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What the Epps is going on in Coeur d'Alene


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sooooo now that that's a thing we can arrest antifa?

Hopefully...conspiracy to commit a riot seems like a new buzzword

The prosecutors are charging the Antifa members with 29 various felony counts. Conspiracy to commit a riot and the use of tear gas and assault with a deadly weapon are among the charges.

The far-Left defendants charged are: Alexander Akridge-Jacobs, 31, Jesse Merel Cannon, 32, Joseph Austin Gaskins, 21, Brian Cortez Lightfoot Jr., 25, Christian Martinez, 23, Luis Francisco Mora, 30, Samuel Howard Ogden, 24, Bryan Rivera, 20, Faraz Martin Talab, 27, Jeremy Jonathan White, 39, and Erich Louis Yach, 38.

While most of the defendants calmly plead “not guilty” to the charges, Erich Louis Yach caused a scene when the judge called him “Mr. Yach.” Even though Yach’s arrest warrant defines him to be a male, Yach lashed out at the judge and said, “Misses! I am transgender!” :lmao:

The indictment describes, in detail, various violent acts carried out by the Antifa members. They allegedly struck a victim with a baseball bat, hit a female with a wooden chair, fired a stun gun and pepper spray at multiple victims, and also used glass beer bottles as weapons.

The District Attorney’s office said in a statement last year, “video evidence analysis shows that overwhelmingly the violence in this incident was perpetrated by the Antifa affiliates and was not a mutual fray with both sides crossing out of lawful First Amendment expression into riot and violence.”

Good. I hope they do better than NYC who downgraded two liberal lawyers why THREW Molotov cocktails at a cop car and burned it (while cops were inside) to conspiracy to throw a molotov cocktail. WTF? they already threw it.
So when mugshots are taken, are there "civilian" clothes taken off and put in other clothes, or are they typically taken as soon as they are processed. Alot of them have different color shirts on. Never been processed, so dont know the procedure lol.
Yea I don't think a wardrobe change is allowed for processing unless the FBI screwed up and didn't get everyone the right size shirt.
The weirdest part about the whole thing is that anyone(fed or white supremist) choose Coeur d'Alene for their big organized thing they were going to carry out. Certainly if either one wanted it more in the public eye they could have done this in New York, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.

The place picked is fairly obvious. Safe, low key place where cops can control all attendees, no chance of being overrun, less cameras, less people around in general than in those big cities.

On top of that, and this is a little out there, but what better place to use some Canadian feds as actors instead of burning their own recruits.
The place picked is fairly obvious. Safe, low key place where cops can control all attendees, no chance of being overrun, less cameras, less people around in general than in those big cities.

On top of that, and this is a little out there, but what better place to use some Canadian feds as actors instead of burning their own recruits.
Add in the ideas of
“this never happens outside of the big cities”
And earlier this year Antifa was was bragging about coming to “the country”
Add in the ideas of
“this never happens outside of the big cities”
And earlier this year Antifa was was bragging about coming to “the country”

another hint it was staged... you're in a "quiet" city thats having a low key pride parade, and suddenly there is 50 cops in full riot gear? look at any other parade they attend around the country this month. none of them are in full battle rattle and riot gear.

show arrests with actors/agents. these patriot front dumbasses have always been fed controlled and will continue to be.
On top of that, and this is a little out there, but what better place to use some Canadian feds as actors instead of burning their own recruits.
If that's true, the Canoodle feds showed incredible discipline.

. . . I didn't read aboot a single one of 'em apologizing :flipoff2:
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If that's true, the Canoodle feds showed incredible discipline.

. . . I didn't read aboot a singe one of 'em apologizing :flipoff2:

why apologize for what you are getting paid to do?

i mean, one of them they arrested even had an FBI bullhorn.
Interview with a cop admitting there were informants in with the group.

At 24 the seconds mark the cop is asked how they new of these guys.

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