solid 7 inches of shaft showing at all four corners. thats chart and video is spot on for setting up.
i still may raise my upper shock mounts 2 or three inches to lower the rig down a bit. time will tell.
so back together again. not bad doing it a third time... hahaha but slow and steady. here is a 20 sec vid of me going down the gravel. drive shaft run out was a success it looks like too and there is a little bit of tcase growl but i am in low range 4wd so lots of parts moving.


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i need shift knobs, i can not tell what the hell is happening with my tcase.

saw these and they look good. and from what i can tell twin sticking a 205 this is my patterns correct?
Really depends on the pivot point of your shifters.

I got some ricer shift knobs off Amazon for my triple stick setup. I like that Noone else can figure it out (hopefully)and steal my rig:lmao:
Really depends on the pivot point of your shifters.

I got some ricer shift knobs off Amazon for my triple stick setup. I like that Noone else can figure it out (hopefully)and steal my rig:lmao:
my problem is i can remember so i am always in front dig , lol first time ever with 205 so the pattern makes no since to me.
got some shift knobs for an atlas that have the labels on them so i know what each shift rails does, how ever they are back ward from the way i actually move the shifter, no biggie, it least i know how to move each one.

did about 10 miles yesterday and things seem to be working out ok. mounted the wheels and tires saturday,
tonight i will be finishing up with the last few things before heading out this weekend . so far i love the snap of the LS.......

made some mirror extensions. about 2.5 - 3 " sticking out will help a bunch. not sure why i have not done this sooner. just walked by a piece of scrap and said. that would make a great mirror extension

and these are my mirrors.


and also completed the engine skid last night, not completely welded yet. buddy saw this design on a jake burkey buggy and said this is what i needed. and i feel like i have saw it on here too. so anyway thanks for the ideas.
toss some foam inbetween the skids and oil pan. it keeps small debris out of there preventing the skid plate when flexing point loading the oil pan and putting a hole in it.
leaks yes happen. bashing rocks also happen they go hand and hand.

did i mention i got another running 5.3 for $150 buck sunday. stoked i am.

burn out vid....

so hhad it out this past weekend and put three good days of riding. we hit hard rock trails, hills, some mud, some fire service roads. little bit of everything.

-all temps stayed well with in normal. transmission temp did get hot once, like 220-230 on the gauge after a long beat down, but came right back downe. the rest of the time stayed in 160-190 range. so happy there. may install a power steering cooler and then use both circuits of my

Derale 15200 Electra-Cool Remote Cooler Dual Circuit 2 in 1 Design for my transmission and let the fluid sit there a bit longer..

-the power is amazing. i know nothing for anyone used to an LS but to me its amazing...

-heat in the cabin was not bad at all. the pipes that were by the passenger feet were wrapped good in insulation and shielding that you could touch the pipes with your hand so her feet never got warm. that was a huge win. because if she uncomfortable i am uncomfortable... :grinpimp:

-my prefered gear to run is 205 in low magnum in high so its a 2:1 tcase for moving between hard spots. then once i hit a obstacle that requires more control, or a launch up a hill i use the magnum. 5:1 . freaking cats meow...... and the reason i do this combo is i only need to move one tcase lever, magnum in or out. if i ran 205 high magnum in low then its 2:72 or what ever but i have to move both 205 levers. just easier to run the other way....

i love sitting on a hill, holding the brake, and just getting back on throttle without dumping clutch and rolling back. so nice. and the power did i mention the power....

i am running 40s so far i like them, sure 42s or 43s would be awesome these work real well.

i did remove the dually hubs and went back to single and love the narrow side of it. and it still feels the same as before. so no regrets there.

i still have to tweak my bump stops and my skid plates but it all worked.

again little wins and i will take them.
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