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WWID: dealing with a mental

How does a restraining order work? When he's near, do i need video evidence of him or is it just my word? My ears don't work so I can't exactly call the police on the spot like a normal person can.
Does your 911 center text? Many now let you text them.

Aaron Z
Put a $1k bounty on his left ear. After some methhead collects and he complains, remind him that he has another ear and you have another $1k.
Put a $1k bounty on his left ear. After some methhead collects and he complains, remind him that he has another ear and you have another $1k.

He will probably collect his own bounty. He is broke and jobless.
In post 180 OP is alluding to being deaf? Am I correct?

Just pointing it out because that's an obstacle to having full situational awareness.


OP has hearing issues.

I do not think he is completely deaf but has very poor hearing.

This is a rough situation.

On one hand I firmly believe that a restraining order just pushes crazy people into acting more crazy

On the other damn society has really fucked things up for the old fashion ass beatings like the one this stalker guy deserves.
Based upon the evidence you have presented on this thread, you should be granted a restraining order. Every time you see him within the constraints of that order (within a certain feet of your residence, shop, workplace, wherever you are, etc.) you call 911 and make sure law enforcement does their part. After he gets arrested a few times and the judge gets tired of seeing him in the courtroom, they should give him some time in the can. His time spent in jail gets longer with each arrest, and he might get the help he needs while there (doubtful). It also gives the court, law enforcement, etc., notice that there is a issue, the court agrees there is a issue with that person, which will make it easier on you when you end up having to defend yourself against him.
Its passed time to do violent stuff. You needed to be doing violent stuff weeks ago.

Now you need to take a foot or a hand off. Burn the end real good and call him an amber lamps (burner phone).

OP has hearing issues.

I do not think he is completely deaf but has very poor hearing.

This is a rough situation.

On one hand I firmly believe that a restraining order just pushes crazy people into acting more crazy

On the other damn society has really fucked things up for the old fashion ass beatings like the one this stalker guy deserves.

I think he is nearly 100% deaf or 100% deaf. (I know him).

He needs to get a restaining order ASAP. For one thing, if he and his stalker get in a fight, it will establish which is the defendant.
Based upon the evidence you have presented on this thread, you should be granted a restraining order. Every time you see him within the constraints of that order (within a certain feet of your residence, shop, workplace, wherever you are, etc.) you call 911 and make sure law enforcement does their part. After he gets arrested a few times and the judge gets tired of seeing him in the courtroom, they should give him some time in the can. His time spent in jail gets longer with each arrest, and he might get the help he needs while there (doubtful). It also gives the court, law enforcement, etc., notice that there is a issue, the court agrees there is a issue with that person, which will make it easier on you when you end up having to defend yourself against him.

The co-worker he dated said he has been to court a few times already (from ex-wife) and judge told him if he sees him one more time then it's jail time so that most likely will happen quickly.

And yes I am deaf without my aids but can hear a little with them, just can't understand sounds so calling 911 is a no go. It does look like they take texts to 911 here so I will have to try that.
The co-worker he dated said he has been to court a few times already (from ex-wife) and judge told him if he sees him one more time then it's jail time so that most likely will happen quickly.

And yes I am deaf without my aids but can hear a little with them, just can't understand sounds so calling 911 is a no go. It does look like they take texts to 911 here so I will have to try that.
Can you text them pictures? That way thy have evidence of him being there if he takes off.

Aaron Z
The co-worker he dated said he has been to court a few times already (from ex-wife) and judge told him if he sees him one more time then it's jail time so that most likely will happen quickly.

And yes I am deaf without my aids but can hear a little with them, just can't understand sounds so calling 911 is a no go. It does look like they take texts to 911 here so I will have to try that.

We're gonna need to see pics of the coworker if you want to keep getting free advice :flipoff2:
Felt like I was gonna see him today when walking out the door and whaddayaknow...... :rolleyes:

Holy shit. Fuck that guy. Seriously if he did that to me I would walk right over to his car with a pair of vice grips and pull the valve stem right out of his tire. Try and follow me know bitch. He needs to know that you are not messing around. I would open carry and make sure he sees it. I don't know how you have dealt with it this far. Don't you have any rough friends that will do nice things for $500? :eek:
Next time you see him and he doesn't see you, call the police. Have an officer respond and make contact, tell them you are in fear of your life while you list all the times you have seen this person stalking you. Ask for a TRO (temporary emergency restraining order). They should be able to issue you one on the spot and advise dickhead to stay away from you. You will be given a court date that you need to appear for a hearing to make it permanent. Get it done before something bad happens.
Next time you see him and he doesn't see you, call the police. Have an officer respond and make contact, tell them you are in fear of your life while you list all the times you have seen this person stalking you. Ask for a TRO (temporary emergency restraining order). They should be able to issue you one on the spot and advise dickhead to stay away from you. You will be given a court date that you need to appear for a hearing to make it permanent. Get it done before something bad happens.


Today I found him tailing me again and in an area I never go to. Slowed down in other lane so he was forced to pass and snapped this picture. Called the cops and state police stopped by, took notes, and asked if I was willing to press charges and go to court and I said yes. He is paying the asshole a visit now.

How he found me out there was pretty odd. I been wondering if he has a tracker of some sort on my vehicle so I am gonna look tomorrow.

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How he found me out there was pretty odd. I been wondering if he has a tracker of some sort on my vehicle so I am gonna look tomorrow.

If you do find one, call the police and have it documented. It would be hard to prove he placed it there, but it all adds up to crazy ass stalker.
If you do find one, call the police and have it documented. It would be hard to prove he placed it there, but it all adds up to crazy ass stalker.

Couldn't they seize his phone and see if he has a tracking app?

It would also be interesting to see what incriminating stuff he has on his phone.
Well cop paid a visit as he said he would. Apparently the dude lives in an apartment with his mother and sister next door. His mother ends up calling my co worker pleading to her not to press charges or he goes to jail.

We are pressing charges.
Well cop paid a visit as he said he would. Apparently the dude lives in an apartment with his mother and sister next door. His mother ends up calling my co worker pleading to her not to press charges or he goes to jail.

We are pressing charges.

Fuck yes press charges. That shit he is pulling is beyond worrisome.
...His mother ends up calling my co worker pleading to her not to press charges or he goes to jail.

The shithead mother is involved, see if a warrant is available for her. Calling a victim at work should be a definite confirmation as a disorderly conduct or harassment charge.

We are pressing charges.


Lock them up & throw away the key-
Well cop paid a visit as he said he would. Apparently the dude lives in an apartment with his mother and sister next door. His mother ends up calling my co worker pleading to her not to press charges or he goes to jail.

We are pressing charges.

did you report the phone call?

check around your property and under your windows to see if he was looking in the windows.
did you report the phone call?

check around your property and under your windows to see if he was looking in the windows.

Got that covered. I had a thread going regarding cameras and picked up a few that alert me through my phone.
I would report the mother to the police just because. That is a crime in most states, but I would do it mostly for more evidence to keep him away from you.
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