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What the Epps is going on in Coeur d'Alene

So they are now arresting people for what they might possibly, couild do? WOW! We ALL are in for some serious prison time then. I thought there was White Privilege and power that was 100% protection?
I'm questioning the names, it's like they were all made up. Google doesn't know anything but the arrest records.
I can confirm that at least one of them is real, he probably doesn't have a FB account because he was banned again for saying that the Holocaust never happened.
His mother texted about it and confirmed he was arrested.

Aaron Z
:confused: So would you find it odd that I never had a Facebook?
Nope. If I didn't have family and friends across the country (and the world) to keep up with there's a good chance I wouldn't have one.

In his case he's been repeatedly banned from Facebook so it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't currently have an account.

Aaron Z
Nope. If I didn't have family and friends across the country (and the world) to keep up with there's a good chance I wouldn't have one.

In his case he's been repeatedly banned from Facebook so it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't currently have an account.

Aaron Z
Oh, makes sense.
Just so we're clear, it's odd that out of this group of 31 people none have a Facebook right?
Not odd that someone doesn't have a Facebook?
If we took random groups of 31 from this place I'd be willing to bet that not a single group would be FB free. It's almost statistically impossible....
One of my buddies was there. Here's his recording.

Every time someone tried to speak on the mic he played a predator call at full volume. Lol
So why were the "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles" out, did they expect people from the crowd to rush in and free their political prisoners? :stirthepot:
If we took random groups of 31 from this place I'd be willing to bet that not a single group would be FB free. It's almost statistically impossible....
If they're all like the one I know from that group and have been banned from Facebook because they won't stop posting about things like why they feel the Holocaust didn't exist I could see this being very possible and even likely...

Aaron Z
So why were the "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles" out, did they expect people from the crowd to rush in and free their political prisoners? :stirthepot:
TMNT..... :lmao::lmao::lmao:

It's all theatrics, trying to make sense of any of it is a giant waste of time. Lucky for the media and government the useful idiots eat shit like this right up and don't question it and they take care of those of us that do by labeling us conspiracy theorists, racist, ect. Again, the useful idiots eat it right up and don't ask questions.
If they're all like the one I know from that group and have been banned from Facebook because they won't stop posting about things like why they feel the Holocaust didn't exist I could see this being very possible and even likely...

Aaron Z
How well do you know this person? Internet acquaintance or is this a real life friend/relative?
I know the mother of one of the people who was arrested, she will happily tell you that her son is an idiot.
that pretty much covered most of them. I'm expecting to hear about my step-nephew
He's so stupid that he was kicked out of the Army, before his mates killed him
Definite follower, never had an original idea
So why were the "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles" out, did they expect people from the crowd to rush in and free their political prisoners? :stirthepot:
Must take some time to get all dressed up like you're in Fallout 4. I guess it wasn't a big hurry to get to the scene, which means it wasn't an emergency, which means all the battle rattle was not needed.

So why? Because photo ops, that's why. Those wanna be SOF guys got a call and were told "yeah, we got these guys hooked here and it's all good and under control so go ahead and take your time and put on that silly shit we got budget for last year or we won't get budget next year, ok?"
How well do you know this person? Internet acquaintance or is this a real life friend/relative?
I know him and his mother in real life, have since the mid 2000s, I have seen him a couple dozen times when we go out that way or when they come this way.
Her 3-4 times as much (especially once he got to be an late teen/adult and wanted to do his own thing and/or didn't want to travel out here with her).

Aaron Z
Interesting but no really new news, only the group names have changed. ID was/is the home of several white supremacist and similar ideology groups starting with the National Alliance, particularly in the N/panhandle area. They've been under FBI watch since I was a youngun...was even a write up in Playboy about them back in the 60s.
Hmm that cop on the right looks familar


Wait so they are all masked up, I thought that was what the government wanted to remove any source of identity by making us all wear masks because of covid! :flipoff2:
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