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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

Last night I saw that Novak Jokovic won the gold medal in the Olympics. This after fucked up australia and Faggot Biden mandates wouldn't let him play tennis there and here a couple years ago. Guess it didn't hurt him too bad to be unjabbed and after I looked it up to confirm he was who I thought I read he even supposedly had the Chyna beerflu for a while. When I saw the Gold Medal news I was all-
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My wife's been eat up with covid the past week. She's a hospital employee who got the first jab early on to stay employed. I think that's the only shot she took.

She didn't give it to me, thankfully. But I'm a pure blood so there's that. :grinpimp: She got it from work most likely.

A 60 year old acquaintance of my wife had a heart attack last week which caused her to be brain dead. They pulled her off life support yesterday. I wonder if she had this:

"As Slay News reported, the case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years.

Cerebral ischemia is a form of deadly brain damage triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain."
A 60 year old acquaintance of my wife had a heart attack last week which caused her to be brain dead. They pulled her off life support yesterday. I wonder if she had this:

"As Slay News reported, the case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years.

Cerebral ischemia is a form of deadly brain damage triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain."
The difficulty will be to see if a doctor is willing to attribute it to that.
A lot of them are too scared or in bed with the machine so it will always be written off as coincidence.

Sorry to hear about it, I wish your wife well.
I hope they keep releasing this poison Covid mRNA vaccines and reduce the population for us PureBloods.

There are too many stupid people and they are the prime target. With any luck most if not all liberal Democrats will be wiped off the face of this planet :flipoff2:
I only worry for our kids.

Because other kids have other parents, and those other kids were born innocent but their parents could have had them jabbed. So now, your son or daughter can meet their future spouse and end up with one that's vaxxed. I really hope it's only a 5 year timeline of concern and that negative aspects of this injection can go away after that. Just because I care about the future and would hate to see trouble for current kids that didn't make that choice but had it forced upon them.
Tim, the Martin video is relevent but the assertion that "They knew THEY wre going to release a patholgical virus" does not add up. Pfizer didnt release it and the CCP cant profit from a Pfizer vaccine. In fact, the Chynah shutdown wrecked their economy. The virus OUTBREAK inception point was a secured Chinese laboratory in Wuhan Chynah. What is the connection between pFizer and the CCP laboratory ? That quacks like a duck.
What is the connection between pFizer and the CCP laboratory ? That quacks like a duck.

I would hazard a guess the connection would be the CCP lab was performing gain of function research through US gov't funding. Although Pfizer may not be directly tied to that funding let's not ignore the possibility they have some influence in that area
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