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wtf? banned from pirate

Been visiting Pirate every day for 20 years. Beat97yj deleted me for not liking maple syrup. Fuck you :flipoff2:
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Been visiting Pirate every day for 20 years. Beat97yj deleted me for not liking maple syrup. Fuck you :flipoff2:

We deserve what we get. You're lucky Frank didn't run you over and leave burnout marks on your lips. :flipoff2:
We deserve what we get. You're lucky Frank didn't run you over and leave burnout marks on your lips. :flipoff2:

With his dragon dick?

It was pretty tough and scaley. I still have a scar.

Fuckin Frank!
With his dragon dick?

It was pretty tough and scaley. I still have a scar.

Fuckin Frank!

He took you out? :laughing: He upgraded to super...

roughly 2200 members here, pretty decent growth, still sucks to see the PBB ship sinking..

I think it's very telling considering that 2200 are actually active members that have made an effort to come over here, plus a few of us lurkers. Its not an inflated number of members that do not contribute.
Here’s a thought....

what if everyone one registered with accounts on PBB using old username plus @irate4x4.com

like [email protected]

the idea being, whenever (even years from now) someone on PBB or google searches for a user name, The irate portion pops up as well.

Welp, "irate4x4.com" is officially a "censored" word....

Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 12.07.04 PM.png
I was glad of the crumbs left there so I could find my way to all you a-holes over here. :angel: I missed reading stupid shit for the last few years. :lmao:
Been visiting Pirate every day for 20 years. Beat97yj deleted me for not liking maple syrup. Fuck you :flipoff2:

I'll be honest. I was pretty pissed/and little drunk when I made this post. My apologies to Frank. I know it sucks worse for you than it did for me. Fuck them. Nothing against you dude. Had to say this.
What's really funny about this BS is that I had a 30day ban from them, until I talked shit on here and then it was a permaban. Fucking democrats:laughing:
Definitely India or another related former British colony....

"Minimize is a transitive verb which takes an object. The North American spelling is minimize, related words are minimizes and minimized, and the nouns minimizing, minimizer and minimization. Minimise is the preferred British spelling."
Whoa .... I got banned to. WTF did I do?!?!? :homer:

Have you done anything on their platform that would violate their terms?

If no, the butthurt from a competing product must have done it. That kind of butthurt reaction is why this place will flourish and PBB is dead.
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