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Wow, talk about when idiots collide :homer:

Biker fag sure seemed like the aggressor. Pretty sure that video will hurt them more than help. Retards on both sides.
The comments said that the guy in the truck threw a bottle at the biker and hit the lady who was riding with him, then cut him off, stopped in front of him and got out.
I watched it with the sound off as the kids were around, but there were several comments that she needed to shut up and stop stirring the pot.
Seemed to me that the biker needed to practice getting his gun out and that he should have stayed back away from the guy (especially once he got his gun out).
Having her call the cops (on one phone while recording with the other) as soon as the guy cut them off and stopped in front of them, then lock the guys keys in his truck after he got out and drive a block down the road to wait for the cops before the guy got close enough to swipe at the biker with the knife would have been a more prudent course of action IMO.

Aaron Z
It was believed for centuries that the human body couldn’t handle speeds above 50 or 60 mph.
It was first believed that the brain couldn’t handle speeds of anything faster than a horse could run .

The first train ride demonstrations in England the riders took notes and wrote down their thoughts while moving to see if humans could think clearly at those speeds .
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heh someone at work was chatting me up about how they got little tiny drones that automatically fly at peoples faces

combined with a very small payload on each one that'd be some scary shit to airdrop over the enemy
Almost like the attack crows Adam Carolla is always talking about

He was saying if they should have crows trained to hang out at schools and attack anyone with a gun , or attack anyone crossing the border fence etc .
That would be poetic justice. They all get serious burns in a enclosed van. No fucking way would I get in that thing with that much gas in it.
No shit. Between trying to actually breathe and all the ignition sources.
heh someone at work was chatting me up about how they got little tiny drones that automatically fly at peoples faces

combined with a very small payload on each one that'd be some scary shit to airdrop over the enemy
This was a tv show on Netflix about a year back. If I recall all of the bees had died, so big tech made nano bee drones. But…someone started using them for evil purposes. Facial recognition and a large distributed network of drones, these bees found you and killed you.
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