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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

Same question can be asked of anything anywhere. As I alluded to, there are 300 million weibo chatters and nothing about famine. India and Viet Nam are adjacent and there is nothing there. There has been recent media leaked out of the teh Wuhan regarding the virus, the shutdowns. Nothing therein was even close to famine documentation. If the virus info leaked out, the famine info would have leaked out. There is no flood of skeleton bone showing peeps streaming into Viet Nam or anywhere for that matter. Despite the accepted complete and total disbelief in this select iBB population of anything to the contrary, there is life outside of Joe Rogan. No famine in China because there is no evidence of it. The flow of iPhones is unabated. China imports its food, that takes money, and they havent run out of money. Yet :flipoff2: 13 $trillion$ economy is running right now.
Where do you find credible demonstrable evidence for anything going on in china?

Actually, a way better answer to that kind of answerless question you asked is the keyboard you are typing on. Made in China. The iPhones are coming for you :flipoff2: Harbor freight is next.
Sensationalized math…. But statistically possible


Story at-a-glance​

  • In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning
  • The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis
  • In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo
  • The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines
  • The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism
More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination

The COVID data that I’ve read through and analyzed this week is so shocking that I had to check my math twice. I must have made a mistake, I thought. Out of the 1,195,000 active duty military members in the USA and the 778,000 reserve troops, 863,013 developed nervous system diseases in the six-month period between August of 2021 and this past January. That’s 43% of the troops.
That’s according to data from an attorney named Thomas Renz, who just presented the military vaccine data to a US Senate committee. Renz has also put the US government on notice with a warning: All COVID vaccine mandates from the US government must end immediately.
Renz presented the data to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) this past week. He’s the attorney representing 30 US Navy sailors in Florida, who are suing the lawless Biden regime over the vaccine mandates. A few days ago, I wrote about one of Renz’s whistleblowers who is a US Army flight surgeon, Dr. Theresa Long. Dr. Long broke down and cried on the stand last week as she testified about how thousands of her fellow soldiers have been permanently harmed by the COVID vaccines.
Renz also sent the same document – roughly 200 pages – to every elected Member of Congress, all 50 state governors and all fifty state Attorneys General. There is no longer any excuse. Almost every high-level elected official now has a copy of the data that Renz pulled from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). They all know that the COVID vaccines are doing permanent damage to people and shaving decades off their lives.

DMED is one of the most highly respected epidemiology databases in the world. The Army has a whole division that monitors and maintains the database. It’s a far more accurate database than the CDC’s VAERS system, which supposedly under-reports vaccine injuries by about 90%.
From 2016 to 2020, the five-year average for military members developing nervous system diseases was about 82,000 per year. Between this past August and January, right when Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for the troops went into effect, that number jumped by 1,048% to 863,013.
“Nervous system diseases” is a blanket term, but some of the conditions that this includes are extremely serious, like epilepsy. If you start having seizures, your military career is over, no matter which branch of the service you’re in. People with epilepsy aren’t even allowed to join the military.
Those aren’t the only shocking data points from the DMED information. During that same time period of August 2021 through January 2022, the following spikes in serious illnesses and diseases occurred in the US military:
Cases of testicular cancer went up 369% (3,537 cases). Breast cancers went up 536% (4,357 cases). Stomach cancers were up 624% (4,060 cases) and thyroid cancers were up 474% (1,950 cases). Neuroendocrine cancers, ovarian cancers, and esophageal cancers were all up significantly as well.
22,620 servicemembers developed thyroid dysfunction after getting vaccinated, a 303% increase over the five-year average. 2,750 servicemembers developed multiple sclerosis, a 680% increase.
53,846 servicemembers were diagnosed with hypertension after being vaccinated. The five-year average prior to Joe Biden’s illegal, conscience-violating vaccine mandate was 2,360 cases of hypertension each year. Hypertension cases jumped by 2,281% after Biden’s mandate.
307 servicemembers developed myocarditis, 850 developed pericarditis, 3,489 had pulmonary embolisms, and 3,136 had cerebral infarctions. Their military careers are over. The babies of 18,951 pregnant servicemembers developed congenital malformations in the womb after the mothers were vaccinated.
The saddest data point revealed by the DMED data is the number of servicemembers who were sexually sterilized by the COVID shots. 11,748 women and 8,365 men became sterile after Joe Biden forced them to take these experimental shots. That’s 20,113 people who volunteered to serve their country, who will never be able to have children now. Another 4,086 female servicemembers now have ovarian dysfunction, so they also may or may not be able to have children.
If tens of thousands of servicemembers have sustained these injuries from the vaccines, how many millions of Americans in the general population must be suffering right now? This human experimentation program has been catastrophic, and it needs to end immediately.

To read attorney Thomas Renz’s report to Congress yourself, you will find it HERE. Pages 9 and 10 of the document contain the relevant military vaccine injury data in an easy-to-read chart.

The Thai Royal Family is told that the Princess is a victim of C19 mRNA injection and advisers to the Government recommend declaring injection contracts “null and void”​

Recent Data Shows ‘Stunning Increase’ in Serious Harm Reports in Young Healthy Pilots

After querying all pilots across the DOD, for all-cause morbidity and mortality, I found a stunning increase in the number of reportable events, spiking from an average of 226 reportable events a year (2016-2019) to 4,059 reports in 2022,” she explained.
...after the DMED data was presented, Moderna, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology company behind one of the COVID-19 vaccinations and its mRNA immune response technology, lost $140 billion of dollars in stock.

Yet, despite the alarming data coming directly from the DOD’s own $42 million medical surveillance database, the department’s official claimed that the discovery of the data was a “data glitch” and proceeded to take the database offline, supposedly “fixing” it.

As reported in The Epoch Times, the DOD claimed that the data in DMED was incorrect for the years 2016-2020, but the 2021 number was not affected. The corrected data saw the data for prior years increased, which made the 2021 data look normal.
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We don't want cheap things that work.

That's part of it, the other part is plain old killing people off, sterilizing people, debilitating illnesses and the like and then of course control.

We still don't know why they are wanting to hack into our DNA with the MnRA thing.
We still don't know why they are wanting to hack into our DNA with the MnRA thing.

Would it help with organ harvesting? Not a doc n didn’t stay at a holiday inn

My guess is to create a dumbed down human version of worker drones.

Then they breed amongst the chosen ones (themselves).

Medical Industrial Complex

I'm guessing the line between the Military Industrial Complex and the Medical Industrial Complex is very fine.

We still don't know why they are wanting to hack into our DNA with the MnRA thing.
well, genetic modification has many many many applications, sci-fi or otherwise

kinda glad they got a bunch of voluntary guinea pigs, the less consensual kind of human experimentation gets quite the connotation to it
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