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WWID: dealing with a mental

Fucker is still up to the same. Saw him parked between two cars at cvs and surprised him before he noticed me. This was in my town where he had no reason to be.

I forgot what you had posted in the 1st post, so why are you stalking this guy again?
So who is he?

What could it hurt to doxx him here?
And jeebus, doesn't he have a job?

Who the hell has time to stalk multiple folks day after day??
Without going back and reading through the whole thread again, there's more people than you he's stalking right? Can you all collectively get together and confront him as a group to let him know none of you are fucking around with his bullshit?

Alternatively, with so many people out of work because of covid restrictions, can you find someone that you can collectively hire to follow him around and be in his face all the time?
Without going back and reading through the whole thread again, there's more people than you he's stalking right? Can you all collectively get together and confront him as a group to let him know none of you are fucking around with his bullshit?

Alternatively, with so many people out of work because of covid restrictions, can you find someone that you can collectively hire to follow him around and be in his face all the time?

We boxed him in where he was hiding twice so far and confronted him. He just comes up with excuses for doing it, cries, apologizes, and says he will stop. Next day he is out there again.

He is a narcissist.
At this point I would be more worried that he seems to be able to follow you so easily. Like he has a GPS on your vehicle. Have you ever tried to follow someone? It's not exactly easy.
We boxed him in where he was hiding twice so far and confronted him. He just comes up with excuses for doing it, cries, apologizes, and says he will stop. Next day he is out there again.

He is a narcissist.

Wow! Your thread title is correct.

Sorry you have to deal with this. I honestly don't know what I would do in the same situation. I know what I would want to do but also know that I'd end up with charges if I followed through.

All you can really do at this point is hope that he never escalates his charades to actual property damage or physically harms someone. He appears to recognize that his actions are having an effect without stepping up to the next level.
OP you need to get his attention fixed on either someone who matters or has authority or their wife or whatever. That shit will stop pronto at least thats what I heard.
At this point I would be more worried that he seems to be able to follow you so easily. Like he has a GPS on your vehicle. Have you ever tried to follow someone? It's not exactly easy.

He knows my routes and what time I work then picks whatever day to sit and hope to get lucky.

We called the cops on him numerous times. They take the call and put it in the report but can't do anything because it is in a public place and he is not breaking any laws. They advised to go get a PFA at the courthouse. I haven't been able to get there due to work and their limited hours but I have a day this week where I can. I don't think it will do much anyways since his ex wife has one on him and he still does what he does to her and her new dude.
Seriously you are going to end up in a well with a bottle of lotion if he let's you live. This is the kind of wack job that's going to justify killing you because he thinks you are the only thing standing in front of him and your wife the "wants him just as much"
He knows my routes and what time I work then picks whatever day to sit and hope to get lucky.

We called the cops on him numerous times. They take the call and put it in the report but can't do anything because it is in a public place and he is not breaking any laws. They advised to go get a PFA at the courthouse. I haven't been able to get there due to work and their limited hours but I have a day this week where I can. I don't think it will do much anyways since his ex wife has one on him and he still does what he does to her and her new dude.

You need to talk to the ex's new dude and come up with a plan. Maybe some glamour shots with the 3 of you that you can leave on his car. :laughing:
Ghillie suit with mask, gloves, and a bat. Concentrate on the arms and legs... shit thats easily fixed at the hospital. When its done, lean in nose to nose so he knows it's you and quietly explain that next time he'll simply vanish.

Leave no evidence. Vehicular or otherwise.

Cops will be all "Oh yea sorry you got attacked Mr. Stalker lol would you like to make a report? Oh yea we'll totally look into it".
Felt like I was gonna see him today when walking out the door and whaddayaknow...... :rolleyes:

Go to court and get a restraining order, then have him arrested whenever you see him within the confines of that order.
Go to court and get a restraining order, then have him arrested whenever you see him within the confines of that order.

How does a restraining order work? When he's near, do i need video evidence of him or is it just my word? My ears don't work so I can't exactly call the police on the spot like a normal person can.
depends on what the order of protection/restraining order says. yer residence and place of work are usually listed and to stay a certain amount of distance from you. if he violates that call pd/sheriff and he will be arrested for violating the order of protection/restraining order from a judge.

RUGER :usa:
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How does a restraining order work? When he's near, do i need video evidence of him or is it just my word? My ears don't work so I can't exactly call the police on the spot like a normal person can.

They don't work cause a piece of paper doesn't detour a nut job , being armed and having situational awareness might help .
They don't work cause a piece of paper doesn't detour a nut job , being armed and having situational awareness might help .

on my post he asked how they work:laughing: but you are absolutely correct.

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