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I know you try your damndest to be an ignorant fuck, but if you commit a crime and someone gets injured or killed it YOUR fault.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time fucknut.
You ignorant jackbooted fuck. People like you are why our society is shit.

Do you know what assault is? There was nothing even close to assault about that fact pattern.
You ignorant jackbooted fuck. People like you are why our society is shit.

Do you know what assault is? There was nothing even close to assault about that fact pattern.

So, you're not trying to ACT like a dumb fuck. You are a dumb fuck. :shaking:

People like me are why our society is shit? :lmao:

Yeah right. I believe in personal accountability. I believe if you steal you should be shot dead, if caught in the act.

You, on the other hand, are not very intelligent and you revel in it. Just reading your posts make my fuckin' melon ache.

I've never seen someone so proud to be such a fuck tard.
So, you're not trying to ACT like a dumb fuck. You are a dumb fuck. :shaking:

People like me are why our society is shit? :lmao:

Yeah right. I believe in personal accountability. I believe if you steal you should be shot dead, if caught in the act.

You, on the other hand, are not very intelligent and you revel in it. Just reading your posts make my fuckin' melon ache.

I've never seen someone so proud to be such a fuck tard.
Prosecuting people for crimes that were not committed is not how a free society ought to function.

I'm fine with using deadly force to stop thieves but if you think it's ok for the state to come in after the dust settles and pile on charges that have nothing to do with the crime then you are an authoritarian piece of shit.
Prosecuting people for crimes that were not committed is not how a free society ought to function.

I'm fine with using deadly force to stop thieves but if you think it's ok for the state to come in after the dust settles and pile on charges that have nothing to do with the crime then you are an authoritarian piece of shit.
You are a fucking retard and I'll just let you spew your tardation because I can't even wrap my head around your POV. Carry on.
You ignorant jackbooted fuck. People like you are why our society is shit.

Do you know what assault is? There was nothing even close to assault about that fact pattern.

Non licensed driver stops in front of you unexpectedly, you bumper tap him, who's at fault?
Non licensed driver stops in front of you unexpectedly, you bumper tap him, who's at fault?
His license status should have no bearing on who pays up nor should any of his other paperwork bullshit, only the facts of which drivers did what and when.
His license status should have no bearing on who pays up nor should any of his other paperwork bullshit, only the facts of which drivers did what and when.
Well, that's one opinion. It's worded like it's a fact, but still just an opinion. But you are wrong, because the cause of the whole mess is someone breaking a law. If he were licensed, and caused an accident, then he just caused an accident. But since the individual in question broke a law that led to the accident, then the original law should also be part of the case. If he were high as a damn kite or had a truck full of stolen horseradish, then that should also be part of it. You can't ignore certain facts just because you don't want to see them. The facts are there, the misdeeds are there and so should the punishment be there.
What you idiots consistently fail to grasp is that nobody got assaulted making the assault charge pure book throwing bullshit.

In the case we're talking about here the manager tackled the kid of his own free will and got skinned up in the process. The kid didn't assault anyone. So the assault charge is bullshit.

If the cop gets a flat tire from some shoulder debris responding to our hypothetical accident scene are we gonna charge the unlicensed guy with destruction of state property? Of fucking course not. Getting a flat from random trash in the shoulder sometimes happens when you pull a road car tire onto a highway shoulder full of trash, just like getting skinned up sometimes happens when you tackle someone.
Who was assaulted here?
That would depend on the legal definition of assault in the state where this happened. In Virginia, assault can be as simple as making someone fear injury. Actual injury usually involves a battery charge. But again, it depends on who, what, when and where, etc. Obviously people who know about about it than we do decided assault was warranted.
You are a fucking retard and I'll just let you spew your tardation because I can't even wrap my head around your POV. Carry on.
Just scroll on by like the rest of us. It's not worth arguing with someone who is willingly living the way he does, thinking he's saving a buck to prove a point that he saved a buck.

Good on him for doing it, but some of us are capable of being social and have learned to make a profit while doing it:smokin:
That would depend on the legal definition of assault in the state where this happened. In Virginia, assault can be as simple as making someone fear injury.
Good. Now we're getting somewhere.

So who feared injury in this case?
Idk about this one. I have a yellow lab who absolutely wants to kill coyotes and in a chase is easily a mile ahead of me before I can even get the rzr started and out of the garage. Hopefully he never runs into a pack of 11 but I have already seen him fight off 3 in broad daylight. I was able to scare 2 off firing warning shots but the third didn't care.
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