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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

I was not really trying. I just like to irk them when they come around. He was quick to ask me what I thought about trump having classified documents when that all happened. He's pretty quiet now. Overall he's a good guy. We just disagree.
I’ve stopped calling intellectually dishonest people “good” a long time ago.

A person that purposely ignores shit that’s crooked as fuck because it’s “good for his team” is not a good person imo.
Not anymore the aren't

smartest thing "they" did was to lump people who had questions about the new unproven unapproved covid vaccine was to lump them in with the anti "ALL" vaccine people. The dems are the masters of splitting up and lumping groups of people together for their own ends.

I tried to explain to a friend of a friend who asked why I was anti vax that I was not anti vax. I had all my vaccines but I had questions about the covid therapeutic (said that on purpose) and he corrected me that it WAS a vaccine. I asked what good is a vaccine if it does not stop you from getting it or spreading it. He said that if I cared about society I would take it. COMPLETELY brainwashed.
I've argued this ad nauseum. A person, who has previous vaccines, who is willing to get future vaccines, who doesn't want a particular vaccine is not an "anti-vaxxer".

This is red or blue planet. And on red or blue planet, you have to be either red or blue. And on this planet, I may very well get screeched at by some fucktard for not wanting a murna booster while waiting to get a rabies shot because I got bit by a nutria rat, and called an anti-vaxxer. While waiting patiently for a vaccine.

Welcome to America.

In case any of you guys missed this you should take another look. Absolutely incredible video. I respect what PV does even if I think they are drama clickbait sometimes.

The confrontation went well::homer:

It seems like fully half of the people that get caught up in their videos are gayer than cum on a mustache?
I’ve stopped calling intellectually dishonest people “good” a long time ago.

A person that purposely ignores shit that’s crooked as fuck because it’s “good for his team” is not a good person imo.
I had the same revelation sometime during the whole Covid plandemic. Based on that I eliminated interactions with more than half of the people I know. Still won't even speak to a person wearing a mask or patronize any business that actively enforced stupidity.
In case any of you guys missed this you should take another look. Absolutely incredible video. I respect what PV does even if I think they are drama clickbait sometimes.

The confrontation went well::homer:

It seems like fully half of the people that get caught up in their videos are gayer than cum on a mustache?

Epic fucking meltdown :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I think you have to look at the places they record the videos...
Epic fucking meltdown :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I think you have to look at the places they record the videos...
I mean the subjects not the bystanders. The classic honeypot tactic works either way but it really seems like they catch a lot of guys who want to brag about doing nefarious shit to some guy they just met.

I kinda feel for the people in the restaurant and the business owner. I probably would have kicked them all out causing a ruckus like that lmao.
I mean the subjects not the bystanders. The classic honeypot tactic works either way but it really seems like they catch a lot of guys who want to brag about doing nefarious shit to some guy they just met.

I kinda feel for the people in the restaurant and the business owner. I probably would have kicked them all out causing a ruckus like that lmao.
Yeah I did feel bad for the girl "respect my fathers business" she should have separated them from her store at a minimum.
You got me there. Let me rephrase. There’s not a single person on earth that took the vaccine, that can honestly say the vaccine was a good idea:lmao:

Remember during the middle of the scamdemic special, when we’d mock the vaccine and its efficacy and safety here?

Off the top of my head, I remember multiple members, including Norm, East beast, crustyjeep and eviltwit that would immediately jump into the conversation to tell us how ignorant we were and vouched for their lords regarding the vaccines. The same shit happened across all social media platforms and we were called baby killers.

But now, it’s pure silence, I wonder why that is? And like you pointed out, the only people still telling us how amazing the vaccines are, have been profiting heavily from them.
A good friend who was “forced” to take it just found out his younger Primary Care Physician mid to early 30’s suddenly retired and nobody has heard from him. My friend was also his medical rep and all the other reps got zero notice and radio silence. Like he suddenly developed health problems and is going to live his life while he can. He was aslo a cery big Moderna guy. “Its the best”. Make sure you get your boosters.

My Buddy got the J&J as was told thats the bad one and will make you sick…

Inspector General: NIH Failed To Monitor Wuhan COVID-19 Research​


An explosive new report from the HHS Office of Inspector General blasted the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for knowing of potential risks from research it funded that was undertaken in China. Federal grant money, the report charged, was not properly monitored for safety compliance.
The NIH has long provided taxpayer funding to the EcoHealth Alliance. In turn, EcoHealth used these federal dollars to support dangerous and controversial gain-of-function research. And many of these studies were implemented by foreign groups.

Such as, for example, the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s coronavirus research that many suspect unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic that killed tens of millions worldwide.
The Inspector General’s report found the medical research agency failed to ascertain whether testing at the Wuhan facility involved dangerous pathogens capable of igniting a global pandemic.

The audit examined three grants to EcoHealth, operated by British scientist Peter Daszak, from 2014 to 2021. It determined that both EcoHealth and the NIH did not “understand the nature of the research conducted, identify potential problem areas, and take corrective action.”
The report said that if the NIH had exercised proper oversight, “more timely corrective actions” may have been possible to lower the risks involved in this field of research.
Of course, early proponents of the Wuhan lab leak theory were demonized for being “conspiracy theorists” and “xenophobic.”
That attitude has rapidly changed.
More and more scientists are adding credibility to the belief that COVID-19 may have been unleashed through an accident at the Wuhan research facility. It may not be a coincidence that the site is under 10 miles from the animal slaughter market where the first human cluster of cases originated.
Many points towards the unique spike protein found in the coronavirus as proof of human engineering. Others, however, cite evidence that COVID-19 made the jump from animals to humans, likely at that same market where disease-carrying animals were kept in unsanitary conditions.
Wherever the origin is ultimately determined to be, what is known is that EcoHealth was granted $8 million in taxpayer funds between 2014 and 2021. Some of that money went to the Wuhan facility, and the government’s own watchdog said it was not properly monitored.
Anyone who got the J&J and didn't die the 1st month are probably going to be fine. It's the Pfizer/Moderna mrna shit thats going to do who knows what long term.
Thats what I tell him but he folded like a lawn chair at a weight watchers convention so he’s not super strong willed. I told him. If id did what they wanted it to do they wouldn’t have removed it from the market. And neither of us think its for stopping covid.
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